Apparition and Message of Our Lady 14/09/11 given at Borg in Nadur Malta. (P348) Message of 14th September 2011, given at Borg in-Nadur My dear children and my children – the ones of my heart! How …More
Apparition and Message of Our Lady 14/09/11 given at Borg in Nadur Malta.

(P348) Message of 14th September 2011, given at Borg in-Nadur

My dear children and my children – the ones of my heart!

How often are you praying, my children? What relevance does prayer have in your life? How much time are you finding for prayer – so as to break away from the day and be recollected? How much time are you finding for this?

And what are we to say about Sundays and holidays? What are we to say of them? Are you giving God all that is his? Or are you selecting? Work is of higher importance – it comes first! What do you think about this, my children? Are you observing Sunday? Are you going to Mass or not? Or have you forgotten about Sunday? Or maybe you think of it as something of a bygone day? Some even work on Sunday without really needing to. Why is it so, my children?

Observe the Sunday obligation. Come together in God. Unite. Indeed, my children, let Sunday be blessed. Let Sunday be there for Mass and do not be like many who neglect Mass for the sake of work. Indeed, my children, on Sundays gather together in a special way at Mass and in prayer.

Indeed, my children, this is my wish, as well as the wish of my Son Jesus. Attend to Sunday. Indeed, my children, do not let Sunday be like the rest of the week. Assemble and be lifted up to my Son Jesus.

Thank you, my children, for having listened to my call.