china-gezwungen-Abtreibung. china-gezwungen-AbtreibungMore
china-couple-speak-of-forced-abortion. china-couple-speak-of-forced-abortionMore
God Invited Newspaper Reporters To Prove His Existence. God Invited Newspaper Reporters To Prove His ExistenceMore
God Invited Newspaper Reporters To Prove His Existence.
God Invited Newspaper Reporters To Prove His Existence
The Loveliest Statue of Our Mother in the Country-Part I. The Loveliest Statue of Our Mother in the Country-Part IMore
The Loveliest Statue of Our Mother in the Country-Part I.
The Loveliest Statue of Our Mother in the Country-Part I
The Loveliest Statue of Our Mother in the Country-Part II. The Loveliest Statue of Our Mother in the Country-Part IIMore
The Loveliest Statue of Our Mother in the Country-Part II.
The Loveliest Statue of Our Mother in the Country-Part II
versuchen gnädig sein (nicht stolz sein) versuchen gnädig sein (nicht stolz sein)More
versuchen gnädig sein (nicht stolz sein)
versuchen gnädig sein (nicht stolz sein)
Dieses Video ist sehr gefährlich. Es strotz dogmatisch vor Häresien und macht sich über die Gerechtigkeit GOTTES lustig. Das sollte man auch bedenken …More
Dieses Video ist sehr gefährlich. Es strotz dogmatisch vor Häresien und macht sich über die Gerechtigkeit GOTTES lustig. Das sollte man auch bedenken, wenn man diesen kleinen Zeichentrick vllt. ganz lustig und amüsant finden mag. Ich hatte beim Militär früher einen Leutnat, der sagte immer: "Der Teufel ist ein Eichhörnchen". Das meint, denke ich, er zeigt sich oft:
1. im kleinen Unscheinbaren, wo ihn keiner vermutet,
2. in Dingen, die vllt. oberflächlich sogar als "herzig" oder "niedlich" angesehen werden.
Das ist oft seine Art zu täuschen und die Seelen zum Straucheln zu bringen. Darauf muß man in solchen Fällen immer wieder hinweisen, auch auf die Gefahr hin, als Miesepeter, Spaßverderber bzw. -bremse und ähnliches von einigen Zeitgenossen angesehen zu werden. Keine Späße in diese Richtung bitte! Übrigens ist die Aufassung von "Gnade" die hier vermittelt wird (man könnte es vllt. auch durch einge gewisse leider auch in kath. Kreisen gängige falsche Auffassung von "Barmherzigkeit" …More
90 lat ksiądz aresztowany w Notre Dame (za obronę życia) Wstyd Amerykę. (kraina wolności?? nie sądzę więc ...)More
90 lat ksiądz aresztowany w Notre Dame (za obronę życia) Wstyd Amerykę.
(kraina wolności?? nie sądzę więc ...)
snakee 14 Ale i kdybyste pro spravedlnost měli trpět, jste blahoslaveni. ‚Strach z nich ať vás neděsí ani nezviklá 15More
Ale i kdybyste pro spravedlnost měli trpět, jste blahoslaveni. ‚Strach z nich ať vás neděsí ani nezviklá
a Pán, Kristus, budiž svatý‘ ve vašich srdcích. Buďte vždy připraveni dát odpověď každému, kdo by vás vyslýchal o naději, kterou máte,
ale čiňte to s tichostí a s uctivostí. Když jste vystaveni pomluvám, zachovávejte si dobré svědomí, aby ti, kteří hanobí váš dobrý způsob života v Kristu, byli zahanbeni.
17 Je přece lépe, abyste trpěli za dobré jednání, bude-li to snad vůle Boží, než za zlé činy. 18 Vždyť i Kristus dal svůj život jednou provždy za hříchy, spravedlivý za nespravedlivé, aby nás přivedl k Bohu. Byl usmrcen v těle, ale obživen Duchem. 19 Tehdy také přišel vyhlásit zvěst duchům ve vězení, 20 kteří neuposlechli kdysi ve dnech Noemových. Tenkrát Boží shovívavost vyčkávala s trestem, pokud se stavěl koráb, v němž bylo z vody zachráněno jenom osm lidí. 21 To je předobraz křtu, který nyní zachraňuje vás. Nejde v něm zajisté o …More
es un mártir vivo de la fe ejemplo verdadero del Sacerdocio de Cristo
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Milagro Eucarístico lourdes 1999 + (vigilar cuidadosamente) Milagro Eucarístico lourdes 1999 + (vigilar cuidadosamente)More
Milagro Eucarístico lourdes 1999 + (vigilar cuidadosamente)
Milagro Eucarístico lourdes 1999 + (vigilar cuidadosamente)
Anemone shares this
Lourdes. ...More
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Cześć męczenników ... (bardzo piękne) Cześć męczenników ... (bardzo piękne)More
Cześć męczenników ... (bardzo piękne)
Cześć męczenników ... (bardzo piękne)
Olga Tjunin shares this
video. VideoMore
Když jsem slabý, tehdy jsem silný, protože to nezáleží na mně, ale na Bohu.
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Chinese Christians Get Bibles for the FIRST TIME - Powerful Reactions. Chinese Christians Get Bibles for the FIRST TIME - Powerful ReactionsMore
Chinese Christians Get Bibles for the FIRST TIME - Powerful Reactions.
Chinese Christians Get Bibles for the FIRST TIME - Powerful Reactions
The Keys of the Kingdom (Great MOVIE) Nominated for 4 Oscars & starring Gregory Peck as Father Francis Chisholm, this classic 1944 film makes a lasting impression as it traces the life of a noble man.…More
The Keys of the Kingdom (Great MOVIE)
Nominated for 4 Oscars & starring Gregory Peck as Father Francis Chisholm, this classic 1944 film makes a lasting impression as it traces the life of a noble man. Viewers cannot help but examine their own lives and compare their own characters to that of Father Chisholm. He demonstrates a faith that is intelligent, practical, humble and loving and in so doing, he reflects both the depth & strength of character which result from spiritual maturity in the life of one truly committed to Christ. That is effectively set against superficial religiosity through the character of Angus Mealey, his boyhood friend and eventual superior. The film does a fine job of showing what real Christianity is about, that above all, a life dedicated to Christ is a most winsome life. As Maria C. Arango at noted in her review, "You can see how living an ordinary life with love, you get an extraordinary life blessed by God."
Thanks for uploading this, though the film quality is poor, it is still nice to be able to view the film. I am not Catholic– I am Protestant, raised …More
Thanks for uploading this, though the film quality is poor, it is still nice to be able to view the film.
I am not Catholic– I am Protestant, raised Baptist, am a Born Again, now a member of the Church of the Nazarene denomination (very similar doctrine to Baptist), and I have always liked this film and appreciate the gracious interaction between Father Chisholm and the Protestant missionaries. It is possible to buy this film on Either as an video or on DVD. Please check out the links:…/B074TSRHNB…/B000FFJ83K
storminmommy shares this
father kino story. movieMore
father kino story.
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(FUNNY)who paid my bills???....the one i rejected.... who paid my bills???....the one i rejected....More
(FUNNY)who paid my bills???....the one i rejected....
who paid my bills???....the one i rejected....
hand in hand...(FUNNY AND WISE) hand in hand...(FUNNY AND WISE)More
hand in hand...(FUNNY AND WISE)
hand in hand...(FUNNY AND WISE)
Documentary on NDE Near Death Experiences by Dr. Rawlings. Documentary on NDE Near Death Experiences by Dr. RawlingsMore
Documentary on NDE Near Death Experiences by Dr. Rawlings.
Documentary on NDE Near Death Experiences by Dr. Rawlings
RESURRECTED MILLIONAIRE doesn't care about money! Heaven & Hell. RESURRECTED MILLIONAIRE doesn't care about money! Heaven & Hell.More
RESURRECTED MILLIONAIRE doesn't care about money! Heaven & Hell.
RESURRECTED MILLIONAIRE doesn't care about money! Heaven & Hell.
Medical Doctor has NEAR DEATH EXPERIENCE - to HELL and BACK. Medical Doctor has NEAR DEATH EXPERIENCE - to HELL and BACKMore
Medical Doctor has NEAR DEATH EXPERIENCE - to HELL and BACK.
Medical Doctor has NEAR DEATH EXPERIENCE - to HELL and BACK
Priest Has Near Death Experience And Almost Goes To Hell. Priest Has Near Death Experience And Almost Goes To HellMore
Priest Has Near Death Experience And Almost Goes To Hell.
Priest Has Near Death Experience And Almost Goes To Hell
On this topic, here is a critical analysis about NDE from a Christian point of view:…/the-near-death-…More
On this topic, here is a critical analysis about NDE from a Christian point of view:…/the-near-death-…
Such powerful teaching! Thank God and blessed Mother Mary! Grateful thanks to this priest/Father for his witness and warning to us!More
Such powerful teaching! Thank God and blessed Mother Mary!
Grateful thanks to this priest/Father for his witness and warning to us!
Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen - Wasting Your Life, Part 3 of 3 Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen - Wasting Your Life, Part 3 of 3More
Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen - Wasting Your Life, Part 3 of 3
Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen - Wasting Your Life, Part 3 of 3
Thank you & God Love you! 👏
Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen - Wasting Your Life, Part 2 of 3 Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen - Wasting Your Life, Part 2 of 3More
Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen - Wasting Your Life, Part 2 of 3
Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen - Wasting Your Life, Part 2 of 3