Vatican cardinal proposes ‘two-tier marriage’ by opening Communion to the ‘remarried’: …

VATICAN CITY, March 4, 2014 ( – The Catholic Church should create a kind of second-tier of marriage that would allow for divorced and civilly remarried Catholics to receive the sacraments, including Holy Communion, “after a period of penance” but without repenting or changing their situation, a leading theologian has suggested. The Church, he said, could “tolerate that which is impossible to accept,” namely second marriages while the person’s first spouse is still living.
“A pastoral approach of tolerance, clemency and indulgence” would affirm that “the sacraments are not a prize for those who behave well or for an elite, excluding those who are most in need,” said Cardinal Walter Kasper, president emeritus of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity.

The gospel according to Kasper! What a fake!