Gloria.TV News on the 6th of August 2015 he Other Way Around: During Wednesday’s General Audience, Pope Francis said that remarried divorcees should not be treated as if they were excommunicated. It …More
Gloria.TV News on the 6th of August 2015

he Other Way Around: During Wednesday’s General Audience, Pope Francis said that remarried divorcees should not be treated as if they were excommunicated. It is not clear what Francis meant as, at present, the big problem in the Church is not that such people are treated as excommunicated, but rather that their adultery is belittled and the fact that they are living in mortal sin is ignored.

Catholics Must Oppose: The preparatory document for the upcoming Synod on the Family poses a “very real danger to the family”, according to John Smeaton, the co-founder of Voice of the Family. He says that the document undermines the doctrine on contraception, is neutral on the killing of unborn children during In vitro fertilization, prepares the ground for accepting cohabitation and homosex unions and reduces the indissolubility of marriage to a mere ‘ideal’. Smeaton urges Catholics not to give in to a false sense of obedience. Quote: “They have a duty to oppose the direction being taken at the Synod.”

No Gay Scouts: Bishop David Kagan of Bismarck, North Dakota, has disaffiliated all his parishes, schools and other institutions from the Boy Scouts of America with immediate effect because the group decided to lift its ban on homosex adult leaders. On Monday, bishop Kagan wrote in a letter: "I cannot permit our Catholic institutions to accept and participate directly or indirectly in any organization which has policies and methods which contradict the authoritative moral teachings of the Catholic Church." The eight Boy Scout troops of the diocese will join another faith-based organization.

Neoconservative: In a polemical article the neoconservative George Weigel rants on firsttings.com against the Holy See’s prudent response to the Ukrainian conflict, attacking the Vatican, Russia and the Russian-Orthodox Church. He complains about a “weakness in the West”. But who is Weigel’s West? Is it President Obama’s abortion and pseudo-marriage regime? Is it NATO whose military power is 10 times bigger than the one of Russian? Is it the European Union, which now is forcing anti-marriage and homosex legislation upon Ukraine? Firstthings.com would do a service to truth by un-publishing Weigel’s article.
Russia has the highest per capita abortion rate of any country in the world. It is nearly double what it is in America or western Europe. It has a higher suicide rate than Japan. It has high rates of street crime, racism, drug use, alcohol abuse, corruption, pre-marital sex, organized crime, wife beating, atheism, prostitution...
The West has these things too, and I am not pro-western... but I …More
Russia has the highest per capita abortion rate of any country in the world. It is nearly double what it is in America or western Europe. It has a higher suicide rate than Japan. It has high rates of street crime, racism, drug use, alcohol abuse, corruption, pre-marital sex, organized crime, wife beating, atheism, prostitution...

The West has these things too, and I am not pro-western... but I think it is very naive for someone to think that Russia is a Christian society.

They are intervening in the Ukraine has nothing to do with stopping Ukraine from adopting homosexual ideologies. I think if Ukraine adopted gay marriage, but they rejected the EU and NATO, Russia would be very happy. They are intervening in Ukraine is 100% nationalism, and the fact that they think this land belongs to them and they don't want it going to join the EU or NATO.
Maria Medeiros
Lets pray for Pope Francis.
atreverse pensar
I think that Francis can't be a Pope.
👍 👍
Satanás separa las familias, satanás les causa ese sufrimiento y ese mal a las familias, ahora satanás mismo a través de su siervo bergoglio les acoge con su falso amor, con su falsa compasión y falsa misericordia. Un verdadero pastor de Cristo se preocupa por su salvación y condena lo malo que lleva a la perdición. Con esto el falso profeta que aprueba el adulterio, éste se incrementará como …More
Satanás separa las familias, satanás les causa ese sufrimiento y ese mal a las familias, ahora satanás mismo a través de su siervo bergoglio les acoge con su falso amor, con su falsa compasión y falsa misericordia. Un verdadero pastor de Cristo se preocupa por su salvación y condena lo malo que lleva a la perdición. Con esto el falso profeta que aprueba el adulterio, éste se incrementará como nunca antes visto. Hay de ustedes siervos del falso profeta que defienden lo abominable por Dios.
Peregrina de la fe
El adulterio es pecado, pero es amor acoger al pecador (quise decir como se entiende por lo que sigue de la frase) y ayudarle a llevar una vida digna y cerca de Dios.
🤗 El corazón malo todo lo interpreta mal 🙏
adeste fideles
Jesucristo aborrece el adulterio, por eso quien vive cometiendo ese pecado no puede estar en comunión con Él.
333 Contigo en lucha por Dios
Peregrina de la fe
El adulterio es pecado, pero es amor, acogerlo y ayudarle a llevar una vida digna y cerca de Dios.
Chris P.
Those who choose to continue to live in the state of Mortal Sin - adultery with the valid spouse of another -
see CCC 1650. They may not receive the Sacraments.
CCC: " 1651 Toward Christians who live in this situation, and who often keep the faith and desire to bring up their children in a Christian manner, priests and the whole community must manifest an attentive solicitude, so that they do …More
Those who choose to continue to live in the state of Mortal Sin - adultery with the valid spouse of another -
see CCC 1650. They may not receive the Sacraments.

CCC: " 1651 Toward Christians who live in this situation, and who often keep the faith and desire to bring up their children in a Christian manner, priests and the whole community must manifest an attentive solicitude, so that they do not consider themselves separated from the Church,
in whose life they can and must participate as baptized persons:
They should be encouraged to listen to the Word of God, to attend the Sacrifice of the Mass,
to persevere in prayer, to contribute to works of charity and to community efforts for justice,
to bring up their children in the Christian faith,
to cultivate the spirit and practice of penance and thus implore, day by day, God's grace. "
PALABRAS CLARAS NO CONFUNDEN, PALABRAS DOBLADAS CONFUNDE A LA GENTE , VI EL telediario y todos contestos , es que no saben que es P E C A D O ?????????
El Papa está hablando en un doble lenguaje al decir que la Iglesia No excluye a los divorciados vueltos a casar, pero No dice que están viviendo en pecado mortal.
Exacto,la Iglesia Católica no excluye a nadie pero se rige por un Magisterio que tiene MUY CLARO que quienes viven en adulterio NO pueden recibir la Santa Comunión.
¡¡Cuántas almas se irán al infierno al aceptar, promover y engañar a …
El Papa está hablando en un doble lenguaje al decir que la Iglesia No excluye a los divorciados vueltos a casar, pero No dice que están viviendo en pecado mortal.
Exacto,la Iglesia Católica no excluye a nadie pero se rige por un Magisterio que tiene MUY CLARO que quienes viven en adulterio NO pueden recibir la Santa Comunión.

¡¡Cuántas almas se irán al infierno al aceptar, promover y engañar a la gente con estas declaraciones de Francisco!!
Leonard Wessell
Recently Weigel published in National Review an article trying to play down the problematic unorthodoxy that IS Pope Francis. I wrote a contra-comment longer than the article ripping apart the orthodxy of Francis. Weigel is a "neo-Catholic", i.e., a believer still trying to convincing himself that Francis is a continuation and not an abberation of the papacy. I suspect my counter comment caused the …More
Recently Weigel published in National Review an article trying to play down the problematic unorthodoxy that IS Pope Francis. I wrote a contra-comment longer than the article ripping apart the orthodxy of Francis. Weigel is a "neo-Catholic", i.e., a believer still trying to convincing himself that Francis is a continuation and not an abberation of the papacy. I suspect my counter comment caused the article to be removed sooner than normal. So, conflict exists between us. Weigel is, however, a part of that (now all too) vague thing called American Conservatism. I am part of that thing called American Conservatism. Unfortunately, against my now and then advice, Gloria.tv submerges itself into matters it knows little about and evinces a all too common Anti-Americanism (even found in the Neue Rechte here in Germany). Gloria.tv's estimate of US military is false, takes no account of its neglect by Obama and the plans to reduce it to a size in total smaller than before WW II. I will not enter into details. There are things about Putin's Russia that I admire (e.g., his anti-abortionism and his friendly stance towards the Orthodox Church. But Putin is a Russian doll within a doll within a doll and Gloria.tv has only grasped the outer doll even overlooking the fact that "free speech" is a dangerous commodity in Russia (while there I hush up). I doubt that Gloria knows who are those advising Putin, such as Alexandr Dugin -- a fanatic panslavic ideologist, now professor at a Russian university. So that you innnocents at Gloria.tv can grasp an inside into the glorious Christian (sic) ideas behind Putin I suggest perchasing from Amazon James D. Heiser, "The American Empire Should Be Destroyed". Alexander Dugin and the Perils of Immanentized Eschatology (2014). That does make Putin's Russia into an anti-American danger. (I am thinking about coming out of retirement and arranging to teach at a Russian uni. If so, I would hope to meet the man.) You will discover in Dugin the not too pleasant "immanentized eschatology" behind Putin's thinking, a thinking that once led him to proclaim that Russian Orthodoxy is more like Islam than Western Christianity (and he meant Catholicism). A Christianity on the model of Islam (no separation between Mosque/Church and state) is indeed in opposition to my Americanism. Dugin's "The American Empire should be destroyed" reflects Putin's views on America and does, indeed, make him into, at best, an antagonist against America (of which I, to repeat, am a conservative part). Enough, oh friend Gloria.tv, remain where you are competent.

There is a battle for the soul of America going on now, a cultural war (which is slowly taking shape in European, though Europeans are always a bit weak re resisting centralizing power, EU tyranny -- were I British I would be part of UKIP.. Alas, our American PROGRESSIVE president, Wilson, dragged America into WW I and had to save Europe in WW II and has protected Europe since at great cost. Europeanism has since then inflected my Americanism. But, back to American and the cultural war. The current dismemberment of the unborn is focalizing the tension, it goes deeper than Republican vs Democrat opposition. I am not sure where it will end and I now refuse to say the famous "I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and for that which it stands ..." because today it stands for that which was not the America out of which I come. Spiritually I am without a state. (Germany's Gender Mainstreaming is a horror story.) Obama is not an American in spirit, rather a European socialist or Social Democrat, say of the Swedish model. So, you see, I have different views.The superficiality of Gloria.tv's knowledge here freigthens me. I might add that Catholics, from lay to prelates have overwhelmingly supported the Democrat Party and its "progressivism". Cardinal Dolan's silence on such Democrat pusing and realizing abortion through Planned Parenthood is a sign of current Catholicism in America. Part of the disease in America flourishes in the Catholic Church, just as it does in Europe.

I repeat as a friend of Gloria.tv, stay within you competence and take it easy on your all too European anti-Americanism.
adeste fideles
Las declaraciones de Francisco pueden causar confusión a algunos... Recordemos que los divorciados vueltos a casar, de acuerdo a las Sagradas Escrituras son considerados adúlteros y aunque No quedan excluídos de la Comunidad de los Fieles Católicos, Sí están privados del DERECHO A COMULGAR. Cuidado con las interpretaciones erróneas, la Palabra de Dios es muy clara:
Lucas 16, 18
Todo el que se …More
Las declaraciones de Francisco pueden causar confusión a algunos... Recordemos que los divorciados vueltos a casar, de acuerdo a las Sagradas Escrituras son considerados adúlteros y aunque No quedan excluídos de la Comunidad de los Fieles Católicos, Sí están privados del DERECHO A COMULGAR. Cuidado con las interpretaciones erróneas, la Palabra de Dios es muy clara:

Lucas 16, 18
Todo el que se divorcia de su mujer y se casa con otra, comete adulterio; y el que se casa con la que está divorciada del marido, comete adulterio.

Hebreos 13:4
Sea el matrimonio honroso en todos, y el lecho matrimonial sin mancilla, porque a los inmorales y a los adúlteros los juzgará Dios.