Gloria.TV News on the 11th of November. Thrown Under the Bus: Faithful U.S. Catholics feel left out of the Pope’s embrace, writes Laurie Goodstein in the New York Times. As an example, she quotes the …More
Gloria.TV News on the 11th of November.

Thrown Under the Bus: Faithful U.S. Catholics feel left out of the Pope’s embrace, writes Laurie Goodstein in the New York Times. As an example, she quotes the pro-live-worker Bridget Kurt who recently took down her Pope Francis prayer card and threw it away. Quote: “When it was discouraging working in pro-life, you always felt like Mother Teresa was on your side and the popes were encouraging you. Now I feel kind of thrown under the bus.”

Fanatical Gay Ideology: Kenyan born dean of the University at Buffalo Law School, Makau Mutua uses Pope Francis to promote a fanatical gay ideology. According to him, Francis has – quote - declared several of the Church’s teachings as “heresies” like the official Catholic view on homosexuality. Pope Benedict was for Mutua – quote - “too blinded by inflexible religious doctrine.” Instead he praises Pope Francis for not having said – quote - “a word when France permitted gay marriage.” Mutua threatens openly: “The equal protection provisions of the Constitution don’t stop at the doors of the church, mosque, and synagogue.”

Declining Numbers: According to the Herald Standard, right before the Second Vatican Council there were more than 5.2 million Catholic students attending nearly 13,000 Catholic schools in the U.S. For the current academic year, Catholic school enrollment is slightly more than 2 million with only 6,685 Catholic schools surviving. In 1965, 66 percent of the teachers were Sisters. Today their number is less than 2 percent.

Something more? Alaska Governor Sarah Palin has revealed to USA TODAY that the Protestant preacher Billy Graham transformed her mother's life Quote: “My mom was raised Catholic and she was yearning for something more.” After encountering Graham, Palin’s mother – quote - “became a Christian and led the rest of the family to Christ.”
Kenyan... it will stop at the door into eternal life with God Allmigthy!
Poor chatolics who do not understand their own faith and seek for fun-gospel like graham was selling it for good Money....
Kenyan... it will stop at the door into eternal life with God Allmigthy!
Poor chatolics who do not understand their own faith and seek for fun-gospel like graham was selling it for good Money....

Thanks for the news. Still trying to figure out "Catholics never had it so good"
Uncle Joe
Thank you for the news, Doina.
I noticed that Lucia is presenting the German news outdoors. This is a fantastic idea and gives her presentation a more realistic/natural look than filming in the controlled environment of a studio with a green screen.
Outdoor filming is often employed by major news broadcasters worldwide and, as another tool that could be used to give variety and added interest,…More
Thank you for the news, Doina.


I noticed that Lucia is presenting the German news outdoors. This is a fantastic idea and gives her presentation a more realistic/natural look than filming in the controlled environment of a studio with a green screen.

Outdoor filming is often employed by major news broadcasters worldwide and, as another tool that could be used to give variety and added interest, filming outdoors might very well be worthwhile from time to time for the English Gloria.tv news as well. Perhaps you will give it a try?


p.s. You look very nice as usual.
