Must-See Photos of the Underground Catholic Church in China. It is estimated that there are 12 million Catholics in China, and soon there will be more practicing Christians in China than there are in …More
Must-See Photos of the Underground Catholic Church in China.

It is estimated that there are 12 million Catholics in China, and soon there will be more practicing Christians in China than there are in the United States.
Giuseppe chuen too
Pray for us!
photo by lvnan for magnumphotos
God bless these Chinese people!
These courageous Chinese Catholics risk life and limb to practice their faith while in most places in the world Catholics can't be bothered to attend mass once a week
Parts of Eastern Europe were not much better than this a few decades ago. We will return back there if the current trend continues.
"You by your poverty put us to shame"
the Pope to St Francis' feet in 'Brother Sun, Sister Moon'.
is it possible that one day ,in Europe ,North America and the rest of the World this will be the fate of truthfull Catholics ???????
thanks for posting