Pope Francis, Striking Out or Hitting a Home Run?

Cardinal Timothy Dolan is certainly right when he says that Pope Francis “wants to shake us [Catholics] up.” But is he doing more harm than good?

Positive. Jesus often said controversial things that were easily misunderstood, and Pope Francis is following in his footsteps. There is nothing wrong with that, and it actually stimulates thoughtful discussion.

Negative. Moral ambiguity helps no one, and as Paul taught, “if the bugle gives an indistinct sound, who will get ready for battle?” (1 Corinthians 14:8)
Positive. The Pope is putting first things first, making clear that the mission of the church is not to oppose abortion and homosexuality but rather to bring the gospel to those in need.

Negative. If the church doesn’t stand for the sanctity of life – defending the rights of the most defenseless of all – and if it doesn’t uphold marriage and sexuality as God intended it, who will?
Positive. The Pope is right in saying that, “The church has sometimes locked itself up in small things, in small-minded rules.”

Negative. Many people believe that he is placing opposition to abortion and homosexual practice in the category of “small things” and “small-minded rules.”
Positive. The Pope is opening the door wide to atheists and gays and lesbians, not condemning them but offering them grace.

Negative. It is one thing to open the door; it is another thing to say, “Once you walk through our non-condemning door, if you really want to follow Jesus, you will radically change.” This is similar to Jesus telling the woman caught in adultery that he didn’t condemn her before telling her, “Go and sin no more.” (See John 8:1-11.)

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