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Pope raises eyebrows by skipping concert CWN - 7 hours ago
Pope Francis caused a mild sensation on June 24, when he failed to appear at a Vatican concert. The concert, a performance of Beethoven’s 9th Symphony by the Italian Symphonic Orchestra, had been...
Vatican planning major probe of alleged corruption in Church in Scotland? CWN - 6 hours ago
The Vatican plans an apostolic visitation of the Church in Scotland, to probe charges of widespread corruption, according to The Scotsman. The Vatican has made no announcement of such a plan. The...
Lourdes shrines, devastated by floods, likely closed for weeks CWN - 10 hours ago
Administrators of the Marian shrine at Lourdes, France, say that the famous pilgrimage site will be closed for “weeks to come” because of extensive damage caused by floods that crested last...
Christians cannot be anti-Semites, Pope says CWN - 10 hours ago
“Due to our common roots, a Christian cannot be anti-Semitic,” Pope Francis said on June 24 as he met with members of the International Jewish Committee on Interreligious Consultations. The Pope...
Pope salutes ‘everyday martyrs’ CWN - 10 hours ago
Pope Francis paid homage to “everyday martyrs” during his Angelus audience on Sunday, June 23. Reflecting on Christ’s teaching that “whoever loses his life for my sake will save it,” the Pope...
Church must eschew ideology, claims to 'own' the Word, Pope tells congregation CWN - 6 hours ago
In his homily at a morning Mass on June 24, Pope Francis said that St. John the Baptist—whose birth the Church was celebrating that day—lived only to proclaim Jesus Christ. “That is John’s...
Sicilian bishop: no funerals for Mafia figures CWN - 6 hours ago
Known Mafia figures will be denied church funerals in the Diocese of Arcireale, in Sicily, Bishop Antonio Raspanti has announced. "Being a Christian is incompatible with having links to Mafia...
Brazil: bishops express solidarity with protests CWN - 10 hours ago
The Brazilian bishops’ conference has issued a statement expressing “solidarity and support” for demonstrations that have brought over 1 million people onto the streets of the nation’s...
2nd Fortnight for Freedom begins CWN - 13 hours ago
On June 21, the US bishops began their second annual Fortnight for Freedom to raise awareness about threats to religious liberty. Archbishop William Lori, chairman of the United States...
Exodus International dissolves, apologizes to gay community CWN - 10 hours ago
Exodus International, an Evangelical group that counseled men and women attempting to overcome homosexual impulses, has announced that it is closing. Alan Chambers, the president of Exodus...
Syrian monk killed as rebels overrun monastery CWN - 10 hours ago
A Syrian hermit was killed by gunfire at a Franciscan monastery in Syria. Father Francois Mourad, who was a guest at St. Anthony of Padua monastery, may have been killed by an errant bullet, or...
US high court will hear appeal against Massachusetts law creating ‘buffer zones’ at abortion clinics CWN - 10 hours ago
The US Supreme Court announced on June 24 that it would consider an appeal of a Massachusetts law that bars pro-life activists a “buffer zone” extending 35 feet from the entrance to any abortion...
Pakistan: young convert to Christianity kidnapped by militants CWN - 13 hours ago
Aman Ullah, a 16-year-old Muslim who converted to Christianity in Pakistan, was abducted on May 25. “He was outgoing; he made public statements and gave his testimony,” said John Taimoor,...
Christians pray for abducted Syrian prelates CWN - 13 hours ago
Two months after Syrian rebels kidnapped the Greek and Syriac Orthodox archbishops of Aleppo, Christians in the region gathered to pray for their release. The Greek Orthodox patriarch of Antioch...
Pope meets with leader of Argentine indigenous tribe CWN - 5 hours ago
Pope Francis met on June 24 Felix Diaz, a leader of an indigenous community in Argentina. Diaz was accompanied by Adolfo Perez Esquivel, the 1980 Nobel Peace Prize laureate. Diaz thanked the Pope...
Pope thanks Roman group for service at Vatican CWN - 6 hours ago
Pope Francis met on June 23 with members of the Association of Sts. Peter and Paul, and thanked them for their “behind the scenes” work at the Vatican. The Association of Sts. Peter and Paul...
USCCB: resettle Syrian refugees CWN - 13 hours ago
The chairman of the Committee on Migration of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) has called upon the United States and other nations to do more to resettle refugees from Syria...
Southern Baptists join US bishops in support of conscience-protection legislation CWN - 13 hours ago
The president of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention has joined the chairman of the Ad Hoc Committee for Religious Liberty of the United States Conference...
Malta's prime minister meets with Pontiff CWN - 6 hours ago
Pope Francis met on June 24 with Prime Minister Joseph Muscat of Malta, for a conversation that touched on the history of the Mediterranean nation, the visits there by Popes John Paul II and...
Monument to Archbishop Romero coming in Los Angeles CWN - 10 hours ago
A monument honoring the slain Archbishop Oscar Romero is being built in MacArthur Park in Los Angeles. Archbishop Romero was shot and killed in San Salvador in 1980 during the height of the civil...
Israeli man killed by police at Jerusalem's Western Wall CWN - June 21
A Jewish man was shot and killed by police at the Western Wall in Jerusalem on June 21. Police apparently feared that the man was a terrorist bomber, when he ran at them shouting “Allahu akbar!”...