Father Bradley: 10-26.mp3 - Gospel, Epistle, Homily. Solemnity of Christ the King (unknown year) Father Bradley, S.J. Epistle, Gospel, Homily St. Mary Cathedral, Austin, TX October 26 (unknown year, …More
Father Bradley: 10-26.mp3 - Gospel, Epistle, Homily.

Solemnity of Christ the King (unknown year)

Father Bradley, S.J.
Epistle, Gospel, Homily
St. Mary Cathedral, Austin, TX
October 26 (unknown year, possibly 2008 as the Solemnity of Christ the King falls on the last Sunday in October according to the 1962 missal. Most recent Sunday Oct 26 was 2014 but Fr. Bradley passed in Dec of 2013)

-33:01 - Epistle in Latin starts immediately
-29:10 - Gospel in Latin
-26:39 - Epistle in English
-24:32 - Gospel in English
-22:29 - Homily in English through to the end