Gloria TV News on the Feast of St. Theophilus of Corte. Powerful Intercessor in the Battle of Souls Vatican Father Gabriele Amorth the chief exorcist of Rome sees a rising number of young people coming …More
Gloria TV News on the Feast of St. Theophilus of Corte.
Powerful Intercessor in the Battle of Souls
Father Gabriele Amorth the chief exorcist of Rome sees a rising number of young people coming under the influence of evil. But in recent years Amorth has found that Blessed John Paul II is a powerful intercessor in the battle for souls. Father Amorth is particularly worried by the number of young people being affected by Satan through sects, séances and drugs. He says: ““I have asked the demon more than once, ‘Why are you so scared of John Paul II and I have had two different responses, both interesting. One, ‘because he disrupted my plans.’ And, I think that he is referring to the fall of communism in Russia and Eastern Europe.” “Another response that he gave me, ‘because he pulled so many young people from my hands.’ Father Amorth has carried out most of his 70,000 exorcisms over the past 26 years.
Bishops Have Lost Credibility
Responding to the Vatican's Instruction on …More
Fr. Badway, aptly named, should be relieved of his faculties! 🤬