Should Catholics Attend the New Mass? - Part II of II - Episode 15 SSPX FAQ Videos. sspx.org - As we examined in our previous video, “What is the Novus Ordo Missae?” The New Mass was created after …More
Should Catholics Attend the New Mass? - Part II of II - Episode 15 SSPX FAQ Videos.
sspx.org - As we examined in our previous video, “What is the Novus Ordo Missae?” The New Mass was created after Vatican II, under the influence of Fr. Annibale Bugnini and Pope Paul VI, both of whom wanted a liturgy that was ecumenical and would not be a “stumbling block” to Protestants.
This goal was accomplished with the new liturgy by obscuring or even removing from its prayers the Catholic doctrines concerning the propitiatory nature of the Mass, the sacrificial and mediatory character of the priesthood, and the dogma of the Real Presence of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Holy Eucharist.
It was these alarming theological deficiencies that caused Cardinals Ottaviani and Bacci to write in September 1969 to Pope Paul VI what was called the “Ottaviani Intervention.” In Part 6 we read: “It is evident that the Novus Ordo has no intention of presenting the Faith as taught by the Council of Trent, to which, …More
Dr. John Smythe, The questions you raise on the canonical status of the SSPX only ensure and prove the fact that the SSPX does not possess a canonical status in the Church. The SSPX has held strong to its reservations in the area of obedience to the doctrinal authority of the Pope and to the authority of the Second Vatican Council. This being so, the Supreme Pontiff Benedict XVI said, “As long as …More
Dr. John Smythe, The questions you raise on the canonical status of the SSPX only ensure and prove the fact that the SSPX does not possess a canonical status in the Church. The SSPX has held strong to its reservations in the area of obedience to the doctrinal authority of the Pope and to the authority of the Second Vatican Council. This being so, the Supreme Pontiff Benedict XVI said, “As long as the Society does not have a canonical status in the Church, its ministers do not exercise legitimate ministries in the Church.”

At this point, and after so much time and effort, it is difficult for the faithful to view positively the will for reconciliation coming from the SSPX, and at the same time the faithful are disposed to hope and a more positive view of the concern for reconciliation coming from the Holy See. And so, the Catholic knowing and trusting the authority of the Pope for clarification remains hopeful for full communion with the SSPX; despite the mixed motives from the SSPX.

Now, with regard to the many unpleasant things Catholics have endured from some SSPX representatives, they are true, the Pope admits to them, Bishop Williamson alone qualifies as many, and to the Catholic this episode by the SSPX priest is unpleasant and I will add that there are also testimonials of gratitude coming from representatives of the SSPX and that there have been unpleasant things that have emerged from the Catholic Church also.

You can be assured of my prayer for reconciliation. In Domino
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