Prayers for the healing of Archbishop Dennis Schnurr from cancer

Prayers for the healing of Archbishop Dennis Schnurr from cancer
Abba Father
In the Name of Jesus
In the Unity, Power and Love of the Holy Spirit
under the Mantle of Our Lady of the Divine Indwelling
with All the Holy Angels and Saints
through the Intercession of the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta
and the little white dove, Sister Mary Ephrem, we pray,

for the complete healing of Archbishop Dennis Schnurr of Cincinnati.
May his healing be the miracle needed for Sister Mary Ephrem
to be recognized and honored in Holy Mother Church
as the “Sign” Our Lord is Giving to the world, the “Sign of Peace”.

May this miracle of healing bring about Love and Honor due to
Our Lady of the Divine Indwelling
within the Holy Church, within families and within souls.

Please Take our humble prayer and Make it Your Command!
Let All be Accomplished and Completed in Your Most Holy Divine Will.
Fiat! Amen!

Prayer to The Most Holy Indwelling Trinity
O my Love, my only Good, Most Holy Trinity, I adore You, hidden in the depths of my soul. To You, to Your honor and glory, I dedicate my life. May every thought, word and deed of mine be an act of adoration and praise directed towards Your Divine Majesty enthroned in my heart.
O Father, Infinite Goodness, behold Your child, clothed in the likeness of Your Son. Extend to me Your arms that I may belong to You forever.
O Son, Divine Lord, made man, crucify me with Yourself that I may become, in union with You, a sacrifice of praise for the glory of Your Father.
O Holy Spirit, Fire of Everlasting Love, consume me on the altar of Divine Charity, that at the end of life, nothing may remain but that which bears the likeness of Christ.
O Blessed Trinity, worthy of all adoration, I wish to remain in spirit on my knees, to acknowledge forever Your reign in me and over me, to Your everlasting glory.
Through the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the pure heart of St. Joseph, I consecrate my life to Your adoration and glory.
At the moment of death, receive me, O my Triune Love, that I may continue my adoration of love through all eternity. Amen. (200 days)
Nihil Obstat:—Daniel Pilarczyk, S.T.D.
Imprimatur:—†Paul F. Leibold, V.G.
Cincinnati, Jan. 25, 1963

Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, Ohio, became the tenth Archbishop of Cincinnati on December 21, 2009. Just prior he was general secretary of the USCCB. Archbishop Schnurr is among the six Roman Catholic Bishops who have jurisdiction over the Our Lady of America and Our Lady of the Divine Indwelling devotion, as the alleged Apparitions occurred in their dioceses. It was in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati that Our Lady of the Divine Indwelling Appeared – at the Maria Stein Shrine – on November 22 and 23, 1957.

Our Lady of the Divine Indwelling Appeared to Sister Mary Ephrem while on retreat at Maria Stein on November 22 and 23, 1957. According to Sister’s letters to her confessor, Archbishop Paul F. Leibold of Cincinnati, while Sister was assigned to the Cincinnati Cathedral, Sister anticipated something great from Our Lady while on retreat at Maria Stein:
“I’m on my way to make the Retreat at Maria Stein, [November] 18th to 24th [1957]… It will be a time of great Grace, I know, so pray, dear Father, that my soul may always be wide open to receive the Heavenly Visitations.” … “I know that during this Retreat Our Lady will be preparing me for something again, so please pray very much for Your very small daughter, “His little, white dove” (Letter dated Nov. 17, 1957)

Indeed, Our Lady had something very great, as Sister described:
“Our Dear Mother showed Herself to me in the Special Way I will explain for the first time, around 11:30 in the morning. The next day, which was a Saturday the experience was more detailed as more was shown me, or perhaps I didn’t notice details the day before. This vision of Her, Father is very important as it reveals Her as she really and truly was, the Immaculate Tabernacle of the Indwelling God. Our Lady Appeared, standing on a globe, Her right foot resting on a crescent moon, the left on the snout of a small fire breathing dragon. She was Dressed all in White and Her hair could be seen through Her transparent Veil which was long enough to half envelope the globe. The Veil was held about Her head by a Wreath of White Roses, and a White Rose rested on each foot. On Her breast, the Triangle and the Eye, the symbol of the Divine Indwelling, could be visibly seen. A strong Beam of Light shown from the Divine Presence within Our Lady onto the globe at Her feet. Then halfway around the figure of Our Lady above Her head Appeared a Scroll on which were written in letters of Gold the Words:

“All the Glory of the King’s Daughter is Within” [Psalm 44].

Though it did not appear that Her lips moved, I heard these words quite plainly:

‘I am Our Lady of the Divine Indwelling, Handmaid of Him Who Dwells Within.’
(letter dated 11/23/57)

With Our Lady of the Divine Indwelling, the first ever Appearance of Our Lady bearing the “Eye of God” – this is truly extraordinary and of highest importance.
From the late 1800’s unto her death in 1947, Our Lord and Our Lady Spoke extensively to the Servant of God Luisa Piccarreta about the Divine Indwelling, even more so, about the Gift of Living in the Most Holy Divine Will, as They Lived. Luisa is the first soul to be given this Great Gift, and ten years after her entrance into Heaven, Our Lady condescended to Sister Mary Ephrem with this spirituality for her and for those who wish to embrace what Our Lady came to give.

As souls embrace the Mission of Our Lady of America, so too shall they embrace the spirituality of the Divine Indwelling, pointing then towards the Most Holy Divine Will. Many hope to witness Holy Mother Church proclaiming the Living in the Divine Will as the Crowning of all spiritualities - deification of the soul in God, on earth as in Heaven.

Our Lord Jesus said to Sister Mary Ephrem, the little white dove, on the Feast of the Precious Blood, July 1, 1955:
“Thou thyself shall be the Sign, the Sign I will give to the world.
A little, white dove, a Sign of Peace,
yes, the Reign of Peace in the world.”

As little souls come to the realization that the Apparition of Our Lady of the Divine Indwelling to Sister Mary Ephrem took place at the Maria Stein Shrine in 1957, just as they are coming to know Our Lady of America in the Oratory in Rome City, Graces will abound. We pray for the sanctification of souls, that all be for the Glory of our Triune God, Whose Plan is to Dwell in the souls of His children through the Intercession of OUR LADY OF THE DIVINE INDWELLING.
Credo .
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