Why this rush to raise recent popes to the Altars?

It looks like Pope Paul VI will be beatified during the Year of Faith -- Why this rush to raise recent popes to the Altars?

On 10 December, it seems that the Congregation’s cardinals and bishops voted unanimously in favour of recognising the ‘heroic virtues’ of Giovanni Battista Montini -- who was Pope from 1963-78.

This means it is highly likely that Pope Benedict XVI will now promulgate a decree of heroic virtues, granting the Conciliar and post-Conciliar Pope Paul the title ‘Venerable’.

It could be argued that the Church suffered near collapse during his pontificate, as the decrees of the Second Vatican Council were implemented in a way we now know to have been contrary to the real mind of the Church.

Liturgical abuses went viral soon after the promulgation of the Missal of Paul VI, whilst Marxist ideology and lack of discipline infiltrated seminaries, and priests and nuns abandoned their vocations in droves.

And, of course, traditional Catholics were virtually persecuted within their own Church during Montini's pontificate, as those attached to the 'old Mass' had to metaphorically take to the catacombs! (I am not suggesting he was behind the purge of the old rite, just that it seemed most virulent and unchecked during his reign.)

I find it odd that nearly every pope from the time of the Second Vatican Council onwards has been fast-tracked to sainthood. Surely, there are holier popes than these -- ones who have been hanging about, waiting for canonisation, or just some form of recognition, for centuries?

What about Blessed Urban II, when will he finally be canonised?

What about Leo XIII, a great man indeed, or the angelic Venerable Pope Pius XII?

And what about all the other saintly bishops, priests, religious, and lay men and women who already have popular cults, but whose canonisation processes have ground to a bureaucratic halt?

Since Vatican II, the Church has suffered greatly.

The past 50 years have brought little light and an awful amount of darkness and distress for the Catholic Church.

Surely, then, it seems a little strange to be rushing to raise some men to the Altars whose pontificates were not that great compared to some others.

In centuries to come, will it be said that Papa Montini's reign was one of truly happy memory?

Petrus Radii
To have the audacity even to declare Paul VI "venerable" is an abomination and grave scandal. It is a complete falsehood to claim that the man lived a life of heroic virtue!
The late Fr. Luigi Villa, who was given the mission by St. Pio of Pietrelcina, confirmed by Pope Pius XII, to expose clerical Freemasonry, documented the active homosexuality of Paul VI, including the last three men with whom …More
To have the audacity even to declare Paul VI "venerable" is an abomination and grave scandal. It is a complete falsehood to claim that the man lived a life of heroic virtue!

The late Fr. Luigi Villa, who was given the mission by St. Pio of Pietrelcina, confirmed by Pope Pius XII, to expose clerical Freemasonry, documented the active homosexuality of Paul VI, including the last three men with whom he had sexual relations. He also documented Paul VI's membership in Freemasonry (probably having entered through a B'nai B'rith lodge).

Additionally, Paul VI tried to reduce Catholicism to world Socialism and nothing more. He also betrayed the Catholic Church to the Communists under Pius XII and throughout his own pontificate. He was directly responsible through his actions for the persecutions and martyr-deaths of countless clergy and laity.

Heroic virtue? More like "diabolical vice".
On Guard
It is inconceivable that anyone, claiming to be Catholic, could possibly consider the canonization of Paul V1 before Pope Pius X11. The Catholic Church has suffered, and is suffering, because of the reign of Paul V1. Check the numbers of priests, nuns, etc. during the reign of Pope Pius X11 and the the numbers during the reign of Paul V1..
Let's be reasonable!!!More
It is inconceivable that anyone, claiming to be Catholic, could possibly consider the canonization of Paul V1 before Pope Pius X11. The Catholic Church has suffered, and is suffering, because of the reign of Paul V1. Check the numbers of priests, nuns, etc. during the reign of Pope Pius X11 and the the numbers during the reign of Paul V1..

Let's be reasonable!!!