Cite Soleil, Haiti - Terre Promise Primary School. Haiti Terre Promise School is still standing after the earthquake and all the the nearby schools have fallen down. The plan is to fix the damage to …More
Cite Soleil, Haiti - Terre Promise Primary School.

Haiti Terre Promise School is still standing after the earthquake and all the the nearby schools have fallen down. The plan is to fix the damage to Terre Promise School and make expansion to allow more children to attend. Estimate of $40,000 for this project.

Located in Cité Soleil, one of the largest slums in the Northern Hemisphere and founded and run by Elder Morland with help from Father Bernard Reiser and Brother DePaul Provides both education and food for children, many whose only meal is received by attending school.

We help to raise funds to pay teachers salaries so that school fees can be low enough to allow even the poorest families to send their children to school.