Saint Rita & Roccaporena. SaintRitaShrine on Nov 19, 2015. The sanctuary, designed by the architect Oreste Della Piana di Alba, was built on the outskirts of the village. It was consecrated and opened …More
Saint Rita & Roccaporena.

SaintRitaShrine on Nov 19, 2015. The sanctuary, designed by the architect Oreste Della Piana di Alba, was built on the outskirts of the village. It was consecrated and opened to the public in 1948. Constructed in Romanesque style, it characterises the simplicity and poverty that portrayed the humble piety of the Saint. On the outside the building is covered in polished local stone; in the centre of the fountain in the courtyard there is a bronze statue of the Saint as a commoner - inaugurated on June 16th 1968, it is by the Roman sculptor Venanzo Crocetti, who chose to portray the Saint during her early years, in the bloom of maternity. This is expressed through the magnificence of the strength of the imagery, as in the sway of the folds of the dress over the bosom and stomach. A celestial vision appears to carry the woman, with her arms thrown open, off to the Augustine convent in Cascia. The inside of the sanctuary has a nave and two aisles, with the outer walls supporting the gallery. The flooring is made of porphyritic stone and the banisters and altar are made of precious marble. The apse area is covered with mosaics from designs by the architect Della Piana, executed by the painter Ermanno Politi of Turin and interpreted by the mosaicist Giordano Righini of the same city (1967). This unique work, is probably the best expression of modern art in the churches of the area, both for the conception of the work and for the tonality of the colours and the expression of the images; adapted perfectly to the style of the church, it does not disturb but rather enhances the surroundings. The Crucified Christ occupies a prime position; it is accompanied by the outline of the Holy Mother and Saint Rita struck by the thorn, with her arms crossed over her chest and gazing towards the Redeemer; in the background we see the Saints Agostino and Nicola da Tolentino; to the left of the Augustinian, the Saints John the Baptist and Montano. High above the cross, can be seen the Holy Spirit and the Eternal Father in the act of showing humanity the price of redemption. In the upper curve of the arch these words, written in gold, address Saint with roses and trailing grapes. On the altar, is a bronze tabernacle with the Risen Christ, the Emmaus Supper, Abel's Offering and the Wedding at Canaan. On the sidewalls of the room Rita: IUXTA CRUCEM RITA VULNERATA A CHRISTO DOMINO CORONATUR.

The walls of the presbytery are adorned are some full figures of (to the left) Saints Francis of Assisi and Clara, and (to the right), Saints Benedetto and Scolastica. On the left is written: SPINARUM ACULEOS EXPERTA RITA VICTRICEM CORONAM MERERIS / A MYSTICIS APIBUS DULCETUDINEM IN TUOS PROXIMOS RITA DOCERIS; and on the right: ROSARUM TUARUM ODORE ALLECTI AD TE RITA UNDIQUE CURRUNT FIDELES / A TE DISCANT OMNES QUOMODO CHRISTUM SANTESANTE SEQUANTUR.
In the small chapel, inside a silver container, rests the leather cloak worn by the Saint during the cold seasons.

In the stained glass windows we can see Saint Rita flanked by the Saints Agostino and Giacomo della Marca, by the Milanese painter Angela Panigali (1966); by the same artist, in the stained glass windows of the small chapel, we can see the Madonna between the Saints Benedetto and Vincenzo Pallotti, the native Saint George of Cascia.
For other information about The Opera of Saint Rita, visit
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Saint Rita & Roccaporena
Roccaporena is known to have existed since the Middle Ages: in 1381 Saint Rita of Cascia was born here. The scoglio di Santa Rita ("Rock of St. Rita") is traditionally believed to be the place where she prayed. Roccaporena is also the site of the saint's house, dating to the 14th century, with the adjoining Orto del Miracolo ("Miracle Orchard"), and the 13th-century church of San Montano, where …More
Roccaporena is known to have existed since the Middle Ages: in 1381 Saint Rita of Cascia was born here. The scoglio di Santa Rita ("Rock of St. Rita") is traditionally believed to be the place where she prayed. Roccaporena is also the site of the saint's house, dating to the 14th century, with the adjoining Orto del Miracolo ("Miracle Orchard"), and the 13th-century church of San Montano, where St. Rita married. One of the highlights of St Rita's house is a 17th-century painting by Luca Giordano.