Liturgical Abuse: Puppets (WCCTA 2008) Call to Action 'Liturgy'More
Liturgical Abuse: Puppets (WCCTA 2008)

Call to Action 'Liturgy'
holyrope 3
Just as bad as "polka masses"!
Truely disgusting especially more when adults stopps to this typr of personal self serving garbage. Embarrassing for the Church. WHy don't these folks just leave...and shame on the priest involved, should be disciplined for making a mockery of the Holy Liturgy.
Sing a new church...well you can have that "new church". You'd think these "adult" would understand what they were participating in...
The …More
Truely disgusting especially more when adults stopps to this typr of personal self serving garbage. Embarrassing for the Church. WHy don't these folks just leave...and shame on the priest involved, should be disciplined for making a mockery of the Holy Liturgy.

Sing a new church...well you can have that "new church". You'd think these "adult" would understand what they were participating in...

The local Bishop needs to explain why this priest is allowed to continue his ministry.
✍️ This building will make a great mosque! - Blessings - Rene
holyrope 3
These people are under a spell...the novus ordo spell. What has happened to these older folks? How they cannot see that this is all nonsense and a joke. Just unbelievable. But nothing should surprise us with the modern church. This is what the good saintly Popes warned us about. They probably couldn't even conceive this one though..the puppet people! And all those people there don't know that they …More
These people are under a spell...the novus ordo spell. What has happened to these older folks? How they cannot see that this is all nonsense and a joke. Just unbelievable. But nothing should surprise us with the modern church. This is what the good saintly Popes warned us about. They probably couldn't even conceive this one though..the puppet people! And all those people there don't know that they too are all puppets! ☕
The blessing: “And may we bless ourselves in the Name of
the Creator, the Redeemer, and the Sanctifier. Amen”
; the
dismissal: “Go in peace. The peace of Christ preserve the
Church and the ?total?world? Praise Amen God”
; with
accompanying directionless music mercifully brought
the shambles to a close. More a mess than a Mass.
Some of the abuses in this performance as if Novus Ordo: 1. the procession includes strange elements, 2. the lay ministers are not liturgicly dressed, 3. doubtable matteria of the Eucharist, 4. the priest leaves the sanctuary during the liturgical act, 5. using the glass vessels, 6. inproper use of the incense, 7. adding non liturgical elements such as clapping, 8. the altar is not prepared before …More
Some of the abuses in this performance as if Novus Ordo: 1. the procession includes strange elements, 2. the lay ministers are not liturgicly dressed, 3. doubtable matteria of the Eucharist, 4. the priest leaves the sanctuary during the liturgical act, 5. using the glass vessels, 6. inproper use of the incense, 7. adding non liturgical elements such as clapping, 8. the altar is not prepared before the mass and still after preparation misses the cross and candles, 9. missing genuflections at the after the transubstantiation (consacration of the bread and wine to the Body and Blood of Christ), 10. poor liturgical environment: no distinguished presidential seat and the ambona used for what is not the Word of God, 11. changing the liturgical prayers (f.e. at the dismissal), 12. commentaries when they are not permissable (broken dismissal).
Let me not continue in the list... All these things are forbidden in Novus Ordo, so this is not our authentic Catholic liturgy. The Catholic liturgy is not a private property of the celebrant or congragation.
Can I eat chocolate though?
I can bait you but I can't make you sinful. You are doing that all by yourself.
2 more comments from kfarley
Keep talking Trady you'll be off the site soon enough.
Trady you're 1 heartbeat away from eternity. Every slander you have made will be accounted for. Even if you do feel the way you do about the Church the position you've taken is idiotic. An intelligent person would reason that "even if I am unhappy with aspects of the Church it is not worth my soul to ever slander it because I could be wrong." Before Vatican II there were evil people in the Catholic …More
Trady you're 1 heartbeat away from eternity. Every slander you have made will be accounted for. Even if you do feel the way you do about the Church the position you've taken is idiotic. An intelligent person would reason that "even if I am unhappy with aspects of the Church it is not worth my soul to ever slander it because I could be wrong." Before Vatican II there were evil people in the Catholic Church just as there are today because not every Catholic has followed their faith. You are wrong and almost every person on this website either knows this or has told you this. In your foolishness you have called Popes of the Holy Catholic Church homosexuals & devils and if you Trady have a fatal heart attack today you'll face judgement on all you've said and all you will say before death. Be smart and shut your mouth and go to Confession.
This is a gathering of people who publicly dissent from Church teaching. But it is not only bad theology. It is ugly and absurd.
Aging, poorly trained ballerinas,
stumbling around on a carpet
in some rented hotel banquet room;
grotesque manequins left over from a Mardi Gras parade;
awkward, amateur theatrical prima donnas,
grey haired matrons
who can no longer play a good game of shuffleboard,
trying …More
This is a gathering of people who publicly dissent from Church teaching. But it is not only bad theology. It is ugly and absurd.
Aging, poorly trained ballerinas,
stumbling around on a carpet
in some rented hotel banquet room;
grotesque manequins left over from a Mardi Gras parade;
awkward, amateur theatrical prima donnas,
grey haired matrons
who can no longer play a good game of shuffleboard,
trying to recapture the thrill
of Woodstock again.
But it is no longer 1968,
and they are no longer
young and foolish.
At no point did any of them come to the conclusion:
This is just too silly and too pathetic for me.
How in God’s name are we going to justify this event /
theatre / pantomime / performance? If Trady sees
this liturgical expression - he’ll hit the roof!
Please report this sacrilage to the local diocesan bishop.
The Eucharist is the most sacred we have.
Too much is too much!