Cardinal Raymond Burke on Abortion, Extraordinary Form, Communion in the Hand, Pro Multis. Interview taken in the Apostolic Signature in RomeMore
Cardinal Raymond Burke on Abortion, Extraordinary Form, Communion in the Hand, Pro Multis.
Interview taken in the Apostolic Signature in Rome
holyrope 3
re: the extraordinary form,..the traditional Latin Mass..Cardinal Burke states....
"It's all together positive",

couldn't agree with him more!
"The faithful that assisted at the extraordinary form,...there was a wonderful spirit; there was an enrichment among the faithful."
Yes, there definitely is!
"The Holy Father is giving a very clear lesson by his own insistence that the faithful receive …More
re: the extraordinary form,..the traditional Latin Mass..Cardinal Burke states....

"It's all together positive",

couldn't agree with him more!

"The faithful that assisted at the extraordinary form,...there was a wonderful spirit; there was an enrichment among the faithful."

Yes, there definitely is!

"The Holy Father is giving a very clear lesson by his own insistence that the faithful receive Communion kneeling and on the Tongue. He's teaching us something. This is a decision that he obviously made and with good reason, and so to me it's the case to Teach the faithful once Again about DUE REVERENCE ON RECEIVING HOLY COMMUNION and to Encourage them to consider a return to that traditional form of Communion KNEELING and Receiving Holy Communion on the TONGUE."

BRAVO!!!! Raymond Cardinal Burke
🤗 👍 😇