
Cardinal says pope wants to 'stir things up,' let people ask questions

by George P. Matysek Jr. Baltimore - U.S. Cardinal Edwin O'Brien doesn't know what will come out of the Synod of Bishops on the family set for October, but the former archbishop of Baltimore believes …More
by George P. Matysek Jr.
Baltimore -
U.S. Cardinal Edwin O'Brien doesn't know what will come out of the Synod of Bishops on the family set for October, but the former archbishop of Baltimore believes it will be significant.
"Hold onto your seats," O'Brien told a gathering of seminarians and faculty at St. Mary's Seminary and University in Baltimore. "I think Pope Francis wants to stir things up and allow people to raise questions. I don't think we're going to see a change in doctrine, but we will see a change in tone, and we might see some disciplinary modifications."
The principal job of the Council of Cardinals, O'Brien said, is to "completely rewrite the central administration of the Catholic church." The cardinal said the Curia will somehow have to relate to the new Council of Cardinals.
"I think a year from now, we'll hardly know what the structure was, there will be so many different things that will have taken place," O'Brien said. "Maybe the heads of some conferences of bishops …More
If Pope Francis wants to stir things up why doesn't he appoint men of faith and prayer as bishops who will teach the Catholic faith and govern with courage?