Gloria TV News on the Feast of St. Isidore of Seville. A New Hermit in America USA Father George David Byers has begun his life as a hermit. Bishop Peter Joseph Jugis of Charlotte, North Carolina, has …More
Gloria TV News on the Feast of St. Isidore of Seville.
A New Hermit in America
Father George David Byers has begun his life as a hermit. Bishop Peter Joseph Jugis of Charlotte, North Carolina, has granted him permission to be a hermit on one of the ridges of the Blue Ridge Mountains. Fr Byers is a biblical scholar and a longtime friend of Fr. Reto Nay from Gloria.TV. I myself had a lovely meeting with him some years ago in Lourdes. Now, Fr Byers has dedicated his life to the sanctification of his fellow bishops and priests in the purgatory of this life and the next. He runs his own website called holysoulshermitage.wordpress.com. There is an important benefactors page. Among other things, Father asks for mass stipends – or a chain saw. This last bit is for Fr Byers: Yes, I am able to see and read the Hebrew quotation on your website perfectly.
EWTN Pulled Fr. Corapi
EWTN pulled Fr. Corapi’s programs following the priest’s announcement on Ash Wednesday that he has been publicly …More
Are Newly Uncovered ‘Christian Relics’ Actually Fakes?
Within the span of just one week, a Bedouin’s discovery of 70 metal books in a long-forgotten cave has gone from history-altering to rubbish. What many believed could have been the earliest Christian writings in existence are now believed by some to be fakes.
According to at least one Oxford scholar …More
Are Newly Uncovered ‘Christian Relics’ Actually Fakes?
Within the span of just one week, a Bedouin’s discovery of 70 metal books in a long-forgotten cave has gone from history-altering to rubbish. What many believed could have been the earliest Christian writings in existence are now believed by some to be fakes.
According to at least one Oxford scholar, debunking the mysterious books’ authenticity was simple. After viewing images of the relics, Oxford Prof. Peter Thonemann concluded:
The text was incised by someone who did not know the Greek language, since he does not distinguish between the letters lambda and alpha: both are simply represented, in each of the texts, by the shape Λ. The text literally means ‘without grief, farewell! Abgar also known as Eision’. This text, in isolation, is meaningless.