
Cardinal Nicholas Wiseman (1802–1865) on "Sola Scriptura"

"The doctrine and practice of the Church must not be allowed to be impugned by those who have no claim at all to Scripture, and who can prove neither the canon, its inspiration, nor its primary doctrines, except through that very authority which they are questioning, and through treacherous inconsistency with the principles on which they are interrogating it. When many years ago this ground was boldly adopted, it was charged with being an attempt to throw Protestants into infidelity, and sap the foundations of the Bible. Years of experience, and observation not superficial, have only strengthened our conviction, that this course must be fearlessly pursued. We must deny to Protestantism any right to use the Bible, much more to interpret it. Cruel and unfeeling it may be pronounced by those who understand the strength of our position, and the cogency of the argument; but it is much more charitable than to leave them to the repeated sin of blaspheming God’s Spouse, and trying to undermine the faith of our poor Catholics.
The cry of ‘The Bible! [T]he Bible! [N]othing but the Bible!’ is as perilous to man’s salvation as the Jews’ senseless cry, ‘The Temple of the Lord! [T]he Temple of the Lord! [T]he Temple of the Lord it is!’ (Jeremiah 7:4)"

The Catholic Doctrine on the Use of the Bible (1853), p. 11 [link]