Catholic News Roundup 07-13--uploaded by irapuato. RealCatholicTV Jul 13, 2011 Today's stories:- Same-Sex Marriage Denied - Gay Marriage Attacks the Innocent - Irish Abortion Propaganda - Abortuary …More
Catholic News Roundup 07-13--uploaded by irapuato.
RealCatholicTV Jul 13, 2011 Today's stories:- Same-Sex Marriage Denied
- Gay Marriage Attacks the Innocent
- Irish Abortion Propaganda
- Abortuary Health Violations
- Designer Baby Door Opens
- Cleveland Under Investigation
Holy Cannoli
As do all men of high station and power, HH has advisors that he relies upon for information and to assist in making decisions. If those advisors give him faulty information or poor advice, what kind of decision is likely to flow from such advice?

As do all men of high station and power, HH has advisors that he relies upon for information and to assist in making decisions. If those advisors give him faulty information or poor advice, what kind of decision is likely to flow from such advice?
