President Obama Not a Blessing for Africa. Human Life International Regional Director for French-speaking Africa George Wirnkar says it's apparent across Africa that President Obama is not the blessing …More
President Obama Not a Blessing for Africa.

Human Life International Regional Director for French-speaking Africa George Wirnkar says it's apparent across Africa that President Obama is not the blessing people thought he would be due to the Obama administration's radical anti-life policies. "Africans are gradually realizing that some of the most terrible things that are happening to Africa now in terms of defense of life and the protection of the family are being ... supported and funded by U.S. taxpayer dollars."


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"The excitement of having somebody of African extraction at the White House kicks in a certain amount of emotion that make him look very much like a novelty, that makes him look like a successful person that needs to be supported. But I'll tell you, many Africans are gradually also realizing that some of the most terrible things that are happening to Africa now in terms of defense of life and protection of the family are being pushed and authored by Americans. Hillary Clinton was down there a few months ago pushing for this. It is no secret that a lot of laws that are being passed in certain countries like Malawi, or are being pushed in countries like Uganda, or the referendum that liberalized abortion in Kenya, or Rwanda are things that are supported and funded by U.S. taxpayer dollars. That is where our work also comes into play because Obama is seen as the novelty, as the hero, as the achiever, as the person who [broke the color barrier] that stopped African-Americans from becoming president, but it is more and more being known that he is also not the blessing people thought he was for Africa."