
The Foetid Smoke of Abortion Satan Has Entered the Vatican

The gynaecologist Yvonne Gilli, the president of “Sexual Health Switzerland” a subsidiary of the abortion network Planned Parenthood, spoke in the Vatican during a conference about the end of life and euthanasia which took place from November 16 to 17. Gilli belongs to an extremist leftwing party.

“Sexual Health Switzerland” aggressively pushes on its webpage for murdering unborn babies. The Second Vatican Council called abortion an “abominable crime”.

The conference was invited by the controversial Pontifical Academy for Life. Another controversial speaker at the conference was the president of the pro-euthanasia Royal Dutch Medical Association, René Héman.

Picture: Yvonne Gilli, © Swiss Federal Assembly, Wikipedia, #newsFpempccfnf
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why there is so much interest in these people that are teaching contrary things ,to the Gospel in Vatican , are they going there to be converted ,or to convert ????
Malachi Martin stated that back in the 60's some prelates had dedicated the Vatican to Satan. Who can doubt it based on the evidence of what the Vatican officials currently do.
gleich und gleich gesellt sich gern - 🙄
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