Please,dislike youtube clip of the blasphemous Bowie "the next day" Please,dislike youtube clip of the blasphemous Bowie "the next day" The clip on youtube was removed and was again available on the …More
Please,dislike youtube clip of the blasphemous Bowie "the next day"

Please,dislike youtube clip of the blasphemous Bowie "the next day"

The clip on youtube was removed and was again available on the day of the Ascension.

When you dislike this video, we show that we are against the mercantile and sacrilegious use of the image of the Catholic Church, not against the creation of music.

Why ? :
You are defending your friends? .Me too.God is my friend, so I defend him and his ministers. Yes, there are black sheeps among the clergy as teachers or cops.Do we condemn all the clergy? no. You believe in God when you need to ask something.But he will not hear you .Because he knows that you have a heart of stone like the Levite in the parable of the Good Samaritan.

If David Bowie was like Job in the Bible, I will complain.But at the opposite, he survived to heart problems and has had a long and great carreer.
He even played Pontius Pilate in the last temptation of Christ,the film from Scorcese.Bowie is bisexual and it is his problem.But he must stop his blasphemies against Catholics or as he must explain in an interview.
in many countries, Christians are persecuted.
our enemies will use this clip to say:See, in the West,the clergy is totally debauched

choose the one you like best: God or Bowie ?
you can report the shocking character too
Help God, Dislike this videoclip

thank you and good Ascent

Poor them. Pray for them as well. 🤬 😇