
"We Are All Fundamentally Good": Francis Again Contradicts Christ

In another excerpt of his 19 May interview with Norah O’Donnell (“60 Minutes”), Francis who doesn't trust anybody claimed that “people are fundamentally good”.

Contradicting Christ (Mk 10:18 "No one is good except God alone") and reality, Francis blabbered: "We are all fundamentally good. Yes, there are some villains and sinners, but the heart itself is good.”

With the same incompetence, Francis then spoke about surrogate motherhood, saying that it is not authorised “in the strict sense of term” [= allowed].

Trying to dodge the problem, he then said: "Sometimes surrogacy has become a business, and that is very bad. It is very bad.” But O’Donnell insisted that surrogacy is sometimes “the only hope”. Francis replied that this “could be” adding that "the other hope is adoption. I would say that in each case the situation should be considered carefully and clearly, consulting medically and then morally as well.”

And, “I think there is a general rule in these cases, but you have to go into each case in particular to assess the situation, as long as the moral principle is not skirted.” But he didn't want or was not able to present those "moral principles".

On the statistically very rare cases of sexual abuses in the Church, Francis who just claimed that "we are fundamentally good", suddenly becomes intransigent and merciless: “There is no tolerance. If there is a case of a consecrated man or woman who abuses, the full force of the law falls upon them. There has been a great progress in this regard.”

But this is only hypocrisy. In reality, when his friends are involved in such abuse, Francis does not only tolerated it, but also protects his friends from punishment, such as Father Marko Rupnik and Bishop Zanchetta.

Speaking about the war in Gaza, Francis said that one can criticise both governments: “You can criticise as much as you want, but not ‘anti’ a people. Any ‘anti’ is always bad… anti-Palestinian or anti-semitic." Evidently, he doesn't know that the Palestinians are Semites.


Tony M
Jorge is trying to convince himself in the face of all he is doing to destroy the Church.....that he himself is good!!!
Bad hang over from 70s polyester theology
Amazing how little he knows about theology. God is good, we are not. Every good that will ever be comes from God. Every evil comes from creatures.
Ivan Tomas
But of course, a false prophet must contradict Christ.
The question is why the lukewarm ones are letting him do that for ten long years!?
"4 Verumtamen unusquisque non judicet, et non arguatur vir : populus enim tuus sicut hi qui contradicunt sacerdoti. 5 Et corrues hodie, et corruet etiam propheta tecum. Nocte tacere feci matrem tuam.
6 Conticuit populus meus, eo quod non habuerit scientiam : …More
But of course, a false prophet must contradict Christ.

The question is why the lukewarm ones are letting him do that for ten long years!?

"4 Verumtamen unusquisque non judicet, et non arguatur vir : populus enim tuus sicut hi qui contradicunt sacerdoti. 5 Et corrues hodie, et corruet etiam propheta tecum. Nocte tacere feci matrem tuam.

6 Conticuit populus meus, eo quod non habuerit scientiam : quia tu scientiam repulisti, repellam te, ne sacerdotio fungaris mihi; et oblita es legis Dei tui, obliviscar filiorum tuorum et ego. 7 Secundum multitudinem eorum sic peccaverunt mihi : gloriam eorum in ignominiam commutabo. 8 Peccata populi mei comedent, et ad iniquitatem eorum sublevabunt animas eorum. 9 Et erit sicut populus, sic sacerdos; et visitabo super eum vias ejus, et cogitationes ejus reddam ei. 10 Et comedent, et non saturabuntur; fornicati sunt, et non cessaverunt : quoniam Dominum dereliquerunt in non custodiendo.

11 Fornicatio, et vinum, et ebrietas auferunt cor. 12 Populus meus in ligno suo interrogavit, et baculus ejus annuntiavit ei; spiritus enim fornicationum decepit eos, et fornicati sunt a Deo suo."

(Hosea 4)