The Beacon of Mannheim

Germany mourns the death of Rouven L. (29). The young police officer succumbed to his severe injuries on Sunday afternoon. A young, hopeful life—extinguished. Two days ago, he …
Billy F
Mass deportation if you wish to survive!!!

Holy Martyrs of Uganda Protectors against Homosexuality, paganism and Apostasy

The Holy Martyrs of Uganda were killed for not giving in to the impure desires of a homosexual king. "They can burn our …
Tom Morelli
🤔 Watch Out ‘The Chosen’, New ‘Book of Mormon’ TV Series is in the WorksMore
🤔 Watch Out ‘The Chosen’, New ‘Book of Mormon’ TV Series is in the Works

Watch Out 'The Chosen', New 'Book of Mormon' TV Series is in the Works

Latter-Day Saint filmmakers are planning a new TV series inspired by ‘The Chosen’, except instead of featuring Jesus in the Gospels …
Billy F
Nope! Haven’t watched the Chosen either.

JK Rowling skewers Labour ‘complacency’ after Labour attack Tory vow to protect ‘biological sex’

JK Rowling has taken aim at Labour and, more specifically, Alastair Campbell after he shared his disgruntled …

Reclaiming ‘Pride Month’: June 2 is ‘Ex-Gay Visibility Day’ - LifeSite

(LifeSiteNews) — “Pride Month” has just begun, a month when woke identity politics takes center stage for 30 days, relentlessly …

Buddhist Prayer With Francis In Ancient Catholic Church Fulfills Prophecy - EndTimes.Video

Buddhist Prayer With Francis In Ancient Catholic Church Fulfills Prophecy June 2, 2024 - …
Tom Morelli
Changing How Our Children Do Dating

Changing How Our Children Do Dating - LifeCraft

How our young people date is problematic; and I’m not talking about the mainstream habits of a ‘hookup culture.’ I mean young people from families with …
Thanks for sharing.

Meme Shows Cop Was Stabbed While ‘Subduing’ Victim

This video comes from a livestream filmed yesterday by staff of the counter-jihad organisation Bürgerbewegung Pax Europa (BPE) at their stand in …
Keep Your Mouth Shut

Keep Your Mouth Shut

Some faithful Catholics are voicing disagreement with the Editor of keep your mouth shut” following Viganò’s assertion that he has personal knowledge of reports that Pope Francis …
la verdad prevalece
The Bergoglians have been in denial for 11 years and what is worse, they are complicit in Bergoglio's rebellion against Divine Natural Law.
Ivan Tomas
Sammons, that little useful ***** should keep his own mouth shut. He is a disgrace to journalism, let alone a Catholic journalism. When those propagandists …More
Sammons, that little useful ***** should keep his own mouth shut.
He is a disgrace to journalism, let alone a Catholic journalism.
When those propagandists is given some guidelines and some tracks and traces to finaly do their journalist job, they don't say thank you, I'll do some research, but are screaming like a little girls how, oh, that can't be true (news).
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Sean Johnson

Benedict was Always an Enemy

From BXVI’s personal secretary: +GÄNSWEIN: “I believe that Pope Benedict read this Motu Proprio with pain in his heart, because he wanted to help those who had found a place in the old Mass, to lead …More
From BXVI’s personal secretary:
+GÄNSWEIN: “I believe that Pope Benedict read this Motu Proprio with pain in his heart, because he wanted to help those who had found a place in the old Mass, to lead them away from Lefebvre, and for them to find inner peace, also liturgical peace.”
To be honest - I do not understand the problem. Fellay wanted to make a bargain with Ratzinger, three other SSPX bishops opposed it. So no deal was made. …More
To be honest - I do not understand the problem. Fellay wanted to make a bargain with Ratzinger, three other SSPX bishops opposed it.
So no deal was made.
Moreover, Gaenswein, considering his talks about two popes and reasons of the Ratzinger's resignation, is not a reliable guy.
Sean Johnson
This book is all about the subtle (and not so subtle) policy and praxis changes instituted in furtherance of achieving a practical accord with modernist …More
This book is all about the subtle (and not so subtle) policy and praxis changes instituted in furtherance of achieving a practical accord with modernist Rome (ie., placing the SSPX under the control of those determined to morph it into benign conciliarism):
As We Are?
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Wilma Lopez
Catholic school goes all in for "Pride"

Catholic elementary school in Toronto plans to ignore Church teaching, go all-in on 'Pride Month' - …

(Everyday For Life Canada) — Principal Anthony Pauk and teachers at St. Denis Catholic School in …

One of the greatest punishments that God can exercise against man is to abandon him to his passions and the disorderly desires of his heart.

To better understand the necessity of mortification, and to encourage us more to embrace the practice, it is infinitely important that we understand how much it is to be feared to follow one's disordered …More
To better understand the necessity of mortification, and to encourage us more to embrace the practice, it is infinitely important that we understand how much it is to be feared to follow one's disordered appetites. Woe to you, if you come to fall into the hands of such a dangerous enemy, and if you surrender yourself to the discretion of a beast so cruel and so indomitable! Do you know how you will be treated? Listen to Saint Ambrose, and he will teach you: He, says this Father, who does not know how to control his desires, soon finds himself carried away by these same desires, as by a fiery horse which has taken the bit in its teeth, which runs at full speed through inaccessible places, and who does not stop until he has fallen, with the one who rides him, into the precipice. This is what will happen to you if you do not constantly work to repress the outbursts of concupiscence. If you do not tirelessly apply yourself to taming it, it will carry you from disorder to disorder, it will …More
Tom Morelli

Afterlife: Written Only In Heaven

176. To evangelize and help others

Paul is right: “The kindness of God would lead you to repentance.” Romans, chapter 2, verse 4 … To conversion. By and large, Paul invites us to patience, and to receive from people their kindness and …More
Paul is right:
“The kindness of God would lead you to repentance.” Romans, chapter 2, verse 4
… To conversion. By and large, Paul invites us to patience, and to receive from people their kindness and generosity. We discover God’s goodness in them. The goodness of God overcomes reluctance and attracts to conversion. The call that God sends us is related to his kindness.
He also talks to us about this:
“By the standard by which you judge another you condemn yourself, since you, the judge, do the very same things.” Romans, chapter 2, verse 1
It must be said that we tend to mix judgment about others with what is a constructive judgment.
Judging others about whom they are at first sight, without really knowing them, is a judgment. But, to observe the actions of another person in order to help, even if we have the same difficulty as this person, can still help.
We must not wait to be perfect to evangelize and help others. Otherwise, nothing would be possible for the world. The new American …More

The Summa of Theology of Saint Thomas Aquinas volume 1

QUESTION 48 — EVIL 1. Is evil a nature? 2. Is evil found in things? 3. Is good the subject of evil? 4. Does evil totally destroy good? 5. The division of evil by punishment and fault. 6. Is the reason …More
1. Is evil a nature?
2. Is evil found in things?
3. Is good the subject of evil?
4. Does evil totally destroy good?
5. The division of evil by punishment and fault.
6. Is the reason for evil realized more in the punishment, or in the fault?
Article 1 — Is evil a nature? Objections: 1.
It seems so. In fact, what we call a genus is a determinate nature. Now, evil is a genus, since Aristotle writes in the Categories that good and evil are not included in a genus, but are themselves genera in relation to other things. So evil is a nature. 2. Every specific difference is a given nature. Now evil is a specific difference in morality; for example, a bad habitus differs specifically from a good one, as liberality differs from avarice. 3 . Two contrary things have a common nature. Now good and evil are opposed as two opposites, and not as privation and possession, as the philosopher says, who proves it by the fact that between good and evil there is a middle, and that evil is …More

Slowly but Surely: Francis Has Begun Corrupting Poland

To the cheers of the oligarchs' media, Rev. Adam Świeżyński, 50, a Catholic priest, took part in an "ecumenical" ceremony to [pseudo] "bless" homosexual concubines in Warsaw, Poland, on 17 May. The …More
To the cheers of the oligarchs' media, Rev. Adam Świeżyński, 50, a Catholic priest, took part in an "ecumenical" ceremony to [pseudo] "bless" homosexual concubines in Warsaw, Poland, on 17 May.
The blasphemy took place in an Evangelical Reformed parish in Warsaw. The main actors were Michał Jabłoński, the preacher of the parish, and Halina Radacz, a preacher of the Evangelical Community of the Augsburg Confession.
Świeżyński stood at a table covered with a rainbow flag and "prayed". Already back in May, Świeżyński pseudo-blessed homosexual concubines during an official event in a Protestant parish in Warsaw, saying that he had "nothing to reproach himself for" because he gave the blasphemous blessing according to the norms of Francis' "Fiducia supplicans", although this text speaks, at least in theory, of "spontaneous blessings".
Świeżyński told (owned by Polish oligarch Michał M. Lisiecki) that he hoped Francis' "Fiducia Supplicans" would pave the way for similar blasphemies …More
YES…let there be no doubt or debate whatsoever: We are now at the diabolical point where, according to the powers that rule and reign in the Vatican,…More
YES…let there be no doubt or debate whatsoever: We are now at the diabolical point where, according to the powers that rule and reign in the Vatican, it is perfectly legal and valid and admirable for a Priest of Holy Mother Church — an Alter Christus — to stand at any time and in any place before other witnesses and in the presence of God Himself and pronounce the “blessing” and sanction of Christ and of the Church upon sodomy and sodomite unions, but it is illegal and invalid and a juridically punishable offense for that same Priest to offer the currently proscribed Latin Mass, the same Holy Sacrifice of the Mass that spiritually nourished multitudes of Saints, Martyrs and Doctors of the Church for centuries. You can love, embrace and promote abomination, but must abjure, reject and denounce holiness. This is where we are in Holy Mother Church today. And yet, to our great shame, the vast, overwhelming majority of the Church’s 5,000 Bishops throughout the entire world remain silent …More
Father Karl A Claver
A small morsel of truth. Immediately before and after the Soviet control of Poland, most all priests wore cassocks., or religious habits. Now, thirty …More
A small morsel of truth. Immediately before and after the Soviet control of Poland, most all priests wore cassocks., or religious habits. Now, thirty years later, very few cassocks or religious habits are worn by priests.
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Trudeau Authorizes Hospitals To Use Drowning As ‘Cheap’ Euthanazia Method

In a disturbing new interview, Canadian psychologist Jordan Peterson spoke to combat veteran Kelsi Sheren, who detailed the …
Father Karl A Claver
He is worse than a rabid beast.

Gaza live: Verteidigungsminister: Israel will „andere Regierung“ in Gaza aufbauen - Sicht vom Hochblauen

Hamas, Israel urged to finalise truce deal Hamas und Israel drängen auf Abschluss eines Waffenstills…
Pierre Henri
REVEALED: Dr. Anthony Fauci confesses he 'made up' covid rules including 6 feet social distancing and masking kidsMore
REVEALED: Dr. Anthony Fauci confesses he 'made up' covid rules including 6 feet social distancing and masking kids

Fauci confesses social distancing and masking kids didn't stop covid

REVEALED: Dr. Anthony Fauci confesses he 'made up' covid rules including 6 feet social distancing and masking kids He also said that …
Strong and Steadfast
Daily Mail is full of pornographic ads. It should be blocked.
@Simon North @ Fr. Karl A Claver. So true. St. Bernadette when asked said that the only thing she feared was "bad Catholics."
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Harvey Millican

Got Your Trad Flag?

Check them out. I’ve had two of theirs for a while now. I went away to the Atlantic coast from Texas two weeks ago and left my “land” under the watchful emblems of both the Sacred …