holyrope 3
Obama and Catholic Traitors. REAL CATHOLIC TV: (Oct 4, 2011) "Obama has been masterful at co-opting Catholics into his schemes. Is Church leadership beginning to awaken to this and finally taking action?" …More
Obama and Catholic Traitors.

REAL CATHOLIC TV: (Oct 4, 2011) "Obama has been masterful at co-opting Catholics into his schemes. Is Church leadership beginning to awaken to this and finally taking action?" www.latinmasstimes.com
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Wahrheit + Klarheit.
Fortlaufende Sammlung von herausragenden Beiträgen, die Klarheit bringen für die ungekürzte, ungeschmälerte, ungeschminkte, unverfälschte, ganze, volle katholische Wahrheit.More
Wahrheit + Klarheit.

Fortlaufende Sammlung von herausragenden Beiträgen, die Klarheit bringen für die ungekürzte, ungeschmälerte, ungeschminkte, unverfälschte, ganze, volle katholische Wahrheit.
What a Shame that my English is not perfet I only want to add to this video in my broken English : this comment
Sin of Omission Bishop vs Joe Biden
I don't know how we get used to the sin of omission when the Bishops act in a fashion that is in complicit with the actions of the politicians in Washington? A prime example was in Washington during the Memorial Mass for Pietro Sambi where V.P. Joe …More
What a Shame that my English is not perfet I only want to add to this video in my broken English : this comment
Sin of Omission Bishop vs Joe Biden
I don't know how we get used to the sin of omission when the Bishops act in a fashion that is in complicit with the actions of the politicians in Washington? A prime example was in Washington during the Memorial Mass for Pietro Sambi where V.P. Joe Biden was in attendance. Given his presence is it fair to expect that he received Holy Communion? How that can be possible?

So we no longer have John the Baptists because everyone is more comfortable preaching any irrelevancies than to address the hypocrisy of Joe Biden. He is a person who openly flauntst his belief of state sponsored and supported abortion and homosexuality. Plus why is such an anti-Catholic as the President being invited to the Catholic breakfast in Washington. ?????????
when we are supposed to teach others by example
How we can explain this serious errors????? 🤦
That does not surprise me BECAUSE when the commission COMING FROM ROME FOR THE investigation of SOME NUNS I report this LIBERAL Sister because I listen her speaking like a wolf dressing as a sheep in the program Reymond Arroyo IN FAVOR OF OBAMA CARE INCLUDING ABORTION 🤮
holyrope 3
"Bishop" Dolan was silent during Cuomo's lobbying for same sex marriage
in New York. The "broadside" he sent to Obama is an easy target. What he needed to do was to fulfill his obligation as a true Bishop and pull Cuomo aside and re-iterate Church teaching in regards to sodomy. And that same principle applies to Pelosi and Biden. These people are Catholics in name only. If they don't like it our …More
"Bishop" Dolan was silent during Cuomo's lobbying for same sex marriage
in New York. The "broadside" he sent to Obama is an easy target. What he needed to do was to fulfill his obligation as a true Bishop and pull Cuomo aside and re-iterate Church teaching in regards to sodomy. And that same principle applies to Pelosi and Biden. These people are Catholics in name only. If they don't like it our Protestant brothers would be glad to accept them with open arms.
holyrope 3
😇 REAL CATHOLIC TV: "Obama has been masterful at co-opting Catholics into his schemes. Is Church leadership beginning to awaken to this and finally taking action?
www.latinmasstimes.com 🤗More
😇 REAL CATHOLIC TV: "Obama has been masterful at co-opting Catholics into his schemes. Is Church leadership beginning to awaken to this and finally taking action?

www.latinmasstimes.com 🤗