Homosexual Infiltration of the Catholic Church. Homosexual Infiltration of the Catholic Church Radio Interview: Homosexual Infiltration of the Catholic Church Radio Interview: Homosexual Infiltration …More
Homosexual Infiltration of the Catholic Church.

Homosexual Infiltration of the Catholic Church
Radio Interview: Homosexual Infiltration of the Catholic Church
Radio Interview: Homosexual Infiltration of the Catholic Church
Randy Engel, one of the nation's top investigative reporters, began her journalistic career shortly after her graduation from the University of New York at Cortland in 1961. In the mid-1960s, Randy Engel developed an intense interest in pro-life issues including population control, abortion and eugenics, putting her on the ground floor of the emerging Pro-Life Movement. In 1972, she founded the U.S. Coalition for Life, an international pro-life research and investigative agency, and began editing the USCL's official publication, the Pro-Life Reporter.

Many of her original research publications for the USCL including "A March of Dimes Primer -- the A-Z of Eugenic Abortion," and "The Pathfinder Fund -- A Study of US/AID Anti-Life Funding" have become pro-life classics and continue to enjoy wide circulation.

She is author of Sex Education -- The Final Plague, The McHugh Chronicles -- Who Betrayed the Pro-Life Movement?, and The Rite of Sodomy, a 1,318-page text containing over 3000 endnotes, a bibliography of over 350 books, and is fully indexed and reads like a top-flight mystery thriller -- except that it is not fiction -- it is true.

She has received numerous awards for excellence in investigative journalism including the prestigious Linacre Quarterly Award for Distinguished Writing by the Catholic Medical Association.