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St. Patrick's Battalion-Batallón de San Patricio. Willywonka1982 Jun 27, 2010 El Batallón de San Patricio fue una unidad militar compuesta de varios cientos de inmigrantes europeos que lucharon en el …Más
St. Patrick's Battalion-Batallón de San Patricio.

Willywonka1982 Jun 27, 2010 El Batallón de San Patricio fue una unidad militar compuesta de varios cientos de inmigrantes europeos que lucharon en el Ejército Mexicano en contra de la invasión de los Estados Unidos de Norteamerica en la llamada Guerra de Intervención Estadounidense de 1846 a 1848. Los efectivos del Batallón de San Patricio eran desertores del Ejército de los Estados Unidos. Formado principalmente por inmigrantes de origen irlandés y alemán, además de una minoría canadiense, inglesa, escocesa, polaca, italiana y algunos extranjeros residentes en México, la gran mayoría católicos. Tomaron el nombre del Santo Patrono de Irlanda.
El Batallón de San Patricio fue una unidad militar compuesta de varios cientos de inmigrantes europeos que lucharon en el Ejército Mexicano en contra de la invasión de los Estados Unidos de Norteamerica en la llamada Guerra de Intervención Estadounidense de 1846 a 1848. Los efectivos del Batallón de San Patricio eran desertores del Ejército de los Estados Unidos. Formado principalmente por …Más
El Batallón de San Patricio fue una unidad militar compuesta de varios cientos de inmigrantes europeos que lucharon en el Ejército Mexicano en contra de la invasión de los Estados Unidos de Norteamerica en la llamada Guerra de Intervención Estadounidense de 1846 a 1848. Los efectivos del Batallón de San Patricio eran desertores del Ejército de los Estados Unidos. Formado principalmente por inmigrantes de origen irlandés y alemán, además de una minoría canadiense, inglesa, escocesa, polaca, italiana y algunos extranjeros residentes en México, la gran mayoría católicos. Tomaron el nombre del Santo Patrono de Irlanda.
Los "San Patricios" tienen un origen incierto, pues se sabe muy poco con certeza de su reclutamiento. Una historia popular --base de la película de 1999 Héroes sin Patria (One Man's Hero), en la que Tom Berenger interpreta al comandante de la brigada John Riley-- relata que el núcleo de la unidad se formó como consecuencia de los severos castigos sufridos por soldados católicos (especialmente irlandeses) debido a la desconfianza que los mandos militares tenían en contra de ellos, ya que, por motivos religiosos, los consideraban más cercanos a Roma que a Washington, y por lo tanto, más afines a la causa de los mexicanos que en el fondo compartían su misma religión. Es sabido que el ejército de México reclutaba activamente estadounidenses católicos y ofrecían importantes concesiones de tierras a quienes abandonaran el ejército de Estados Unidos en favor del de México.
Aunque en la Guerra de Independencia de los Estados Unidos algunos soldados cambiaron de bando, nunca en la historia del ejército de Estados Unidos se había formado una unidad de desertores en el ejército enemigo.[1]
Su bandera estaba formada con un fondo verde, y de un lado un arpa dorada y las palabras Erin Go Bragh (Irlanda Por Siempre), y por el otro una imagen de San Patricio, el santo patrono de Irlanda, y las palabras 'San Patricio'.[2] Otra versión habla de varias banderas, con los símbolos dorados de arpas, San Patricio y tréboles.[1]
[editar] Participación en la Guerra

Placa conmemorativa al Batallón de San Patricio en el Museo Nacional de las Intervenciones.
El primer combate de los San Patricios como unidad mexicana es la Batalla de Monterrey (21 de septiembre de 1846), con una batería de artillería al mando de John Riley, anteriormente teniente del Ejército de Estados Unidos e inmigrante irlandés. Sirvieron con distinción y está acreditado que rechazaron con éxito dos diferentes asaltos al corazón de la ciudad. A pesar de su tenacidad y valor, y de que Taylor estaba a punto de abandonar el ataque, el comandante mexicano Pedro Ampudia, desesperado, pidió parlamento, consumando la derrota.
Tras del reclutamiento en Monterrey, los San Patricios crecen en número, que algunos estiman en cerca de 800 hombres; aunque según los registros más fiables, no llegaron a constituir más de dos compañías reforzadas (300 hombres) con oficialidad mexicana. Pese a su extraordinario rendimiento como artilleros en varias batallas, especialmente en la defensa de Monterrey, donde defendieron exitosamente La Ciudadela, y en la Batalla de la Angostura, en la que diezmaron un batallón atacante y capturaron dos cañones estadounidenses, acción por la que su comandante y varios oficiales recibieron la condecoración Cruz de Honor de la Angostura; se ordenó a los San Patricios convertirse en un batallón de infantería a mediados de 1847 por orden personal de Antonio López de Santa Anna.
Como unidad de infantería los San Patricios continuaron sirviendo con distinción; en la Batalla de Churubusco (20 de agosto de 1847), las maltrechas fuerzas mexicanas se establecieron en el convento de Santa María de Churubusco, y las fuerzas armadas estadounidenses se prepararon para atacarlos. Aunque el convento no era más alto que sus alrededores, sus bardas de piedra constituían una buena defensa. Además, los estadounidenses tendrían que cruzar un río para llegar allá, lo cual daría tiempo al ejército mexicano para preparar a medias, trincheras y encarar otro enfrentamiento. Los defensores mexicanos sumaban 1.300 personas y pertenecían a los batallones Independencia, Bravos y San Patricio. La lucha fue constante y desfavorable para los mexicanos, esta vez bien mandados y motivados por los generales Manuel Rincón y Pedro María Anaya. Tras algunas horas de combate, las fuerzas mexicanas se quedaron sin municiones y una bomba provocó una explosión en la reserva de pólvora que los dejó sin posibilidades de seguir defendiéndose; a pesar de lo cual y una vez que se izó una bandera blanca en señal de rendición, el capitán Patrick Dalton la abatió para seguir resistiendo, pero ya era inútil, el convento quedó en silencio. Cuando el general Twiggs entró al patio del convento, exigiendo a los soldados mexicanos que entregaran las armas, la pólvora y el parque, el General Anaya se le enfrentó, diciendo: "Si hubiera parque, no estaría usted aquí."
[editar] Fin del Batallón

Ahorcamiento masivo de San Patricios.
Los miembros del Batallón de San Patricio capturados por el ejército estadounidense sufrieron muy duras represalias; habían sido responsables de algunos de los más duros combates (y que causaron más bajas) a los que los estadounidenses se enfrentaron. Los que formaban parte del ejército estadounidense antes de la declaración de guerra oficial (el capitán Riley entre ellos) fueron azotados y marcados con hierro candente en la cara, con la letra "D" de desertores, y sentenciados a trabajos forzados. Los que entraron en el ejército mexicano tras la declaración de guerra, fueron ahorcados en masa como traidores, viendo de frente el sitio de la Batalla de Chapultepec el 13 de septiembre de 1847. Por orden del General Winfield Scott, fueron ejecutados precisamente en el momento en que la bandera de Estados Unidos reemplazó a la de México en lo alto de la ciudadela. Cuando la bandera alcanzó lo más alto del asta, se abrió la trampa del cadalso.
Los restos del batallón fueron comisionados para sofocar algunos levantamientos aislados después de firmada la paz con los EE.UU.
Los que sobrevivieron a la guerra desaparecieron de la historia. Unos pocos pudieron reclamar las tierras prometidas por el gobierno mexicano. John Riley murió a finales de agosto de 1850, y fue enterrado en Veracruz el 31 de agosto de ese año, con el nombre de Juan Reley, el mismo con el que se hallaba inscrito en los archivos del Ejército Mexicano. Ese mismo año el Ejército Mexicano tomó la decisión de disolver el Batallón.
[editar] Homenaje

Placa conmemorativa en el lugar de la ejecución del Heroico Batallón de San Patricio, en la Plaza de San Jacinto, San Ángel, Ciudad de México.
Para conmemorar la ayuda de los irlandeses en el Ejército, la calle frente al convento de San Diego Churubusco se llamó Mártires Irlandeses. De igual forma se les recuerda en varias escuelas, iglesias y monumentos.
El Batallón de San Patricio es conmemorado en dos diferentes días en México; el primero el 12 de septiembre, el aniversario de las primeras ejecuciones, y el otro el 17 de marzo, día de San Patricio. Hay un monumento dedicado a ellos en la Plaza San Jacinto, en la colonia San Ángel de la Ciudad de México, en el que se dispuso una placa conmemorativa del Batallón de San Patricio. Esta placa lista los nombres de 71 miembros del batallón, 48 de los cuales eran irlandeses y 13 alemanes.[1]
En la sala principal de la Cámara de Diputados de México, el nombre del Batallón de San Patricio está inscrito con letras de oro, al lado de muchos otros héroes mexicanos.[3]
En 1997, el presidente Ernesto Zedillo conmemoró el 150 aniversario de la ejecución del Batallón en la Plaza San Jacinto, donde se hicieron las primeras 16 ejecuciones. Los países de Irlanda y México emitieron timbres postales conmemorativos con motivo del aniversario.
En 2004, en una ceremonia oficial a la que asistieron numerosos dignatarios internacionales, los directores Lance y Jason Hool, y muchos actores de la película El Batallón de San Patricio, el gobierno mexicano donó una estatua al pueblo de Irlanda como agradecimiento por el coraje, honor y sacrificio del Batallón de San Patricio. Esta estatua fue colocada en el pueblo natal de Riley, Clifden, en el condado Galway, en Irlanda. Todos los 12 de septiembre también se recuerda al Batallón en este pueblo, ondeando la bandera mexicana.[4]
[editar] Véase también
Primera intervención estadounidense en México
Martin Tritschler
Mexican Spy Company
[editar] Referencias
a b c Stevens, Peter F. (en inglés). The Rogue's March: John Riley and the St. Patrick's Battalion, 1846-48. Brassey's. pp. 2. ISBN ISBN 1-57488-145-0, 9781574881455.
Meed, Douglas V.; Scott B. Franklin (en inglés). The Mexican War, 1846-1848. Taylor & Francis. pp. 51. ISBN 0415968402, 9780415968409.
«Bagpipers honor Irish who fought for Mexico». USA Today. Consultado el 10 de julio de 2008.
RAFAEL MERINO CORTÉS. «Why Spanish Harlem Celebrates St. Patrick's Day». New York Latino Journal. Consultado el 6 de abril de 2009.
[editar] Bibliografía
Patricia Cox (México, 1999). Batallón de San Patricio. San Jerónimo Editores.
Musacchio, Humberto (México, 1989). Diccionario Enciclopédico de México. Andrés León, editor. ISBN 968-6290-35-4 y ISBN 968-6290-37-0.
Miguel Ángel Menéndez Reyes (México, 1962). Homenaje al Batallón de San Patricio. Ediciones del DDF, Delegación Álvaro Obregón.
[editar] Enlaces externos
El Heroico Batallón de San Patricio
The Saint Patrick's Battalion (Spanish: Batallón de San Patricio) was a unit of 175 to several hundred immigrants (accounts vary) and expatriates of European descent who fought as part of the Mexican Army against the United States in the Mexican-American War of 1846 to 1848. Most of the battalion's members had deserted or defected from the U.S. Army. Made up primarily of ethnic Irish and German …Más
The Saint Patrick's Battalion (Spanish: Batallón de San Patricio) was a unit of 175 to several hundred immigrants (accounts vary) and expatriates of European descent who fought as part of the Mexican Army against the United States in the Mexican-American War of 1846 to 1848. Most of the battalion's members had deserted or defected from the U.S. Army. Made up primarily of ethnic Irish and German Catholic immigrants, the battalion included Canadians, English, French, Italians, Poles, Scots, Spaniards, Swiss, and native Mexicans, most of whom were Roman Catholics.[1] Disenfranchised Americans were in the ranks, including escaped slaves from the American South.[2] The Mexican government offered incentives to foreigners who would enlist in its army: granting them citizenship, paying higher wages than the U.S. Army and the offer of generous land grants. Only a few members of the Saint Patrick's Battalion were actual U.S. citizens. Members of the Battalion are known to have deserted from regiments including: the 1st Artillery, the 2nd Artillery, the 3rd Artillery, the 4th Artillery, the 2nd Dragoons, the 2nd Infantry, the 3rd Infantry, the 4th Infantry, the 5th Infantry, the 6th Infantry, the 7th Infantry and the 8th Infantry.[3] The Battalion served as an artillery unit for much of the war. Despite later being formally designated as infantry, it still retained artillery pieces throughout the conflict. In many ways, the battalion acted as the sole Mexican counter-balance to US horse artillery. Historical perspectiveFor Americans of the generation who fought the Mexican-American War, the San Patricios were considered traitors.[4] For Mexicans of that generation, and generations to come, the San Patricios were heroes who came to the aid of fellow Catholics in need.[5][6] The great majority of these men were recent immigrants who had arrived at northeastern U.S. ports, part of the Irish diaspora's escaping the Irish Potato Famine and extremely poor economic conditions in Ireland, then part of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. The U.S. Army often recruited Irishmen and other immigrants into military service shortly or sometimes immediately on arrival. ,[7] with promises of salaries and land after the war. Commemorative plaque at San Jacinto Plaza in the district of San Ángel, Mexico CityNumerous theories have been proposed as to their motives for desertion, including cultural alienation,[8] mistreatment of immigrant soldiers by nativist soldiers and senior officers,[9] their not being allowed to attend Sunday Mass or to practice their religion freely, the incentive of higher wages and land grants starting at 320 acres (1.3 km2) offered by Mexico,[10] and their witnessing poor conduct of U.S. troops following battle victories. Some historians believed a primary motivation was shared religion with the Mexicans and sympathy for the Mexican cause, likely based on similarities between the situations in Mexico and Ireland. This hypothesis is based on evidence of the number of Irish Catholics in the Battalion, the letters of Riley, and the field entries of senior officers.[11][12] Another hypothesis is that the members of the Saint Patrick's Battalion had been unhappy with their treatment in the U.S. Army. Another theory some historians hold is that the soldiers were attracted by the valuable incentives offered by the Mexican government: higher wages and generous land grants. For poor people coming from famine conditions, economics was often an important incentive.[13] Mexican author José Raúl Conseco noted that many Irish lived in northern Texas, and were forced to move south due to regional insecurity. Early in the war they helped Gen. Taylor attack the fort and supply depot in St. Isabel, now the city of Port Isabel, Texas. Irish expatriates had a long tradition of serving in military forces of Catholic countries, for instance, serving with Spain in groups of young men known as the Flight of the Wild Geese in the 17th century. In addition, many Irish fought as soldiers in South American wars of independence.[c] [edit] FlagThere are conflicting accounts of the design of the flag of the Saint Patrick's Battalion. No flags or depictions of them are known to have survived to the present day. The only version of the flag known to have survived the war was subsequently lost or stolen from the chapel at West Point.[14] Jon Riley, who left an account of the battalion, noted the flag in a letter: “ "In all my letter, I forgot to tell you under what banner we fought so bravely. It was that glorious Emblem of native rights, that being the banner which should have floated over our native Soil many years ago, it was St. Patrick, the Harp of Erin, the Shamrock upon a green field." ” Possible Saint Patrick's Battalion flag. The Irish gaelic motto reads: "Ireland forever"According to an American journalist covering the war with Mexico: “ The banner is of green silk, and on one side is a harp, surmounted by the Mexican coat of arms, with a scroll on which is painted Libertad por la Republica Mexicana ["Liberty for the Mexican Republic"]. Under the harp is the motto of Erin go Bragh! On the other side is a painting... made to represent St. Patrick, in his left hand a key and in his right a crook or staff resting upon a serpent. Underneath is painted San Patricio. ” Two other eye-witness accounts of the flag exist, both from American soldiers. The first describes it as: “ "...a beautiful green silk banner [which] waved over their heads; on it glittered a silver cross and a golden harp, embroidered by the hands of the fair nuns of San Luis Potosí." ” The second notes only: “ "Among the mighty host we passed was O'Reilly [sic] and his company of deserters bearing aloft in high disgrace the holy banner of St. Patrick." ” A radically different version of the flag was described in this Mexican source: “ "Tenían una insignia blanca, en la que se encontraban los escudos de Irlanda y Mexico, y el nombre de su capitán, John O'Reilly bordado en verde." [They had a white flag/standard, on which were found the shields of Ireland and Mexico, and the name of their captain, John O'Reilly [sic] embroidered in green.] ” Whatever the case, in 1997 a reproduction military flag was created by the Clifden and Connemara Heritage Group. Another was created the following year for the MGM film One Man's Hero. The film was a romanticised version of the San Patricios' history. A third version embodying the description of the San Luis Potosí flag was made for the Irish Society of Chicago, which hung it in Chicago's Union League Club. Some theories suggest that the Saint Patrick's Battalion might have used different banners (as an artillery unit, an infantry company and as a reconstructed unit).[16] [edit] Service as a military unit[edit] Formation and early engagementsPresent in the Mexican Army for the battles of Palo Alto and Resaca de la Palma were the Legión de Extranjeros (Legion of Foreigners); the men who would later make up the core of the Saint Patrick's battalion. Meanwhile, Riley and "a company of 48 Irishmen"[17] manned Mexican artillery at the Siege of Fort Texas, which took place concurrently to the two other battles. The Saint Patrick's Battalion first fought as a recognised Mexican unit in the Battle of Monterrey on 21 September 1846, as an artillery battery. Popularly they were called Los Colorados by the Mexicans because of their ruddy, sun-burnt complexions and red hair color.[18][19] They were commanded by Jon Riley,[b] an Irish artilleryman and veteran Non-commissioned officer of the British Army, who possibly arrived in Canada in 1843 whilst serving in the British Army (the assertion that he served as a Sergeant in the 66th (Berkshire) Regiment of Foot,[18] is known to be a fabrication[20]) going on to join the U.S. Army in Michigan in September 1845. He deserted in Matamoros in April 1846.[21] Upon meeting Mexican forces he was initially given the Officers rank of Lieutenant by General Pedro de Ampudia.[22] San Patricios defended the city of Monterrey with artillery fire from its citadel, indicated here with the key "F".[d]At the battle of Monterrey the San Patricios proved their artillery skills by mowing down many American soldiers, and they are credited with defeating two[23] to three[2] separate assaults into the heart of the city. Among their targets were companies led by such officers as Braxton Bragg, many of whose soldiers would end up in their own ranks later in the war.[24] Their tenacity, however, did not affect the Mexican commanders' decision to capitulate and abandon the position. Following the engagement at Monterrey, the San Patricios grew in number, by some estimates reaching an enlistment of over 700 men.[22][25] Forces re-assembled at San Luis Potosí and they had their distinct green silk flag embroidered there. [edit] Buena VistaThey then marched northward after joining a larger force commanded by Antonio López de Santa Anna sent from Mexico City, the "liberating army of the North". At the Battle of Buena Vista (known as the battle of Angostura in Mexico) in Coahuila on 23 February, the Patricios became engaged with U.S. forces. They were assigned the three heaviest — 18 and 24 pound — cannons the Mexican army possessed, which were positioned on high ground over-looking the battlefield. They were later described as "a strong Mexican battery...moved....by dint of extraordinary exertions...[that] commanded the entire plateau".[26] They started the battle supporting Mexican infantry by firing on U.S. lines as the Mexicans advanced on them, then later decimating an artillery battery directly opposite them on the battlefield (Washington’s 4th Artillery, D Battery). A small number of San Patricios were dispatched with a division commanded by Manuel Lombardini with the express purpose of capturing the 4th's cannons once the crews had been dealt with. As the division got close enough they charged the artillery battery, bayoneting whoever remained and routing the rest, leaving the attached San Patricios free to haul away two six-pound cannons.[27] These cannons would later be used by Mexican forces at the Battle of Contreras.[10] In frustration U.S. Commander Zachary Taylor, referring to the Saint Patrick's Battalion, ordered a squadron of the 1st Dragoons to "take that damned battery".[28] In this task they failed, and, badly bloodied, were forced to retreat.[10] At about 1 p.m. the San Patricios covered a Mexican retreat as a disordered mass of infantry sought refuge during a lull in the fighting.[29] The San Patricios rode out the day in a costly artillery duel with several American batteries,[30] which killed and injured roughly one third of them.[31] Several Irishmen were awarded the War Cross by the Mexican government for their conduct in that battle, and many received field promotions.[31][32] [edit] Re-organization and final battlesDespite their excellent performance in a number of engagements as artillery, the much-reduced San Patricios were ordered to muster a larger infantry battalion in mid-1847 by personal order of Santa Anna. It was re-named the The Foreign Legion of Patricios and consisted of volunteers from many European countries, commanded by Col. Francisco R. Moreno, with Riley in charge of 1st company and Santiago O'Leary heading up the second.[31] As an infantry unit, the San Patricios continued to serve with distinction. Knowing that they were likely to face the death penalty if captured, the San Patricios are known to have threatened wavering Mexican troops with death by "friendly fire" at the Battle of Cerro Gordo if they retreated. When the San Patricios were too-heavily engaged to carry out their threat, the Mexican troops broke and ran, leaving the San Patricios as they fought U.S. troops in hand-to-hand combat.[citation needed] Churubusco's monastery at the height of the 1847 Battle of Churubusco, painted by James Walker.The Battle of Churubusco (20 August 1847) took place two days after the defeat at Cerro Gordo. Gen. Santa Anna gave a verbal order to "preserve the point at all risk".[33] The San Patricio Companies initially met the attackers outside the walls of the convent at a tête-de-pont, which was about 500 yards (457 m) from a fortified convent.[34] A battery of three[35] to five[34] heavy cannons were used from this position to hold off the American advance along with support from Los Independencia Batallón and Los Bravos Batallón.[35] Several U.S. charges towards the bridgehead were thrown off,[36] with the San Patricio companies serving as an example to the supporting battalions.[37] Unlike the San Patricios, most of whom were veterans (many having served in the armies of the United Kingdom and assorted German states), the supporting Mexican battalions were simply militia (the term 'National Guard' is also used[33]) who had been untested by battle.[35] A lack of ammunition led the Mexican soldiers in the trenches between the bridgehead and the convent to disband; without ammunition, they had no way to fight back.[38] Santa Anna had ordered half of these soldiers to a different part of the battlefield.[39] When the requested ammunition wagon finally arrived, the 9 ½ drachm cartridges were compatible with none but the San Patricio Companies "Brown Bess" muskets, and they made up only a fraction of the defending forces.[40] Further hampering Mexican efforts, a stray spark from an artillery piece firing grape shot at the on-coming U.S. troops caused the just-arrived ammunition to explode and set fire to several men, including Cap. O'Leary and Gen.l Anaya.[41] A withdrawal behind the walls of the convento de Churubusco was called when the threat of being outflanked proved too great.[10] A depiction of George Ballentine, an eyewitness of the battalion.The San Patricios used this battle as a chance to settle old scores with U.S. troops. "The large number of officers killed in the affair was ... ascribed to them, as for the gratification of their revenge they aimed at no other objects during the engagement".[42] Though hopelessly outnumbered and underequipped, the defenders repelled the attacking U.S. forces with heavy losses until their ammunition ran out and a Mexican officer raised the white flag of surrender. Officer Patrick Dalton of the San Patricios tore the white flag down, prompting Gen. Pedro Anaya to order his men to fight on, with their bare hands if necessary.[31] American Private Ballentine reported that when the Mexicans attempted to raise the white flag two more times, members of the San Patricios shot and killed them.[42][43] After brutal close-quarters fighting with bayonets and sabers through the halls and rooms inside the convent, U.S. Army Captain James M. Smith suggested a surrender after raising his white handkerchief.[44] Following the U.S. victory, the Americans "ventilat[ed] their vocabulary of Saxon expletives, not very "courteously," on Riley and his beautiful disciples of St. Patrick."[45] Gen. Anaya stated in his written battle report that 35 San Patricios were killed, 85 taken prisoner (including a wounded Jon Riley, Captain O'Leary and Anaya). About 85 escaped with retreating Mexican forces.[31] The survivors were reformed before the Battle of Mexico City some two weeks later and were stationed at Querétaro. New units were made up of the free survivors of the battle of Churubusco and a roughly equal number of fresh deserters from the U.S. Army.[44][46] Following the war, the battalion never regained its former numbers; it was officially mustered out of Mexican military service in 1848. Some members were alleged to have been involved in an abortive military coup;[47] historians have said the group was disbanded because of Mexican budget cuts.[48] [edit] Aftermath[edit] TrialsThe San Patricios captured by the U.S. Army were treated and punished as traitors for desertion in time of war. In addition, they had been responsible for some of the toughest fighting (and the heaviest casualties) that the U.S. Army had faced. Seventy-two men were immediately charged with desertion by the Army.[23] Two separate courts-martial were held, one at Tacubaya on 23 August, and another at San Ángel on 26 August. At neither of these trials were the men represented by lawyers nor were transcripts made of the proceedings. Neither was required by law.[citation needed] This lack of formal legal advice could account for the fact that several of the men claimed that drunkenness had led them to desert (a common defense in military trials at the time that sometimes led to lighter sentences), and others described how they were forced to join the Mexican Army in some form or another. The majority of the San Patricios either offered no defense or their defenses were not recorded. In any case, military law required death as the punishment for the crime of desertion during a time of war.[49] [edit] SentencesOne soldier who claimed he was forced to fight by the Mexicans after he was captured by them, and who subsequently refused to do so, was sentenced to death by firing squad instead of hanging, along with another who was found not to have officially joined the Mexican Army.[23] Most of the convicted San Patricios were sentenced to death by hanging: 30 from the Tacubaya trial and 18 from San Ángel. The rationale was that they had entered Mexican military service following the declaration of war. Execution by hanging was in violation of the contemporary Articles of War, which stipulated that the penalty for desertion and/or defecting to the enemy during a time of war was death by firing squad, regardless of the circumstances. Hanging was reserved only for spies (without uniform) and for "atrocities against civilians", neither of which activities were among the charges brought against any members of the Saint Patricio's Battalion.[32] Although more than 9,000 U.S. soldiers deserted the army during the Mexican-American War, only the San Patricios were punished by hanging.[50] Those soldiers who had left military service before the official declaration of war on Mexico (Riley among them) were sentenced to: “ "'...receive 50 lashes on their bare backs, to be branded with the letter 'D' for deserter, and to wear iron yokes around their necks for the duration of the war."[51] ” [edit] ExecutionsEn masse hangings for treason took place on 10 September 1847, at San Ángel (where 16 were hanged) and the village of Mixcoac (where 4 were hanged), and 13 September at Chapultepec. At the San Ángel hangings all prisoners were executed without incident except for Patrick Dalton, who, as an American captain described, was "literally choked to death".[52] Dalton had previously voiced concerns regarding his treatment.[53] By order of Gen. Winfield Scott, 30 San Patricios were to be executed at Chapultepec in full view of the two armies who had fought there, at the precise moment that the flag of the U.S. replaced the flag of Mexico atop the citadel. This order was carried out by Col. William Harney.[32] While overseeing the hangings, Harney ordered Francis O'Connor hanged even though he had had both legs amputated the previous day. When the army surgeon informed the colonel that the absent soldier had lost both his legs in battle, Harney replied: “ "Bring the damned son of a bitch out! My order was to hang 30 and by God I'll do it!"[54] ” The mass hanging of San Patricios, as portrayed by Samuel Chamberlain, c. 1867The U.S. flag appeared on the flagpole at 9.30 a.m. The Mexican flag had been taken by cadet Juan Escutia to his death after leaping with it from Chapultepec Castle to deny the Americans the honor of capturing it. In a final act of defiance, the men about to be hanged cheered the Mexican flag, as one onlooker remarked; "Hands tied, feet tied, their voices still free".[55] At Harney's signal, the carts holding the tied and noosed men pulled away.[56] Harney was subsequently promoted to brigadier general, a post which he held while the U.S. Army occupied Mexico City. The Mexican government described the hangings as “a cruel death or horrible torments, improper in a civilised age, and [ironic] for a people who aspire to the title of illustrious and humane”,[10] and by a writer covering the war as "a refinement of cruelty and...fiendish".[57] [edit] LegacyThose who survived the war generally disappeared from history. A handful are on record as having made use of the land claims promised them by the Mexican government. The men have continued to be honored and revered as heroes in Mexico.[58] The Batallón de San Patricio is memorialised on two separate days; 12 September, the generally-accepted anniversary of the executions of those convicted by the U.S. Army of desertion at time of war, and 17 March, Saint Patrick's Day. As well as the coastal town of San Patricio, Jalisco, numerous schools, churches and other landmarks in Mexico take their name from the battalion: Monterrey - The street in front of the Irish School is named Batallón de San Patricio ("Battalion of Saint Patrick"). Mexico City - The street in front of the Santa María de Churubusco convent was named Mártires Irlandeses ("the Irish martyrs"). The battalion's name is written in gold letters in the chamber of Mexico's House of Representatives.[59] In the U.S. the memory of the battalion has been different. The U.S. Army denied the existence of the Saint Patrick's battalion as a cover-up and attempt to discourage other deserters. In 1915 an inquiry was initiated by U.S. congressmen William Henry Coleman and Frank L. Greene. This resulted in the U.S. Army's admitting its denial of the matter. The U.S. Congress ordered the army to turn over its records on the battalion to the National Archives.[60] "Preferring to fight with the Catholic Mexicans against the Protestant Americans, the San Patricios were the only group of deserters in American history to band together in the service of a foreign enemy." Peter Quinn, Looking for Jimmy: A Search for Irish America[61]In the past most Irish Americans distanced themselves from the battalion, as they did not want to be associated with deserters or thought to be disloyal. In 1997, President Ernesto Zedillo commemorated the 150th anniversary of the execution of the San Patricios at a ceremony in Mexico City's San Jacinto Plaza. This is where the U.S. Army conducted the first 16 hangings after the men were convicted of desertion at court martial. Ireland and Mexico jointly issued commemorative postage stamps to mark the anniversary. In 2004, at an official ceremony attended by numerous international dignitaries including directors Lance and Jason Hool, as well as several actors from the film One Man's Hero (1999), the Mexican government gave a commemorative statue to the Irish government in perpetual thanks for the bravery, honor and sacrifice of the Saint Patrick's Battalion. The statue was erected at Clifden's town center, where leader Jon Riley was born. The battalion has inspired numerous responses: it is the name of a soccer team club Deportivo Chivas USA's supporters association, was evoked in a Saint Patrick's Day message from Subcomandante Marcos of the Zapatista Army of National Liberation,[62] and has been remembered as a symbol of international solidarity with Mexico.[63][64] In honor of Jon Riley, on 12 September the town of Clifden flies the Mexican flag. External images An image of the Irish version of the joint issue stamp [edit] Music"St Patrick's Battalion" — by David Rovics "San Patricio Brigade" — by Black 47 "The San Patricios" — by The Fenians "San Patricios" — by Street Dogs (State of Grace) "San Patricios" — by Ollin (song and EP) "Pa Los Del San Patricio" — by Charlie O'Brien "The Men That God Made Mad" — by Niamh Parsons with Graham Dunne "San Patricios" — by The Plankrunners "St Patrick's Battalion" — by The Wakes "San Patricio" - by The Chieftains "John Riley" - by Tim O'Brien [edit] Films and fiction1962 — Saint Patrick's Battalion by Carl Krueger 1996 — The San Patricios, Directed by Mark R. Day 1997 — In the Rogue Blood, Winner of Los Angeles Times Book Prize for Fiction, by James Carlos Blake 1999 — One Man's Hero (1999), film directed by Lance Hool, written by Milton S. Gelman 1999 — St. Patrick's Battalion, Directed by Jason Hool 1999 — The Rogue's March: John Riley and the St. Patrick's Battalion 1846-1848 by Peter F. Stevens 2001 — Gone for Soldiers, novel by Jeff Shaara 2006 — Saint Patrick's Battalion, novel by James Alexander Thom [edit] See alsoBattles of the Mexican-American War Connolly Column Irish Brigade (French) Irish Brigade (US) Irish Migration Studies in Latin America Niños Héroes John Murphy (Saint Patrick's Battalion) [edit] Notesa. ^ The coats were turkish-blue with yellow lapels and crimson-red cuffs as well as piping. The trousers were sky-blue with red piping. Officers wore black or blue Kepis and privates wore dark-blue cloth barracks caps, with red tassels similar to a Fez, also with red piping.[65][66] b. 1 2 Variably spelled in English as Jon Reily, Riely, Reilly, O'Reily and O'Reilly. His name is given as Juan Reyle, Reley, Reely and Reiley in Mexican army documents written in Spanish. Regardless of other variant spellings, the name was Seán O' Raghailligh in the original Irish Gaelic.[18][67][68] c. ^ See articles 1st Venezuelan Rifles, Bernardo O'Higgins, Daniel Florencio O'Leary, Juan O'Donojú, Morgan O'Connell, & William Lamport. d. ^ Monterrey is here misspelled "Monterey" as it appears in the Personal Memoirs of Ulysses S. Grant. Not to be confused with Monterey of the Battle of Monterey, also in the Mexican-American war. [edit] Footnotes1.^ Miller (1989, pp. 188-192.) 2.^ a b Callaghan (1995). 3.^ Hopkins (1913, pp. 283-284.) 4.^ Hogan (1998, p. 223.) 5.^ Mexican president Vicente Fox Quesada — "The affinities between Ireland and Mexico go back to the first years of our nation, when our country fought to preserve its national sovereignty... Then, a brave group of Irish soldiers... in a heroic gesture, decided to fight against the foreign ground invasion.", Connaughton (2005). 6.^ Mexican president Ernesto Zedillo — "Members of the St. Patrick's Battalion were executed for following their consciences. They were martyred for adhering to the highest ideals ... we honor their memory. In the name of the people of Mexico, I salute today the people of Ireland and express my eternal gratitude." Fogarty (2005). 7.^ "I recollect at this place [the battle of Churubusco] that some of the gunners who had stood their ground, were deserters from General Taylor's army on the Rio Grande." Personal memoirs of Ulysses S. Grant, Volume I, Chapter XI, p. 145. 8.^ Mermann-Jozwiak (2001, p. 150.) 9.^ Ballentine (1860, pp. 34-35, 281-282.) 10.^ a b c d e Downey (1955) 11.^ Lloyd (2000, p. 104.) 12.^ Hogan (1998 p. 152.) 13.^ McCornack (1958, p. 255 and Robert Miller, Shamrock and Sword, The Saint Patrick's Battalion in the US-Mexican War) 14.^ Hogan (1998, p. 228.) 15.^ Stevens (1999, p. 285.) 16.^ Ferrigan III(2000) 17.^ Stevens (1999, p. 291.) 18.^ a b c Wallace (1950, p. 85.) 19.^ Bauer (1992, p. 42.) 20.^ Miller (1989, p. 27.) 21.^ Hogan (1998, p. 41) 22.^ a b Hopkins (1913, p. 280.) 23.^ a b c Howes (2003 p. 181.) 24.^ Stevens (1999, p. 150, 172-173.) 25.^ Chamberlain (1856, p. 226.) 26.^ Smith (1919a, p. 391.) 27.^ Stevens (1999, p. 195.) 28.^ Stevens (1999, p. 193.) 29.^ Smith (1919a, p. 393.) 30.^ Smith (1919a, p. 395.) 31.^ a b c d e Fogarty (2005). 32.^ a b c Hogan (2006). 33.^ a b Ramsey (1850, p. 283.) 34.^ a b Ramsey (1850, p. 284.) 35.^ a b c Smith (1919b, p. 111.) 36.^ Smith (1919b, p. 115.) 37.^ Smith (1919b, p. 114.) 38.^ Ramsey (1850, p. 286.) 39.^ Smith (1919b, p. 116.) 40.^ Ramsey (1850, p. 295.) 41.^ Ramsey (1850, p. 296.) 42.^ a b Ballentine (1860, p. 256.) 43.^ Meltzer (1974, p. 197.) 44.^ a b Nordstrom (2008). 45.^ Ramsey (1850, p. 299.) 46.^ Stevens (1999, p. 286.) 47.^ Stevens (1999, pp. 290-291.) 48.^ "The United States in Latin America: A Historical Dictionary, S, p. 311". www.questiaschool.com. www.questiaschool.com/read/9635237 Retrieved 2 August 2008. 49.^ Article 85—Desertion 50.^ Ex. Doc. 36, 30th Cong., 1 Sess, "Report of the Secretary of War..." pp. 6-7: see also Hogan (1998, p. 19.) 51.^ Frías (1984, p. 173) 52.^ Miller (1989, p. 105.) 53.^ Miller (1989, p. 93.) 54.^ Wunn (1985, p. 14.) 55.^ Stevens (1999, p. 275.) 56.^ Hogan (1998, p. 287.) 57.^ Fast (1993). 58.^ Gonzales (2000, pp. 86-87.) 59.^ Hawley, Chris (10 March 2008). "Bagpipers honor Irish who fought for Mexico". USA Today. www.usatoday.com/…/2008-03-09-stpa… Retrieved 10 July 2008. 60.^ Stevens (1999, pp. 300-301.) 61.^ Quinn, Peter. Looking for Jimmy: A Search for Irish America. New York: The Overlook Press (2007) p. 49 62.^ "Struggle in Mexico: the Irish Connection". blackened.net. flag.blackened.net/revolt/mexico/img/stpat.html. Retrieved 9 July 2008. 63.^ "Students seek to have expulsion order annulled". Mexican Labor News and Analysis, Vol 7, No. 5. June 2002. www.ueinternational.org/Vol7no5.html Retrieved 13 July 2008. 64.^ "Al conmemorar la gesta heroica del Batallón de San Patricio honramos la memoria de todos los hombres y de todas las mujeres que han luchado y siguen luchando por construir un mundo más justo, más incluyente y más democrático, independientemente de su origen étnico, su condición social, su herencia cultural y su filosofía de vida." (As we commemorate the heroic gesture of the St. Patrick's Battalion, we honor the memory of all men and all women who have fought and are still struggling to build a world more just, more democratic and inclusive, regardless of their ethnic origin, social status, cultural heritage and philosophy of life) "CL Aniversario del batallón de San patricio(Spanish)". Presidency of the Republic of Mexico. zedillo.presidencia.gob.mx/pages/disc/sep97/12sep97.html. Retrieved 7 August 2008. 65.^ Miller (1989, pp. 38 & 71.) 66.^ Stevens (1999, p. 231.) 67.^ Miller (1989, p. 26.) 68.^ Stevens (1999, p. 293.) [edit] References[edit] Primary sourcesBallentine, George. Adventures of an English Soldier in the United States Army, New York: W. A. Townsend & Company, 1860 Grant, Ulysses S. Personal memoirs of Ulysses S. Grant, Volume I, 1885 Ramsey, Albert C. The other side; or, Notes for the history of the war between Mexico and the United States, New York: John Wiley, 161 Broadway and 13 Paternoster Row, London, 1850 Chamberlain, Samuel. My Confession: Recollections of a Rogue, New York: Harper and Brothers, 1853 [edit] Secondary sourcesBauer, K. Jack. The Mexican War, 1846-48, Bison Books, 1992 ISBN 0803261071. Callaghan, James. "The San Patricios". American Heritage Magazine. Volume 46, Issue 7, November 1995. www.americanheritage.com/…/1995_7_68.shtml. Retrieved 3 August 2008. Connaughton, Michael G. "Beneath an Emerald Green Flag: The Story of Irish Soldiers in Mexico". The Society for Irish Latin American Studies. September 2005. www.irlandeses.org/sanpatriciosA.htm. Retrieved 13 July 2008. Cress, Lawrence Delbert & Wilkins, George. Dispatches from the Mexican-American War, University of Oklahoma Press, 1999 ISBN 0806131217. Downey, Fairfax. "Tragic Story of the San Patricio Batallion". American Heritage Magazine. Volume 6, Issue 4, June 1955. americanheritage.com/…/1955_4_20.shtml. Retrieved 10 July 2008. Ferrigan III, James J. "Three flags for the Batallón de San Patricio?" 8 February 2000 Fogarty, James. "The St. Patricio Battalion: The Irish Soldiers of Mexico". The Society for Irish Latin American Studies. September 2005. www.irlandeses.org/sanpatriciosB.htm. Retrieved 3 August 2008. Frías, Heriberto. La guerra contra los gringos Mexico City: Ediciones Leega/Jucar, 1984 ISBN 968495011X (Spanish) Gonzales, Manuel G. Mexicanos: A history of Mexicans in the United States, Indiana University Press, 2000 ISBN 0-253-33520-5. Hogan, Michael. Irish Soldiers of Mexico, Guadalajara: Fondo Editorial Universitario, 1998 ISBN 978-9687846002. _________. "Los San Patricios: The Irish Soldiers of Mexico". Indymedia. September 2006. chicago.indymedia.org/…/index.php. Retrieved 15 July 2008. Hopkins, G. T., The San Patricio Battalion in the Mexican War, Cavalry Journal 24, September 1913. Fast, Howard "Inglorious Tale from the Mexican War". February 1993. www.trussel.com/hf/inglorio.htm. Retrieved 10 July 2008. Howes, Kelly King. Mexican American war, U·X·L, 2003 ISBN 0787665371. Lloyd, David. Ireland After History, University of Notre Dame Press, 2000 ISBN 0268012180. McCornack, Richard. The San Patricio Deserters in the Mexican War, 1847, The Irish Sword. Volume 3, 1958. Mermann-Jozwiak, Elisabeth. "An interview with Montserrat Fontes". MELUS, Vol. 26, No. 3, Confronting Exiles (Autumn, 2001), pp. 145-161. 22 September 2001. www.encyclopedia.com/beta/doc/1G1-83042396.html. Retrieved 10 July 2008. [dead link] Miller, Robert Ryal. Shamrock and Sword, The Saint Patrick's Battalion in the US-Mexican War, Norman, Oklahoma; University of Okiahoma Press, 1989 ISBN 0806129646. Meltzer, Milton. Bound for the Rio Grande; the Mexican Struggle, 1845-1850, New York: Knopf, 1974 ISBN 0394824407. Nordstrom, Pat. "San Patricio Battalion". Handbook of Texas(online). Last Updated: 18 January 2008. www.tshaonline.org/…/qis1.html. Retrieved 7 August 2008. Wallace, Edward S. The Battalion of Saint Patrick in the Mexican War, Military Affairs, Vol. 14, No. 2 (Summer, 1950), p. 84-91. Wunn, Dennis J. San Patricio Soldiers: Mexico's Foreign Legion, Texas Western Pr 1985 ISBN 0874041503. Smith, Justin H. The War with Mexico, vol 1, The Macmillan Company, 1919. _________. The War with Mexico, vol 2, The Macmillan Company, 1919. Stevens, Peter F. The Rogue's March: John Riley and the St. Patrick's Battalion, Washington, DC: Brassey's, 1999 ISBN 1574887386. [edit] Further readingMurray, Edmundo. The San Patricio Battalion: A Bibliography at Irish Migration Studies in Latin America, 2006. Bibliography on the Mexican-American War, section on the San Patricio Battalion at www.ibiblio.org [edit] External links"1847 . La guerra de Texas. En memoria del heroico batallón de San Patricio, Menendez y Menendez Opus blog, 14 September 2007 (in Spanish) Martin Paredes, "Batallón de San Patricio: the Irish Heroes of Mexico", March 2008, Mexican Studies "Dr. Michael Hogan", Geocities[dead link] The San Patricios: Mexico's Fighting Irish Roy Cook, "St. Patrick's Battalion, Battallón San Patricio: Mexican War Heroes", American Indian Source Musical tribute by folk singer David Rovics en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saint_Patrick's_Battalion