Gloria.TV News on the 30th of September 2014 What is a Modern Church? Liberal Archbishop Arthur Roche, the secretary of the Congregation for Divine Worship and Discipline of the Sacraments, told the …More
Gloria.TV News on the 30th of September 2014

What is a Modern Church? Liberal Archbishop Arthur Roche, the secretary of the Congregation for Divine Worship and Discipline of the Sacraments, told the more than 80 bishops who gathered for the annual Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops that the so called liturgical reform has produced "rites that balance" Catholic tradition with "the needs of a modern Church."

Appreciation for Mortal Sin: Liberal Vienna Cardinal Christoph Schönborn has called on the website of his archdiocese for an appreciative handling of – quote - "those situations that do not meet the full reality of sacramental Christian marriage". With this quirky formulation he calls for an appreciation for fornication and adultery. Schönborn announced that he wants to advance this view in his contribution during the Synod of Bishops.

Will Finn Be the Next Victim? Ottawa Archbishop Terrence Prendergast visited the Kansas City-St. Joseph diocese last week on behalf of the Vatican to investigate the leadership of Bishop Robert Finn. According to those who spoke with Prendergast, the main question he asked was: "Do you think Finn is fit to be a leader?" The director of the Kansas City diocese's communications commented: "Nobody has heard of this." At the time Finn was in Rome for deacon ordinations at the Pontifical North American College. He is considered to belong to the Catholic wing of the US Bishops.

Godless Congregation: The Sunday Assembly in Rochester, more commonly known as the atheist church held its first local service with an upbeat, rock band rendition of Michael Jackson's "Man in the Mirror." Nearly 50 people attended the service. Sunday Assembly Rochester is one of 30 new chapters that launched worldwide on Sunday. The congregation aims to be "radically inclusive" and give the secular part of the community an opportunity to be acknowledged. Gloria.tv believes that a few Catholic parishes would also qualify as godless congregations.
Fiel al Evangelio and 3 more users link to this post
The Ultraliberals will say, marriage will NOT be altered nor touched because is dogma, but divorced and remarried WILL get their false mercy as some wolves clothed in sheep are giving the Eucharist to them secretly, this is precisely what happened months prior to Vatican II.
The pope assured to some spanish priests 'allegedly', that marriage will not be touched because it is impossible, actually …More
The Ultraliberals will say, marriage will NOT be altered nor touched because is dogma, but divorced and remarried WILL get their false mercy as some wolves clothed in sheep are giving the Eucharist to them secretly, this is precisely what happened months prior to Vatican II.

The pope assured to some spanish priests 'allegedly', that marriage will not be touched because it is impossible, actually they don't want to touch marriage, what they want to do is to hand out penance to the divorced and remarried so they can reach the most precious and sacred part of the Church, the Eucharist... (If they accept this total apostasy would have been fulfilled).

Last and nobody is talking about this, is the recognition of homosexual civil unions with a 'blessing'... all the headlights of the synod are focus to the divorced and remarried but the most INSANE proposition is this one.

Lord have Mercy on us. 🙏
Congratulations to Antonio Socci and his new book. 😇
Church Should Give ‘More Consideration’ to ‘Quality’ of Homosexual Relationships: Cardinal Archbisho www.lifesitenews.com/news/church-should-g…
LifeSiteNews.com ROME, May 10, 2010 (LifeSiteNews.com) – The Church should "give more consideration" to "the quality" of homosexual relationships, the cardinal archbishop of Vienna said this weekend. Christoph Schönborn told the far-left British Catholic …More
Church Should Give ‘More Consideration’ to ‘Quality’ of Homosexual Relationships: Cardinal Archbisho www.lifesitenews.com/news/church-should-g…
LifeSiteNews.com ROME, May 10, 2010 (LifeSiteNews.com) – The Church should "give more consideration" to "the quality" of homosexual relationships, the cardinal archbishop of Vienna said this weekend. Christoph Schönborn told the far-left British Catholic magazine the Tablet that the Church should also consider allowing divorced and remarried Catholics to receive Communion since “many people don’t even marry at all any longer.”
Fiel al Evangelio
🤐 Appreciation for Mortal Sin: Liberal Vienna Cardinal Christoph Schönborn has called on the website of his archdiocese for an appreciative handling of – quote - "those situations that do not meet the full reality of sacramental Christian marriage". With this quirky formulation he calls for an appreciation for fornication and adultery. Schönborn announced that he wants to advance this view in …More
🤐 Appreciation for Mortal Sin: Liberal Vienna Cardinal Christoph Schönborn has called on the website of his archdiocese for an appreciative handling of – quote - "those situations that do not meet the full reality of sacramental Christian marriage". With this quirky formulation he calls for an appreciation for fornication and adultery. Schönborn announced that he wants to advance this view in his contribution during the Synod of Bishops.
Modernism!!! Arch Roche did said it modern church...
Pope St Pious X pray for us!More
Modernism!!! Arch Roche did said it modern church...

Pope St Pious X pray for us!
I know this one Gloria... Dolan's congregation. 😊
What ever happened to Cardinal Schönborn?!
Decades ago he was a good man, now he is an awful heretic. 🥴More
What ever happened to Cardinal Schönborn?!

Decades ago he was a good man, now he is an awful heretic. 🥴