Vaticano 192 - 2015-22-03 - The Shrine of Pompeii. On this week’s VATICANO: The Korean Bishops are on an Ad-Limina visit with Francis and will celebrate a festive Mass in St. Peter’s Basilica. Pope …More
Vaticano 192 - 2015-22-03 - The Shrine of Pompeii.

On this week’s VATICANO: The Korean Bishops are on an Ad-Limina visit with Francis and will celebrate a festive Mass in St. Peter’s Basilica. Pope Francis celebrated a penitential moment of prayer and calls for an extraordinary Jubilee Year. The Shrine of Our Lady of Pompei gets ready to receive Pope Francis for a visit and in the UN a meeting of specialists discusses the death penalty. All this plus: a new book on the Armenian Genocide was released and a fresco right by the Vatican radiates its restored beauty.
Yes Abramo
"Ni alguien es cismático por negar la sujeción al Romano Pontífice por tener dudas sólidamente fundamentadas concernientes a la legitimidad de su elección o de su potestad" (DE LUGO, Disputationes Scholasticae et Morales, De Virtute Fidei Divinae, disp. xxv, sect. iii, nn. 35-8)
"No se puede contar entre los cismáticos a quienes rehusan obedecer al Romano Pontífice por considerar su persona sospechosa o,teniendo en cuenta los rumores en circulación, de dudosa elección" (F.X. WERNZ P. VIDALl - Ius Canonicum, 7:398, 1947
Fiel al Evangelio
"You are free to criticise Francis it is not a sin." Of course because he is not God. That why Saint Peter Damián said : "Nobody is Above Correction in The Catholic Church."
I dont believe Francis is a pope but this is truth even for Peter when Paul Criticise him. The Bible warns us not to put any man above God that's Idolatry. The only one who die for us was Jesus Christ.
Acts 5:29
But Peter and …More
"You are free to criticise Francis it is not a sin." Of course because he is not God. That why Saint Peter Damián said : "Nobody is Above Correction in The Catholic Church."
I dont believe Francis is a pope but this is truth even for Peter when Paul Criticise him. The Bible warns us not to put any man above God that's Idolatry. The only one who die for us was Jesus Christ.
Acts 5:29
But Peter and the apostles answered, “We must obey God rather than men.
Interesting waht the Corean bishop says about Francis... minute 2.10