Mass in suffrage for cardinals and bishops who died in 2009 Love, which has its most sublime expression in Christ, must guide our life each day, despite the difficulties and trials. In fact, we are …More
Mass in suffrage for cardinals and bishops who died in 2009

Love, which has its most sublime expression in Christ, must guide our life each day, despite the difficulties and trials. In fact, we are only itinerants on earth, pilgrims who journey towards the heavenly homeland.Celebrating in St. Peters Basilica the Holy Mass for the souls of cardinals and bishops who died over the course of the year, Benedict XVI once again spoke of death, an enigma charged with anxiety.The Pope recognized that the separation from our loved ones is painful, but recalled that for believers, however it comes, it is always illuminated by the hope of immortality.In this life, the Pontiff said during the homily, there are situations of suffering and pain, moments that are diff ...