Father Pavone - Group Will Picket Parishes

Father Pavone to Seek New Diocese, Bishop Extends Inquiry; Group Will Picket Parishes

Speaking at a press conference before he celebrated Mass at Amarillo’s cathedral, Father Pavone said that “I do not foresee myself staying incardinated in Amarillo.”

“It’s a sensitive issue,” he added. “We’re working it out behind the scenes. But I say that in light of the bishop’s apparent unwillingness to let me do pro-life work full time, I will seek that elsewhere.”

Meanwhile, a pro-life organization known for displaying large, graphic photographs of aborted unborn children announced that it will picket parishes in the Diocese of Amarillo in an effort to pressure Bishop Zurek to rescind his decision.

“Pickets will be conducted at many of the diocese's 49 parish churches, with special emphasis on St. Laurence [the diocese’s former cathedral] and the nine other parish churches in the City of Amarillo proper,” Gregg Cunningham of the Center For Bio-Ethical Reform said in a press release.

“Street pickets will be supplemented by the operation of a fleet of large billboard trucks bearing signs which will also depict aborted babies and urge Amarillo Catholics to tactfully contact Bishop Zurek to request that he ‘free Father Frank.’”

Fulll Article at Catholic Culture.
Simple but orthodox Catholic
Gregory, amice, your distinction is most apposite. The Church, for instance, cannot proffer advice or presume to tell us how to behave on secular matters. Nevertheless, it is often difficult to tell where the purely secular ends and the religious/spiritual/moral begins since they are so interwoven. For example, though Holy Mother Church cannot tell us who to vote for it can, and should, insist that …More
Gregory, amice, your distinction is most apposite. The Church, for instance, cannot proffer advice or presume to tell us how to behave on secular matters. Nevertheless, it is often difficult to tell where the purely secular ends and the religious/spiritual/moral begins since they are so interwoven. For example, though Holy Mother Church cannot tell us who to vote for it can, and should, insist that Her children must not vote for pro-abortion candidates. The Episcopal Conference in any country cannot tell Catholic politicians what to discuss in Parliament but it does have a duty to tell them not to vote for measures that are against the teachings of the Church. It gets even more difficult to delineate what a Bishop can or cannot expect, under holy obedience, from any of his priests. That is a really hard matter. My sense is, however, that unless [as you so very rightly put it] a bishop orders his priests to do something forbidden by the law of God [and that would seem hard to envisage] then whether a priest likes it or not, he must obey his Ordinary's request without causing scandal by publicly commenting on it or, let alone, protesting about it. I don't know what Canon Law says about "appeals to Rome" but surely a Bishop is far, far more than a mere Papal delegate in his own diocese? So, can a priest effectively say: "I don't want to do what you are requesting me to do as my Bishop and if you force me to do it I'll appeal to Rome"? That is not a polemical question on my part. I would really like to know. Are there any Canon Lawyers out there who know the full ramifications of making an "appeal to Rome"?
Christus vincit Christus regnat Christus imperat
Viva il Papa!
Simple but orthodox Catholic
@Gregory: 😇 🤗 👍 The "Good" Pope Blessed John XXIII chose as his Papal Motto "Obedientia et Pax". It doesn't just have its literal meaning, "Obedience and Peace", but it goes far deeper. It is only through obedience to God and to the legitimate religious authority that He has constituted on earth, the Magisterium - the Holy Father and the Bishops in Communion with him - that we can and will find …More
@Gregory: 😇 🤗 👍 The "Good" Pope Blessed John XXIII chose as his Papal Motto "Obedientia et Pax". It doesn't just have its literal meaning, "Obedience and Peace", but it goes far deeper. It is only through obedience to God and to the legitimate religious authority that He has constituted on earth, the Magisterium - the Holy Father and the Bishops in Communion with him - that we can and will find peace. This applies to everything: how we pray liturgically, what we do in politics, all matters of faith and morals ... and also how a good and holy priest should respond when his bishop calls him back home and away from even the most worthwhile of apostolates. Any response other than obedience leads effectively to "protestantism" and eventual disintegration into ever smaller "isms". For us there can be only one "ism" ... the One, True and Apostolic Catholicism.
Christus vincit Christus regnat Christus imperat
Viva il Papa!
Holy Cannoli
It is unseemly witnessing Fr Pavone discussing the merits of the action of his religious superior in public.
Do you find it at all “unseemly” to witness his ordinary making public comments that are both strident and damaging about one of his priests and the orgnaization he heads (PFL). Especially when those comments are directed at a man who has been recognized world wide as being one of if not …More
It is unseemly witnessing Fr Pavone discussing the merits of the action of his religious superior in public.

Do you find it at all “unseemly” to witness his ordinary making public comments that are both strident and damaging about one of his priests and the orgnaization he heads (PFL). Especially when those comments are directed at a man who has been recognized world wide as being one of if not the most courageous clerical defenders of the unborn?

Evidently you don't or you would have mentioned that as well.

Fr Frank Pavone is an excellent communicator for the pro life movement. However, I do wish that Fr Pavone would only use two words regarding the current situation with Bishop Patrick Zurek, and that would be: “No Comment”.
Respectfully discuss the matter in private, and if the matter cannot be resolved amicably, then after a reasonable time period from the issuing of the Bishop‘s letter, appeal …More
Fr Frank Pavone is an excellent communicator for the pro life movement. However, I do wish that Fr Pavone would only use two words regarding the current situation with Bishop Patrick Zurek, and that would be: “No Comment”.

Respectfully discuss the matter in private, and if the matter cannot be resolved amicably, then after a reasonable time period from the issuing of the Bishop‘s letter, appeal to the Vatican.

It is unseemly witnessing Fr Pavone discussing the merits of the action of his religious superior in public.
Gregg Cunningham will be visiting many countries in Europe during October to meet with pro-lifers interested in learning about and implementing CBRs strategy of using graphic abortion images to change public opinion about abortion. If you are interested in a new level of pro-life activism, please contact me and I can arrange for you to be at one of the meetings.
Andrew Ray
CBR Slovakia
freedomlives …More
Gregg Cunningham will be visiting many countries in Europe during October to meet with pro-lifers interested in learning about and implementing CBRs strategy of using graphic abortion images to change public opinion about abortion. If you are interested in a new level of pro-life activism, please contact me and I can arrange for you to be at one of the meetings.

Andrew Ray
CBR Slovakia
freedomlives AT gmail DOT com