Lebanon: The Largest Rosary in the World

Joe Abdel Sater, a Lebanese Catholic, created a giant rosary chaplet that floated on the waves of the Mediterranean Sea in the coastal town of Bouar for the Feast of Our Lady of the Seas on 11 May.

Sater received the approval of the parish priest and the local mayor for his initiative.

The rosary chaplet, which stretches 100 metres across the water, consists of white plastic gallon jugs for the "Hail Marys" beads and larger blue ones for the "Our Fathers". The cross is made of wood.

"I dove down and tied the beads with rope, anchoring them to the rocks below," Abdel Sater told AciMena.com: "This way, the shape of the rosary remained intact despite the changing tides."

The installation is illuminated at night.

Although rough waters have forced Sater to temporarily move his masterpiece ashore, he hopes to have his creation floating again soon.

He has submitted the rosary for entry into the Guinness Book of Records.


Abbé Jean-Marie du Divin Coeur de Jésus
I have no doubt that the Heavenly Angels see this Rosary when it is illuminated at night and they descent upon earth to accompany the faithful who pray to the Blessed Virgin Mary, seeking her powerful intercession to her beloved Son Jesus Christ. May the Lord bless this man for his good works that will be remembered on Judgment Day.