Benedict XVI: St. Francis of Sales, A Testimony to Love. The Pope dedicated his weekly catechesis today to St. Francis de Sales. Benedict XVI reflected on the life and work of this saint, who lived in …More
Benedict XVI: St. Francis of Sales, A Testimony to Love.

The Pope dedicated his weekly catechesis today to St. Francis de Sales. Benedict XVI reflected on the life and work of this saint, who lived in the transition between the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. The Pope said that at a time like ours, which seeks freedom, even with violence and unrest, we must not lose sight of the relevance of this great master of spirituality and peace who gave his disciples the 'spirit of freedom', true freedom, at the summit of which is a fascinating and comprehensive lesson about the truth of love. St. Francis of Sales, the Pope added, "is an exemplary witness of Christian humanism. With his familiar style, with his parables which sometimes contain a touch of poetry, ...