
Improper Musical Instrument Desacralize Liturgy - by Maestro Aurelio Porfiri

We do not live in a sacral culture today. Our culture is not imbued with the sacred.

The Israelites lived in very different circumstances. Psalm 150's invitation to play all musical instruments in the liturgy must be understood in this context.

This psalm is not an invitation to senseless joy. At the time of the psalm, all instruments were sacred. They aren't anymore. Today in fact the profane dominates the sacred.

Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira, a Brazilian Catholic thinker, writes: "To possess innocence involves having a first crystalline notion of the original perfection of everything."

We have lost this innocence. Therefore we cannot see what is behind things, including the dangers they hide.

Church music desacralized by the use of improper musical instruments desacralizes the liturgy. We can't afford this.

Picture: © LawrenceOP, CC BY-NC, #newsAkkvjxqyqa