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St. John Damascene MARCH 27 Confessor and Doctor. St. John Damascene or John of DamascusMore
St. John Damascene MARCH 27 Confessor and Doctor.

St. John Damascene or John of Damascus
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PRAYER BEFORE COMMUNION: by St. John of Damascus
O Lord and Master Jesus Christ, our God, who alone hath power to forgive the sins of men, do Thou, O Good One who lovest mankind, forgive all the sins that I have committed in knowledge or in ignorance, and make me worthy to receive without condemnation Thy divine, glorious, immaculate and life-giving Mysteries; not unto puishment or unto increase …More
PRAYER BEFORE COMMUNION: by St. John of Damascus

O Lord and Master Jesus Christ, our God, who alone hath power to forgive the sins of men, do Thou, O Good One who lovest mankind, forgive all the sins that I have committed in knowledge or in ignorance, and make me worthy to receive without condemnation Thy divine, glorious, immaculate and life-giving Mysteries; not unto puishment or unto increase of sin; but unto purification, and sanctification and a promise of Thy Kingdom and the Life to come; as a protection and a help to overthrow the adversaries, and to blot out my many sins. For Thou art a God of Mercy and compassion and love toward mankind, and unto Thee we ascribe glory together with the Father and the Holy Ghost; now and ever, and unto ages and ages. Amen
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St. John of Damascene, or St. John of Damascus, was the great defender of the veneration of images against the iconoclasts, the destroyers of statues and pictures of the saints. He was a learned theologian and carefully gathered together and transmitted to us the teaching of the Greek Fathers, and is thus one of the most trustworthy witnesses to oriental tradition. He is also the author of liturgical …More
St. John of Damascene, or St. John of Damascus, was the great defender of the veneration of images against the iconoclasts, the destroyers of statues and pictures of the saints. He was a learned theologian and carefully gathered together and transmitted to us the teaching of the Greek Fathers, and is thus one of the most trustworthy witnesses to oriental tradition. He is also the author of liturgical hymns which are still in use. St. John Damascene died in 749, Leo XIII proclaimed him a Doctor of the universal Church.
The whole Mass celebrates the powerful aid that God gives to those who fight in His service. The choice of the Gospel : LK 6:6- 11 is inspired by an episode, possibly legendary, in the life of the saint: after having his right hand cut off by his enemies, it is said to have been miraculously restored.