Profanation: Lesbian Provocation Staged at Spanish Marian Shrine

Last weekend, a woman on her knees asked another woman to "marry" her in front of the famous image of the Virgin of El Rocio in Huelva, Spain.

The performance was staged to be filmed and used as a provocation by the oligarchs' media. They sold the show as something "wonderful". even called it an emotional "proposal". The two women ended their performance with a kiss.

Spain's law on religious freedom (General Law 7 of 5 July 1980) sanctions such acts of desecration of a church, but it is unlikely that Spain's regime will allow this to happen.


Filthy pigs who mock God. Payback will be horrible.
Ann Smith
Haven't seen anything yet! Pray!
Billy F
Demonic!!!! The Empire of Death!!! Straight from the Realm of Darkness!!!
No surprise, we all knew this was going to start happening.
Blame Bergoglio-Zanchetta-Rupnik-Pachamama a.k.a. Poop Frankie, Pastor Diabolicus.