EWTN News Nightly - 2014-11-13 Leadership in Congress is taking shape – Jason Calvi reports from Capitol Hill. President Obama meets with Myanmar’s President continues his weeklong Asia tour, we speak …More
EWTN News Nightly - 2014-11-13

Leadership in Congress is taking shape – Jason Calvi reports from Capitol Hill. President Obama meets with Myanmar’s President continues his weeklong Asia tour, we speak with Wall Street Journal’s Myanmar Correspondent, Shibani Mahtani. A forum for Catholic-Muslim dialogue has just wrapped at the Vatican – we speak with a member of the Muslim Delegation who was there. As the number of victims continue to rise from an Indian sterilization drive, we speak about sterilization campaigns in third-world countries with Dr. Pia de Solenni. And a new PEW Research Center poll shows an alarming decline in Hispanics identifying as Catholic – Wyatt Goolsby introduces us to a group of young Catholics trying to turn that tide.