
Bergoglio's Personal Consultant Wants Priestesses

TradCatKnight: Bergoglio's Personal Consultant Wants Priestesses

Bergoglio's Personal Consultant Wants Priestesses
Spaced-out Modernist Pablo d'Ors, Francis-Bergoglio's Personal Consultant
Is Recommending to Bergoglio the Installation of Priestesses.
Pablo d'Ors Called Our Lord Jesus Christ's Divine Decision
not to Select Women for the Priesthood to Be "an Unacceptable Discrimination".
Not Only Is Christ a "Bigot," but All Those Who Are Opposed to Priestesses
Are "Sinners" in the Eyes of This Personal Consultant of Bergoglio's
Is Francis-Bergoglio planning to force the admission of priestesses into his Newchurch of the New Order, in the same way in which he connived to force the admission of homosexuals into his Newchurch? Even when his Extraordinary Synod on the Family wouldn't buy Bergoglio's anti-Christian pro-"gay" doctrine, Bergoglio ordered the failed paragraph to be reinserted into the Synod's final report.

Spanish modernist Pablo d'Ors, whom Bergoglio's appointed to his Pontifical Council for Culture, yesterday revealed to the Italian daily La Repubblica that he was "absolutely" in favor of opening up the Novus Ordo presyterate to priestesses, that is, prebyteresses or ministresses. Of course, priestesses are Biblically and Traditionally condemned as Pagan in the Catholic Church. d'Ors went on to say that several other Bergoglio appointees wanted priestesses. Bergoglio's Council has determined to focus its February 2015 session in Newrome on "women's issues," including the condemnation of priestesses.

Read the whole blog here...…/bergoglios-pers…