FLASHBACK 2011 -- Berlin, Germany: Catholic Cardinals and Bishops refuse to shake Benedict's hand

Immediately the usual suspects including Lombardi and the rest of the toadies tried to walk this insult to Benedict back. But, the video does not lie and was an indication of what was to be. VIDEO It …More
Immediately the usual suspects including Lombardi and the rest of the toadies tried to walk this insult to Benedict back. But, the video does not lie and was an indication of what was to be.
It should now surprise no one that the murderous German Bishops' Conference supports the Morning-After Pill and communion for the remarried in direct defiance of Rome.
@Marcus Antares practica lo que predica ya que por seguir SU "protocolo de descortesía" y tiranía borró los dos videos que lo contradicen para IMPONERLE su punto de vista a otros.
Claro desprecio al Papa Benedicto XVI por parte de cardenales y obispos alemanes. PAPA BENEDICTO XVI Despreciado por Cardenales y Obispos.Berlín 2011 RETROSPECTIVA