C- FAM. www.c-fam.org www.iycoalition.org C-FAM was founded in the summer of 1997 in order to monitor and affect the social policy debate at the United Nations and other international institutions. C-…More

C-FAM was founded in the summer of 1997 in order to monitor and affect the social policy debate at the United Nations and other international institutions.
C-FAM is a non-partisan, non-profit research institute dedicated to reestablishing a proper understanding of international law, protecting national sovereignty and the dignity of the human person.
C-FAM personnel have participated in every major UN social policy debate since 1997 including the Rome Statutes of the International Criminal Court, the Convention on Disabilities, Cairo+5, Beijing+5 and dozens of others.
C-FAM publishes and promotes scholarship related to the proposition that the UN and other international institutions harm a true understanding of international law and in the process undermine the family and other institutions man requires for a just, free and happy life.
C-FAM regularly interfaces with diplomats, policy makers, academics, activists and office holders from around the world.
Heiliger Josef bitte für uns und die ungeborenen Kinder! 🙏
...marthe.... 🤗
danke für deinen Kommentar, liebe marthe...
Is Baby 7 Billion A Trick or Treat?
By Wendy Wright
NEW YORK, November 3 (C-FAM) Newborn babies took center-stage last Monday in a global campaign conducted by United Nations officials on Halloween to trumpet the birth of the 7 …More
...marthe.... 🤗
danke für deinen Kommentar, liebe marthe...

Is Baby 7 Billion A Trick or Treat?

By Wendy Wright

NEW YORK, November 3 (C-FAM) Newborn babies took center-stage last Monday in a global campaign conducted by United Nations officials on Halloween to trumpet the birth of the 7 billionth person in the world. Worldwide, officials declared babies born in their country as the symbolic 7 billionth person. Reporters snapped pictures as babies were greeted with cheers and presents. With the stage set, UN and government leaders then gave statements warning of over-burdening the world with consumers.

Secretary General Ban Ki-moon marked the birthday at a press conference at UN headquarters in New York. “Plenty of food, but one billion people go hungry. Lavish lifestyles for a few, but poverty for too many others,” he stated.Read More

San Jose Articles Launched in London, Strasbourg, San Jose, and Madrid

By Austin Ruse

NEW YORK, November 3 (C-FAM) The expert document known as the San Jose Articles is receiving a global and uniformly positive reception. Since its initial launch at United Nations headquarters early last month, the Articles have been launched in the British House of Lords, the European Parliament, at a press conference in Madrid, and at the World Pro-Life Congress in San Jose, Costa Rica.

Thirty experts in international law, international relations, public health and government drafted the Articles in order to counter arguments that there exists an international right to abortion. Governments are coming under extreme pressure from UN committees and abortion advocates to liberalize abortion laws.Read More

Thank you Stella, here's the website of the UN's Population Fund www.unfpa.org/rh
If you navigate to the improving reproductive health section (of course, reproductive health always means abortion in gender newspeak), you can read it all there (wrapped in cotton wool):
"Everyone has the right to enjoy reproductive health, which is a basis for having healthy children, intimate relationships …More
Thank you Stella, here's the website of the UN's Population Fund www.unfpa.org/rh
If you navigate to the improving reproductive health section (of course, reproductive health always means abortion in gender newspeak), you can read it all there (wrapped in cotton wool):

"Everyone has the right to enjoy reproductive health, which is a basis for having healthy children, intimate relationships and happy families. Reproductive health encompasses key areas of the UNFPA vision – that every child is wanted, every birth is safe, every young person is free of HIV and every girl and woman is treated with dignity and respect.
Reproductive health problems remain the leading cause of ill health and death for women of childbearing age worldwide. Impoverished women, especially those living in developing countries, suffer disproportionately fromunintended pregnancies, maternal death and disability, sexually transmitted infections including HIV, gender-based violence and other problems related to their reproductive system and sexual behaviour. Because young people often face barriers in trying to get the information or care they need, adolescent reproductive health is another important focus of UNFPA programming. And all programming relies on the availability of essential supplies."
Governments Condemn UN Official’s Attempt to Create A Right to Abortion
By Timothy Herrmann
NEW YORK, October 27 (C-FAM) At UN headquarters this week, governments dismissed a high level UN bureaucrat’s claim that abortion is a human right and went so far as to scold him for overstepping his mandate.
The Special Rapporteur for Health, Anand Grover, presented his report to delegates of the UN Third …More
Governments Condemn UN Official’s Attempt to Create A Right to Abortion

By Timothy Herrmann

NEW YORK, October 27 (C-FAM) At UN headquarters this week, governments dismissed a high level UN bureaucrat’s claim that abortion is a human right and went so far as to scold him for overstepping his mandate.

The Special Rapporteur for Health, Anand Grover, presented his report to delegates of the UN Third Committee linking unrestricted abortion with the right to the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health. He adamantly affirmed his intention to redefine the “right to health” in UN conventions and treaties to include abortion.Read More

Media Elites Alarmed by Impending Baby
7 Billion

By Tom McFeely

NEW YORK, October 27 (C-FAM) On Monday the global population will cross the 7 billion threshold, according to the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA). According to articles published over the last few days by many media outlets, this occasion is cause for grave concern and highlights the necessity of increased “family planning” services to curb population growth.

Others, however, counter that this population-control alarmism is unfounded. Citing the below-replacement fertility levels that prevail in an increasing number of countries, they insist the looming demographic problem isn’t overpopulation. Instead, if current trends continue, the global community will suffer from societies blighted by rapidly shrinking populations and the presence of far too few young people.Read More
UN Women’s Agency Openly Promotes Abortion Rights
By Tom McFeely
NEW YORK, October 13 (C-FAM) Call it “the Columbus Day Surprise”: On a day most Americans were celebrating a national holiday, a senior UN official for women’s rights outlined a vision for a Brave New World that incorporates a push for a global “right” to abortion.
This institutional UN affirmation of abortion rights — even though …More
UN Women’s Agency Openly Promotes Abortion Rights

By Tom McFeely

NEW YORK, October 13 (C-FAM) Call it “the Columbus Day Surprise”: On a day most Americans were celebrating a national holiday, a senior UN official for women’s rights outlined a vision for a Brave New World that incorporates a push for a global “right” to abortion.

This institutional UN affirmation of abortion rights — even though such a right has never been agreed upon by UN member states and does not exist in any major international human rights document — came via a presentation made to the UN General Assembly’s Third Committee on Monday morning at the start of a three-day discussion about the advancement of women.Read More

Lords in London Launch San Jose Articles

By Lord David Alton

LONDON, October 13 (C-FAM) When Lord Nicholas Windsor became a Catholic, he renounced his claim to the throne and embraced the Church’s teaching on the right to life of the unborn. This week in a Committee Room of Parliament, he supported a groundbreaking defense of that right, stating “I see the San Jose Articles as an attempt to draw a line and fight back against the strong drift towards conjuring a fully-fledged right to abortion from out of the provisions of international human rights law.”

More than 30 senior politicians, diplomats, lawyers, scholars and public figures from around the world have signed the San Jose Articles, a document that defends the unborn child and refutes the subversive international campaign that falsely claims that abortion is a human right.Read More
8 more comments from StellaMARIA
Major Pro-Life Legal/Scientific Document Launched at UN Headquarters
By Austin Ruse
NEW YORK, October 6 (C-FAM) It is commonplace now for UN officials and American law professors to tell foreign governments that they are required by international law to liberalize their abortion laws. Just last month the UN Special Rapporteur on Health issued a report making this claim. The Secretary General endorsed …More
Major Pro-Life Legal/Scientific Document Launched at UN Headquarters

By Austin Ruse
NEW YORK, October 6 (C-FAM) It is commonplace now for UN officials and American law professors to tell foreign governments that they are required by international law to liberalize their abortion laws. Just last month the UN Special Rapporteur on Health issued a report making this claim. The Secretary General endorsed his report. Shortly thereafter the UN High Commission on Human Rights said the same thing.

Pro-life activists have been saying for years that this is a false assertion. Even so, some governments have started to listen and to liberalize their laws. The High Court of Colombia changed their abortion laws based on these assertions from a UN committee. Two judges on the Mexican High Court have made these assertions also.Read More

Analysis: Unborn in Mexico Dodge Bullet – For Now

By Piero A. Tozzi, J.D.

MEXICO CITY, October 6 (C-FAM) Mexican pro-lifers and proponents of federalism are expressing relief at last week’s Supreme Court rulings that – barely – upheld the constitutionality of two Mexican State amendments protecting unborn life.

In twin 7-4 decisions that fell one vote shy of the supermajority necessary to strike down a law as unconstitutional, the Mexican Supreme Court failed to topple amendments that had been enacted in wake of an earlier ruling that had appeared to uphold the principle of legislative deference with respect to abortion regulation. That 2008 decision had allowed a law liberalizing abortion in the first trimester passed by Mexico City’s local assembly to stand while declining to impose abortion on the rest of the nation.Read More
UN Considers Euthanasia and New Treaty on Aging
By Susan Yoshihara, Ph.D.
NEW YORK, September 29 (C-FAM) The Holy See condemned attempts to inject euthanasia into the right to health and Latin American and Caribbean delegations called for a new UN treaty at two recent UN meetings on the rights of the elderly.
At the Human Rights Council in Geneva the Holy See representative said his delegation took …More
UN Considers Euthanasia and New Treaty on Aging

By Susan Yoshihara, Ph.D.

NEW YORK, September 29 (C-FAM) The Holy See condemned attempts to inject euthanasia into the right to health and Latin American and Caribbean delegations called for a new UN treaty at two recent UN meetings on the rights of the elderly.

At the Human Rights Council in Geneva the Holy See representative said his delegation took “strong exception” to a report at the meeting which referred to “issues of patient autonomy in respect of deciding to end life.” He urged doctors and scientists to resist “practices that shorten the life of the aged and sick, practices that would turn out to be, in fact, forms of euthanasia.”Read More

Canadian Maternal Care Aid Funneled to Planned Parenthood

By Tom McFeely

OTTAWA, September 29 (C-FAM) Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper last year earned praise from life and family advocates for championing the creation of the G-8’s multi-billion-dollar, abortion-free Muskoka Initiative to provide maternal and child care aid to developing countries. However, it appears the devil lies in the details when it comes to implementation of Harper’s initiative by Canadian bureaucrats.

Last week the Canadian government announced tens of millions of dollars of new maternal and child care grants. While the Muskoka Initiative money disbursed to date by the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) doesn’t appear to fund abortion services directly, substantial sums are being channeled to a prominent pro-abortion group.Read More
UN Official Says Abortion is a Human Right, Secretary General Endorses Report
By Douglas A. Sylva, Ph.D.
NEW YORK, September 22 (C-FAM) While world attention may be focused on the UN General Assembly as it grapples with Palestinian statehood, the methodical drive by United Nations officials to promote legal abortion internationally goes on largely unnoticed. During the summer months, when press …More
UN Official Says Abortion is a Human Right, Secretary General Endorses Report

By Douglas A. Sylva, Ph.D.

NEW YORK, September 22 (C-FAM) While world attention may be focused on the UN General Assembly as it grapples with Palestinian statehood, the methodical drive by United Nations officials to promote legal abortion internationally goes on largely unnoticed. During the summer months, when press coverage of UN activities is minimal, the UN Secretariat released a report from the UN Human Rights Council calling on all nations to accept that women and girls must be granted access to legal abortion in order for them to fully enjoy their human rights.

The report, written by UN Special Rapporteur Anand Grover, links abortion on demand with the fundamental right to the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health. According to Grover, “Criminal laws penalizing and restricting induced abortion are the paradigmatic examples of impermissible barriers to the realization of women’s right to health and must be eliminated.”Read More

Rome Conference Discusses What Expectant Mothers Really Need

By Thomas McFeely

NEW YORK, September 22 (C-FAM) Abortion activists at the United Nations routinely claim that abortion access is essential to reduce unacceptably high rates of maternal mortality among women in some developing nations.

But this claim is completely false, participants heard earlier this month at a MaterCare International conference in Rome. Abortion isn’t what vulnerable pregnant women in such countries need. Instead they need a “Marshall Plan for Mothers” that will provide the basic health care they currently can’t get at their time of greatest need.Read More
ANALYSIS: UN’s High Fertility Projections Still Show Rapid Global Aging
By Susan Yoshihara, Ph.D.
NEW YORK, September 15 (C-FAM) Even with its highly optimistic fertility projections, the new UN population forecast predicts a grayer world than the one imagined by its 2009 report which used much lower fertility estimates.
Perhaps most significant is the steep rise in society’s proportion of the …More
ANALYSIS: UN’s High Fertility Projections Still Show Rapid Global Aging

By Susan Yoshihara, Ph.D.

NEW YORK, September 15 (C-FAM) Even with its highly optimistic fertility projections, the new UN population forecast predicts a grayer world than the one imagined by its 2009 report which used much lower fertility estimates.

Perhaps most significant is the steep rise in society’s proportion of the old (65 years or older) and very old (80 years and older). By 2050, these groups will be 2 percent more of the population in Germany, India, Japan, Russia, the UK, and the US than previously estimated.
Read More

ADF’s Global Initiative Champions Life, Family and Religious Liberty

By Thomas McFeely

NEW YORK, September 15 (C-FAM) Since 1994, the Alliance Defense Fund has been fighting successfully in American courts and legislatures for religious freedom, the sanctity of life and defense of marriage and the family. Now, ADF is bringing this battle-tested legal expertise to the international arena via its recently launched Global Initiative.

ADF was founded in 1994 by attorney Alan Sears along with 35 prominent evangelical Christian leaders, including Focus on the Family founder James Dobson. The goal was to create a concentrated legal force capable of winning court cases against liberal legal behemoths like the American Civil Liberties Union.

Read More

ANALYSIS: The Problem With the UN’s New Fertility Forecasts
By Susan Yoshihara, Ph.D.
NEW YORK, August 25 (C-FAM) The UN has reversed a decade of speculation about a demographic winter in the West, and now says that every country will achieve replacement fertility by 2100 resulting in a global population of 10 billion. The problem is there is no basis for their turnabout.
UN agencies are hailing …More
ANALYSIS: The Problem With the UN’s New Fertility Forecasts

By Susan Yoshihara, Ph.D.

NEW YORK, August 25 (C-FAM) The UN has reversed a decade of speculation about a demographic winter in the West, and now says that every country will achieve replacement fertility by 2100 resulting in a global population of 10 billion. The problem is there is no basis for their turnabout.

UN agencies are hailing new numbers as evidence of overpopulation in the developing world and vindication of decades of anti-natal policies in the West, but the scientific basis of the latest UN forecasts is slim.
Read More

Inter-American Commission Places Ideology Before Children

By Sofia Martinez

NEW YORK, August 25 (C-FAM) By all accounts, Jaime Lopez Allende is a loving father to his three daughters. But in a Kafkaesque turn of events, the fate of his children, for whom he has had sole custody for the past eight years, may hinge in part on a transnational court proceeding to which he is not even a party – at least not yet.

This week, the Inter-American Court of Human Rights held a hearing requested by the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) against the State of Chile over a Chilean Supreme Court custody decision the Commission contends revolves around “sexual orientation” discrimination. Critics counter that the best interests of the children has been lost amid the focus on the rights of adults.Read More
Book Review: Unnatural Selection: Choosing Boys Over Girls and the Consequences of a World Full of Men
By Susan Yoshihara, Ph.D.
NEW YORK August 18 (C-FAM) A new book has raised hackles among abortion advocates about just how much the UN Population Fund is to blame for more than 160 million missing girls in Asia: aborted in the quest for sons.
Mara Hvistendahl’s Unnatural Selection: Choosing Boys …More
Book Review: Unnatural Selection: Choosing Boys Over Girls and the Consequences of a World Full of Men

By Susan Yoshihara, Ph.D.

NEW YORK August 18 (C-FAM) A new book has raised hackles among abortion advocates about just how much the UN Population Fund is to blame for more than 160 million missing girls in Asia: aborted in the quest for sons.
Mara Hvistendahl’s Unnatural Selection: Choosing Boys Over Girls and the Consequences of a World Full of Men is “one of the most consequential books ever written in the campaign against abortion” according to a Wall Street Journal review; the book’s scholarly credentials bolstered by a standing-room-only event with demographer Nicholas Eberstadt at the American Enterprise Institute in Washington.Read More

Research Shows US and UN Diplomats Promoted Abortion as Population Control

By Lauren Funk

NEW YORK August 18 (C-FAM) The new book by historian Mara Hvistendahl on sex selected abortion shows how American diplomats and politicians were active in promoting abortion, often through UN channels, as a means of population control in the developing world.
A body of historical evidence connects the advocates of abortion and population control with US development aid policy, organizations such as Planned Parenthood, and the United Nations secretariat.Read More

Book Review: Unnatural Selection: Choosing Boys Over Girls and the Consequences of a World Full of Men
By Susan Yoshihara, Ph.D.
Part I: Shattering Myths About Sex Selective Abortion
August 11, 2011 (C-FAM) One night in 1978 a student in Delhi’s most prestigious obstetrics program reported for his first delivery. Just then he saw a cat bound from the hospital room with a “thing…wet with blood, …More
Book Review: Unnatural Selection: Choosing Boys Over Girls and the Consequences of a World Full of Men

By Susan Yoshihara, Ph.D.

Part I: Shattering Myths About Sex Selective Abortion

August 11, 2011 (C-FAM) One night in 1978 a student in Delhi’s most prestigious obstetrics program reported for his first delivery. Just then he saw a cat bound from the hospital room with a “thing…wet with blood, mangled” in its mouth. Unfazed, the doctors and nurses went on to perform more abortions than births, several at six or seven months of pregnancy. When the student finally asked a nurse why the aborted child was not treated with more care she replied flatly: “Because it was a girl.”

Such descriptions permeate journalist Mara Hvistendahl’s first book, Unnatural Selection: Choosing Boys Over Girls and the Consequences of a World Full of Men.Read More

International Youth Coalition Members Challenge United Nations Approach to Youth Sexuality

By Lauren Funk

NEW YORK August 11 (C-FAM) Members of the International Youth Coalition are voicing their disapproval of the rights-based approach to youth issues and the promotion of sexual license presented at the recent United Nations High Level Meeting on Youth.

“Just as we have laws prohibiting youth from using drugs, it would seem that we also have a responsibility to protect youth from engaging in sexual license, ” reflected IYc member Savanna Buckner. Buckner made her comments after attending a discussion hosted by UNFPA, which asserted that youth have the right to sexual education and to make their own autonomous decisions regarding their sexuality without consent of their parents.Read More
Latin America Pressured to Liberalize Abortion Laws Under UN Human Rights Process
By Cristina Gutierrez
NEW YORK, August 4 (C-FAM) Western governments are pressuring Latin American countries to liberalize their abortion laws, by using a new UN human rights process called the Universal Periodic Review (UPR).
El Salvador, Costa Rica, Chile, Brazil, Bolivia, Belize, and Argentina are among the top …More
Latin America Pressured to Liberalize Abortion Laws Under UN Human Rights Process

By Cristina Gutierrez

NEW YORK, August 4 (C-FAM) Western governments are pressuring Latin American countries to liberalize their abortion laws, by using a new UN human rights process called the Universal Periodic Review (UPR).

El Salvador, Costa Rica, Chile, Brazil, Bolivia, Belize, and Argentina are among the top countries recently pressured via the UPR process, as European countries recommend that these nations amend their laws concerning the “rights” to abortion and contraception.Read More

Aid Money to Malawi Dependent on Complicity in Gay Rights Agenda

By Katherine Nikas

NEW YORK, August 4 (C-FAM) The small African nation of Malawi is at the forefront of efforts by Western governments to withhold aid for basic services in order to impose a homosexual agenda on unwilling developing countries.

This year, close to $350 million dollars of US financial aid was rescinded due to amendments in the country’s penal code criminalizing sodomy. Ultimately, Malawi acquiesced to bring its sodomy laws in line with those of the progressive West, but not without grave concerns about the new cultural imperialism on this issue.Read More


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StellaMARIA 👍 🤗
Young Voices Speak the Truth about Human Life to United Nations
By Lauren Funk
NEW YORK, July 28 (C-FAM) The enthusiastic voices of pro-life youth from around the world dominated the events of this week’s High Level Meeting on Youth at the United Nations, drawing the attention of UN bureaucrats and delegates alike.
Read More
UN Youth Conference Pays Lip Service to Youth Concerns
By Nicholas Dunn …More
Young Voices Speak the Truth about Human Life to United Nations

By Lauren Funk

NEW YORK, July 28 (C-FAM) The enthusiastic voices of pro-life youth from around the world dominated the events of this week’s High Level Meeting on Youth at the United Nations, drawing the attention of UN bureaucrats and delegates alike.

Read More

UN Youth Conference Pays Lip Service to Youth Concerns

By Nicholas Dunn

NEW YORK, July 28 (C-FAM) When a young person attending this week’s UN Youth Conference stood to ask a question and identified himself with a pro-life NGO, the moderator of the side event informed him that the panel was not interested in hearing his perspective.
Read More
57,000 Young People Protest Message at UN Conference on Youth
Statement signed by 120,000 to be released on Monday

July 24, 2011
“We do not agree with much of the document produced by governments for the High Level Meeting on youth,” says Tyler Ament, Director of the International Youth Coalition. “We also do not agree with the messages being put out by UN agencies like sex rights for young people …
57,000 Young People Protest Message at UN Conference on Youth

Statement signed by 120,000 to be released on Monday

July 24, 2011
“We do not agree with much of the document produced by governments for the High Level Meeting on youth,” says Tyler Ament, Director of the International Youth Coalition. “We also do not agree with the messages being put out by UN agencies like sex rights for young people and other objectionable ideas.”

Ament and his colleagues will present a Youth Statement to the UN and the World that has been signed by 120,000 people including 57,000 under the age of 30. “The Youth Statement recognizes the rights of parents and calls for policy makers to return to basics and get away from dangerous ideas that are harmful to young people,” says Ament.

Other speakers include Kristan Hawkins, president of Students for Life of America, the largest youth pro-life organization in the country; Leah Darrow, a former America’s Top Model contestant turned chastity speaker; Thomas Peters, creator of the American Papist blog, which is one of the most popular Catholic blogs on the web.

Ament and his colleagues will appear at a press conference on Monday, July 25th at 11:30 am in the offices of C-FAM (211 East 43rd Street, Suite 1306, New York City). Members of the press can also participate telephonically by calling 866-906-9888, pin code: 209-4617#).
The International Youth Coalition is a group of young people from around the world that celebrates the fact that humans are made in the image of God, intrinsically relational, and are called to live a life with purpose and meaning. More info at:www.iycoalition.org

To participate in the teleconference or to schedule an interview with a speaker, please contact Samantha
Singson: (212) 754-5948 or
