
Website of German Bishops Attacks African Church

On 11/25/15 Björn Odendahl wrote on katholisch.de the piece "Romantic, poor church". Odendahl is editor at katholisch.de which is

the official news-website of the German Bishops’ Conference. Quotes:

The Pope is right in many respects, but not in all. Already Francis' encyclical Laudato si contained a critique of capitalism that was much too sweeping and riddled with too much distrust of progress despite its good thoughts about the environment. This does not do justice to the old world and romanticizes the bad situations which Francis actually wants to improve.

Just as in Africa. Of course, the church is growing there. It grows because people are left behind socially and often nothing more than their faith is left to them. It grows because the level of education is on average at a lower level, and people accept simple answers to difficult questions. Answers as they are given, for example, by Cardinal Sarah from Guinea.

Of course, one wishes for Europe more joy of faith and a bigger missionary strength. But a romanticized ideal of poverty the way not only the Pope requires it, does not help us to progress. The Church also needs an administrative structure and money in order to do good.

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