
El Padrenuestro por los fallecidos en la tragedia de Galicia y todos sus familiares y amigos

This is the most profound and meaningful prayer/song ever written. The author is JESUS CHRIST, the SON of the only true and living GOD. Jesus taught his disciples to pray this prayer when he walked the earth over 2000 years ago. These words are inspired by the very mouth of GOD and are recorded in The BIBLE. So beautifully sung by Andrea.
Ivy - Johannesburg, South Africa.More
This is the most profound and meaningful prayer/song ever written. The author is JESUS CHRIST, the SON of the only true and living GOD. Jesus taught his disciples to pray this prayer when he walked the earth over 2000 years ago. These words are inspired by the very mouth of GOD and are recorded in The BIBLE. So beautifully sung by Andrea.

Ivy - Johannesburg, South Africa.