
This Catholic educator just revealed how he’s betraying your kids to Satan’s version of sexuality

August 19, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) -- Do you remember watching the Disney film Pinocchio as a kid and hoping that someone might warn the naive puppet about thedeceit of the villainous fox and cat before it was too late? Or maybe you remember seeing Star Wars and hoping that someone would tip off Han Solo before thecharming, slick-talking Lando betrayed him directly to Darth Vader while seemingly offering him a safe haven. Or maybe you cheered when Gandalf finally got through to King Theoden in the Lord of the Rings before the evil Grima Wormtongue was able to betray the kingdom to the powers of darkness.

Everybody hates seeing the good guys betrayed. It’s even more true that everybody hates being betrayed themselves. Wouldn’t it be marvelous if someone could warn you ahead of the betrayal before it happens, point out the Judas, so you could stop him and perhaps save yourself and those you love from some great evil?

Catholic parents, listen up, because I’m about to warn you about a horrible betrayal that is happening right before your very eyes. It involves your kids and it’s happening right in your Catholic schools across the country and elsewhere.

Let’s start with this. You send your kids to Catholic school. On top of learning the basics of reading, writing, and arithmetic, you expect your kids to receive a genuine formation in the Catholic faith. You expect them to come away with a working knowledge of right and wrong and with a basic road map about how to get to heaven and to avoid hell. You expect that educators will help you in your God-given duty to guide your child along the straight and narrow. If you agree, read on.

Now, imagine if you sent your kids to school, and educators, instead of genuinely forming your kids in the Catholic faith, perverted your children in detestable ways? Imagine if educators told your kids that stealing was fine and killing others was OK as long as the circumstances permitted it? Imagine that if instead of being given a road map to heaven, the educators highlighted to your children the path that leads to hell? Lastly, imagine if educators purposefully excluded you from directing the kind of formation your child was receiving, so that you had no choice but to sit down and shut up when you wanted to raise concerns about what was happening?

Of course, you would not stand for it. The souls of your children are too precious. You would pull your kids away from those monsters and the institutions they run quicker than you can say "Bob’s your uncle." And you would be right in doing so. If you agree, read on.

What I’m about to tell you right now will shock many. You might feel compelled to deny that the colossal betrayal that I am about to describe to you is actually happening. Some of you might feel compelled to write me off as a fundamentalist or as part of a lunatic fringe (but don’t worry, labels don’t bother me too much). As a warning, you might even feel compelled, because of various social forces at work (that are actually part of the plot to betray) to see what I have called ‘the betrayal’ as something that you think is good and positive. Of course, if this is happening to you, then the enemy’s strategy is even more far reaching than I realized. If you think you may have been influenced by the enemy as you read this, please take a big breath, pray for illumination, open up your mind, and continue reading.

What I’m about to write is not fanciful theory or an unproved hypothesis. It is the sobering reality that is happening in the classrooms of our publicly funded Catholic schools across the nation. I will be honest in saying that what I’m about to expose is comparable to the tiny tip of the iceberg floating on the ocean while the main bulk of it lies hidden below the surface. The betrayal is larger than even what I’m about to reveal to you. So, here we go.

The Betrayal

Catholic parents, your children are being seduced in Catholic schools to accept a version of human sexuality that utterly opposes God’s plan for sexuality, marriage, and family, and that if not checked, has the power to corrupt your beautiful children physically and spiritually, even making them fit to become children of hell.

There, I’ve said it. Now breathe. Let me explain.

The people pushing this corrupted version of sexuality have painted a rather compelling picture of the goal they say they’re after. They want a society where everybody just happily gets along no matter what people are doing to one another in the sexual sphere. They’re after a sexual utopia where anything goes. They want inclusion, diversity, acceptance, and safe schools. But there’s one problem they’ve encountered. To get to this sexual utopia, they first have to stamp out every voice that has a version of sexuality that opposes the one they’re championing. See where this is going?

Let’s call these people gay activists. They push a pansexual version of sexuality where anybody is free to do whatever they want, however they want, and with whomever they want. They rather can’t stand Christians because Christians believe that sexuality comes from God with a pretty strict owner’s manual that must be pretty strictly followed if myriad human relationships are going to run the way God intended them to run.

The gay activists are dismayed that Catholics actually believe that there is a God-given purpose for sexuality, namely to create children and to strengthen the bond between the husband and wife. They are horrified that Christians hold that sexual intercourse is exclusively reserved for marriage and that its unchaste misuse is radically harmful to body, soul, and civilization. They block their ears and stomp their feet when Christians gently but firmly warn them of the spiritual and physical dangers of homosexual behaviors.

Now, gay activists know that unless they can convince kids about their version of sexuality, they will never be able to change the way millennia have thought about their practices and behaviors. And change they want so that everyone will accept what they do and thus give some legitimacy to it. So they very cleverly target schools where the nation’s children congregate. They have been very clever in how they have introduced their own version of sexuality, which is at odds with God’s version, into schools.

First they made everyone feel very sorry for the sexually confused children coming from broken homes and families, telling everyone that it was their job to make such children feel safe, accepted, and welcome. They manipulated statistics to show that such children have higher rates of depression and suicide due to — and get this — not their condition, but because they were bullied for being different. The gay activists then went on to convince people that the only way to stop the bullying and to end the suicides was to make everyone welcome and accept such children and to approve of their sexual inclinations and behaviors.

But even this was not enough for the gay activists, since some parents nevertheless told their children that God created marriage and marriage could only be between one man and one woman. The gay activists then reacted by pressuring governments to pass laws that forced schools to teach children to accept divergent forms of sexuality. The laws stated that children led by gay activists must be allowed to form “safe” clubs where the activists could more easily convince children about the behaviors and practices of homosexuals.

But even this was not enough for the gay activists. They saw to it that all-encompassing curriculums were introduced that made it seem to children that the world revolved around the “heroic” struggle of homosexuals to gain what they called equality and rights.

In the end, gay activists have infiltrated the Catholic school system and have rejigged morality, religion, science, and even math, to serve their purposes, which is the manipulation of your dear children to accept behaviors and practices contrary to God’s law.

‘Catholic Teachers Pave the Way for LGBTQ Inclusion’

All this came to a head in my mind after encountering an article by one of the activists, who says he is Catholic, on a blog that seeks to change sexual teaching in the Catholic Church.

As I was reading the article by Kevin Welbes Godin titled “In Ontario, Catholic Teachers Pave the Way for LGBTQ Inclusion,” I kept on thinking to myself that someone has to warn parents that they are being betrayed by sending their kids to Catholic schools and thinking that they are receiving a genuine Catholic education.

If you won’t listen to me, just listen to what Welbes Godin says. If anyone knows what’s going on in the Catholic school system on this topic, he does. He has even made presentations on sexuality at places like the Guelph Sexuality Conference in 2013. He’s quite an individual, winning a “teacher of the year” award in 2012.

Welbes Godin admits right off the bat in his article that he has worked at the homosexual organization Egale for four years as an “equity and diversity coordinator” as well as at the Ontario English Catholic Teachers’ Association (OECTA), where he’s helping the union to “better serve their LGBT students.” Wow, alarm bells should already be sounding. It’s like Lando admitting to Han that he’s really working for Darth Vader.

For those of you who don’t know, Egale pushes the acceptance of homosexuality among young people by creating homosexual curriculum, publishing very questionable surveys about the rates of discrimination in schools, and funding numerous projects that basically tell kids that it’s OK to be gay.

It gets worse. Welbes Godin lets us know that while the “slogging is still tough in Catholic schools, definite gains are being made for LGBTQ youth.” In other words, despite Catholic schools still holding onto the teaching that God created sexuality to function a certain way, and not in other ways, gay activists are making steady gains in pushing the overall acceptance of homosexuality by using the safe schools strategy (remember, they convince us that safe places must be created for sexually confused kids or else they will get depressed and commit suicide [too bad nobody wants to help the kids get over their confusion]).

Welbes Godin then boasts that Egale “has faithfully supported the training of Catholic teachers and has touted this service as ‘one of a kind’ in the world.” Yup, you read that right. Here’s another cat out of the bag moment. Catholic teachers aren’t being trained by Catholic bishops, priests, or institutions when it comes to the sexual sphere, but by a homosexual organization that holds positions outrightly contrary to the Catholic Church.

Here’s a Grima Wormtongue moment. Welbes Godin then goes on to say that he expects “our Catholic hierarchy to lead” when it comes to outing the “structural homo/bi/transphobia in schools.” Read that again if you didn’t get it. Our activist actually wants the bishops to become homosexual activists like himself so that they can basically tell children in schools that God made a huge mistake when he created humans as male and female and gave them to one another in marriage so that they might increase and multiply. For Welbes Godin, bishops have to throw out the outdated morality and come up to speed with the progressive times. You get the picture, Wormtongue whispering poisoned words in the ear of the King.

Welbes Godin really reveals himself when he wonders if the “episcopal gents” have not joined him in gay activism because they are governed by “stubborn, rigid language and rules.” Yes, Welbes Godin ultimately shows whose side he is on here. The Catholic Church’s beautiful teachings on love, marriage, family, and sexuality — as encountered, for instance in John Paul II’s Theology of the Body — amount in the mind of this activist to “rigid language and rules” that must be done away with to make our schools more “safe.”

Please keep reading, it gets worse. Welbes Godin goes on to state: “Catholic teachers have recognized the ‘signs of the times’ and are acting accordingly, and quickly, to support the dignity and well-being of LGBTQ students.” Did you catch that? Read it again and let it sink in. It is teachers, not parents, who have taken upon themselves the initiative to promote homosexuality within the classroom.

If you are like me, then you should be outraged by this. Parents are not demanding that their Catholic children learn that male-on-male sexual activity is a so-called “authentic” form of sexual expression. No parent is demanding that children learn that it is okay to switch genders if they happen to be born in the “wrong body.” No Catholic parent would ever want their children exposed to the sea of filth that is being taught in the name of "inclusive" sex-ed. Parents don’t want this. The push to form your children in this insane form of sexuality is coming from the teachers, the professionals, the so-called “experts” – you know, the ones who apparently know better than you, the parent, what is right for your kids.

As a Catholic parent, I'll tell you want I do want. I want my children to learn the four Biblical sins that cry out to heaven for vengeance, learning that among the sins of murder (Gn 4:10), oppression of the poor (Ex 2:23), and defrauding workers of their just wages (James 5:4) is the sin of sodomy or homosexual activity (Gn 18:20-21). I want them to learn that because of its respect for the natural and moral order established by the Divine Creator, the Catholic Church teaches (as stated in the Catechism) that homosexual acts are “intrinsically disordered” since they are “contrary to the natural law” in that they “close the sexual act to the gift of life.” I want them to learn that the Church established by Christ holds that the homosexual inclination is itself “objectively disordered” (since God created the sexual urge to function between members of the opposite sex for the sake of procreation and union) while teaching at the same time that men and women who experience same-sex attraction must be “accepted with respect, compassion, and sensitivity” and that “every sign of unjust discrimination in their regard should be avoided.”

As a Catholic parent I would throw out the inclusive education programs that infest our schools and instead have curriculum written from the perspective of St. Peter Damian, an 11th century Italian Catholic reformer and a Doctor of the Church, who uncompromisingly preached the whole truth about God’s plan for sexuality and how terrible are the consequences, both temporal and eternal, to those who engage in what he called the “unnatural sexual practices” of homosexuality, masturbation, and contraception.

Following Scripture and the Tradition of the Church, Damian described homosexuality in his famous Book of Gomorrah as a “diabolical” corruption of God’s plan for sexuality between a man and a woman. It is a direct assault against God. He wrote that homosexuality must not only not be tolerated, but it must be condemned and stamped out, describing it as a “lethal wound festering in the very body of the holy Church.” I don’t think St. Peter Damian and Welbes Godin would get along.

St. Peter Damian might tell the distinguished educator, as the medieval saint wrote: “This vice [of same-sex activity] is the death of bodies, the destruction of souls, pollutes the flesh, extinguishes the light of the intellect, expels the Holy Spirit from the temple of the human heart, introduces the diabolical inciter of lust, throws into confusion, and removes the truth completely from the deceived mind…It opens up hell and closes the door of paradise…It cuts off a member of the Church and casts him into the voracious conflagration of raging Gehenna.”

Now, that’s what I call laying it down on the line. The saint would likely tell the educator and activist that his strategies are, in effect, betraying children over to Satan and his deceitful version of sexuality. I think the saint would become sick to see how homosexuality has been accepted and promoted in our Catholic schools through the slick strategies of the activists. He would cry tears of sorrow over the corruption happening to the children.

What Catholic parents do want is for our children to learn the Ten Commandments by heart. We want them to learn that God didn't make a mistake when he created humans as male and female and gave us male-and-female marriage to increase and multiply. We want them to learn self-mastery, to safeguard chastity with custody of the eyes and modesty of dress and behavior. We want them to be given the roadmap to heaven that was penned by God and handed to us via the Catholic Church instituted by Christ. Ultimately, we want them to flourish by following God’s ways, knowing that they will wither and die if they follow man’s.

This is probably my favorite line from the Welbes Godin piece. He boasts about how OECTA is standing in solidarity with LGBTQ members, mentioning that OECTA marches in Pride parades. I don’t know about you, but I’ve examined what happens at Pride parades and it’s nothing but a raunchy gathering of immodestly dressed individuals who think throwing their version of sexuality in your face will somehow make them more acceptable to you. It’s really the kind of celebration that belongs to Sodom and Gomorrah. And we all know what happened to those places. And besides, who really wants to be exposed to the group of old naked guys who show up annually at the parade proudly showing off their aging mechanics to anyone who wants to see them, including children? Seriously, God protect the children.

And do you know what is really chilling about this whole matter? It’s that no matter how much you kick and scream against the system you have put your kids into, the folks running the show will not even listen to you one little bit. Principals will laugh at you. Teachers will tell you to get with the program. Priests and bishops will largely ignore you. Homosexual activists might sue you. You will try your best to opt your kids out of the Health and Wellness classes where the Church’s sexual teachings are especially betrayed, but even if you manage to do it, your kids will still be exposed to the ideology in all other subject matters, including math and science (yes, it’s true).

You can do your best to proof text the system managers with the Bible, the Catechism, and encyclicals from various popes, all highlighting parental rights and God’s plan for marriage and sexuality: At best, they will simply smile at you politely, inwardly shaking their heads, while at worst they will call you a hater, a bigot, a homophobe.

The only power you might still be able to exercise at the end of the day is to eject your kids out of the system and school them yourself, but governments are even cracking down on this.

At the end of the day, there is a real battle being waged for your child’s soul. Instead of Catholic schools forming the next generation of Catholic soldiers to fight for the Kingdom of God in this world, they are spiritually neutering your children, pointing them in the direction of the cesspool, and giving them a push down the slippery slide that leads to darkness.

‘What must I do to inherit eternal life?’

There you have it. Catholic parents, you are being betrayed. Welbes Godin did a good job of making that clear. Unfortunately, this is only the tip of the iceberg. Below the surface lurks the bigger question of why Catholic leadership has allowed this to happen under their watch. There is no easy solution. The fox and the cat need to be exposed for the villains that they are. Darth Vader needs to be confronted and defeated. Grima Wormtongue needs to be sent packing. Is any of this easy to do? No. Must we do it? Yes. Our children’s eternal destinies are at stake. As parents, it is our primary responsibility and duty to see to it that the genuine faith is passed on to our children. If this report has moved you, please pray for the protection of your children and that God will reveal to you the best way in which you can protect them (I’ve included some helpful links below that highlight the deadly nature of the betrayal). I believe that God answers prayers, especially the prayer of parents for their children. Begin by asking God what you and your family must do to inherit eternal life. The question has been asked before. The answer might turn your world upside down, but if you follow through, your family, faith, and love of God will be stronger than ever.

Welbes Godin ended his piece this way: “Yes, the slogging still remains tough, but as Canadian singer Bruce Cockburn said, ‘nothing worth happening comes without some kind of fight.’ Continue on … there’s no turning back now.”

Contrary to Welbes Godin, I think it’s time to put a stop to the homosexual agenda in Catholic schools. It’s time to take back our schools for the sake of our children’s souls. And if we can’t take the schools back, we must leave them in droves and watch them crumble to dust as we seek other ways to educate our children in ways that won’t compromise our precious faith. Yes, it’s time to fight. Once the betrayal has been exposed, there can be no turning back.

Pete Baklinski has a B.A. in Liberal Arts and a Masters in Theology with a Specialization on Marriage and the Family (STM). He is married to Erin. Together they have six children.


Note: The following articles help paint the picture about what is happening to our children. The last item might give you some hope.

Lesbian: I use math class to teach young kids about homosexuality so I can ‘hide’ it from parents
Lesbian teacher: How I convince kids to accept gay ‘marriage’, starting at 4 years old
Catholic Student: Gay-straight alliances are NOT a safe place for me
OECTA votes to form working group to force greater acceptance of openly gay teachers in Catholic schools
The real agenda behind gay anti-bullying clubs in your school
In 2011, I attended Toronto Pride, but I couldn’t stomach showing you what I saw, until now
Heartbreaking photo: Young girl covers her eyes as nude men walk past during Gay Pride Parade
New ‘Credo for Catholic families’ affirms key Catholic teachings
WATCH: Bishop Schneider’s 12 steps to surviving as a Catholic family in a heretical wasteland
this is devastating, thanks for posting
OECTA votes to form working group to force greater acceptance of openly gay teachers in Catholic schools
TORONTO, March 18, 2015 (LifeSiteNews.com) -- The Ontario English Catholic Teachers’ Association (OECTA) passed a resolution at its mid-March AGM to form an LGBTQ working group “to be composed of at least 50 percent self-identifying LGBTQ members (where safely possible).”
The resolution was …More
OECTA votes to form working group to force greater acceptance of openly gay teachers in Catholic schools

TORONTO, March 18, 2015 (LifeSiteNews.com) -- The Ontario English Catholic Teachers’ Association (OECTA) passed a resolution at its mid-March AGM to form an LGBTQ working group “to be composed of at least 50 percent self-identifying LGBTQ members (where safely possible).”
The resolution was sponsored by the Human Rights Committee of the Toronto Secondary Unit (TSU), and according to “AGM proposed resolutions for TSU resolutions meeting,” available on TSU’s website, the rationale behind it was that “LGBTQ Catholic teachers are among the only Ontarians who can be fired, without just cause, because of their sexual orientation.”
These teachers “live and work with persistent and oppressive fear of exposure which forces them into the closet, erodes their confidence and self-esteem, and increases their isolation.” The document stated: “The formation of a working group dedicated to investigating and eradicating this last bastion of legalized discrimination is both timely and necessary.”
In a similar spirit, TSU’s Human Rights Committee hosted the province’s first gay-straight alliance gathering for “LGBTQ teachers and allies” in early February, according to the committee’s chair Kevin Welbes Godin.
“LGBTQ Catholic teachers remain a target for discrimination, reprisal and lack of work security because of institutional homo/bi/transphobia,” Welbes-Godin wrote in the February/March 2015 issue of TS*YOU, the TSU newsletter.
“With our own provincial premier being open and out, many of our own LGBTQ members continue to work in fear and conflict,” contended Welbes Godin, who noted that OECTA president James Ryan and TSU president Dave Szollosy attended the inaugural teachers’ GSA and promised “further work to protect some of OECTA’s most vulnerable members.”
OECTA’s special project coordinator for equity and inclusivity, Welbes Godin stated that Catholic LGBTQ teachers are limited “under a cloud of systematic oppression” and kept from being “healthy, contributing and faithful role models to their students, especially to those who self-identify as LGBTQ.”
TSU also proposed a resolution “to encourage involvement of local OECTA units in area Pride parades and related events,” wrote Welbes Godin.
Click "like" if you want to defend true marriage.
Evidently, AGM delegates voted against this one, but OECTA did not return calls from LifeSiteNews to confirm this by deadline. Nor was LifeSiteNews able to obtain by deadline a copy of the OECTA resolution on the LGBTQ working group as passed.
According to the article by Welbes Godin, who is also past chair of the Catholic Association of Religious and Family Life Educators of Ontario (CARFLEO), these two TSU resolutions “reflect a growing confidence in and commitment by our Catholic union to work for us and fully represent all members.”
Delegates at the March 14-16 AGM also elected Ann Hawkins as OECTA’s president.
Hawkins, who replaces James Ryan on July 1, 2015 for a two-year term, is a former elementary and secondary school teacher with the Dufferin-Peel Catholic Board, according to OECTA’s website. She is “passionate” about women’s issues and human rights, and will represent the union at the March 9-20 meeting of the UN Commission on the Status of Women in New York.
Hawkins also coordinated OECTA’s 2014 participation in Toronto’s Gay Pride Parade, as noted in an appreciative July 4 blogpost by current President James Ryan.
Lesbian: I use math class to teach young kids about homosexuality so I can ‘hide’ it from parents
TORONTO, April 24, 2015 (LifeSiteNews.com) -- A lesbian teacher ‘married’ to another woman revealed at a pro-gay teachers’ conference earlier this month how she teaches grade 4-5 students to accept homosexuality through what she called “social justice” math.
Alicia Gunn, an elementary public school …More
Lesbian: I use math class to teach young kids about homosexuality so I can ‘hide’ it from parents

TORONTO, April 24, 2015 (LifeSiteNews.com) -- A lesbian teacher ‘married’ to another woman revealed at a pro-gay teachers’ conference earlier this month how she teaches grade 4-5 students to accept homosexuality through what she called “social justice” math.
Alicia Gunn, an elementary public school teacher in Mississauga, Ontario, told attendees at the April 10 conference in Toronto’s City Hall that injecting LGBTQ issues into the classroom, especially in math, helps students as young as nine “disrupt the single story that many of our kids have about LGBTQ families.”
“Social justice math happens when students are solving problems using real, engaging, and meaningful numbers. Social justice issues happening in their school, community, or even globally become the context for the math that the students are doing,” she said.
The conference, hosted by the homosexual activist organization Jer’s Vision — now called the Canadian Centre for Gender and Sexual Diversity — focused on the implementation of Bill 13 in Ontario classrooms. Bill 13, called by critics the homosexual bill of rights, passed in June 2012, giving students the right to form pro-gay clubs in their school, including Catholic ones, using the name Gay-Straight Alliance.
When asked by one of the workshop attendees if she first asks parents’ permission before bringing homosexual issues up in class, Gunn responded that she does not, but she makes sure to teach her students about numerous social justice issues so that no parent can accuse her of focusing on homosexuality, which she said she likes to “hide” in her lessons.
“I find if you teach all the ‘isms,’ it kind of backs you,” she said. “If I teach all the isms, and sometimes I can hide it a little bit in the math, and what I mean is I can say, ‘I’m just teaching your kid about division. I’m so sorry that you, you know, feel that way,” she said, causing the room of educators to break into laughter.
LifeSiteNews attended the event and was asked at one point to stop filming, but captured the discussion on a back-up audio recorder.
Conversations about ‘gay stuff’
Gunn told attendees in her workshop, titled “Equity & Inclusion in Curriculum,” how she used the situation of students one day name-calling a young female student “lesbian” as a springboard to introduce the class into what she called “conversations” about “gay stuff.”
Gunn, who has received awards for her teaching methods and who is featured in a teacher resource put out by the government agency ServiceOntario, related how she first spoke with the female student, telling her that it was “OK to be gay.”
“And when I spoke to her about it, what she kept saying to me was, ‘Mrs. Gunn, I swear I’m not gay. I’m not gay,” Gunn told attendees. “And I kept saying back to her, ‘I don’t care if you’re gay. It should be OK to be gay.”
In an attempt to “give this girl her dignity back” Gunn made a presentation to the class of the lives of famous people who have identified as ‘gay,’ including basketball player Jason Collins, Welsh rugby player Gareth Thomas, and TV host Ellen DeGeneres.
“So, we came back to the carpet to talk about what do these people have in common. And [the students] were saying, ‘They’re awesome, they’re so cool, they’re famous. We’d love to meet them,’” Gunn told attendees.
Video from 2008 of Gunn teaching children about homosexuality:

Gunn then said when she broke the news to the students that all these people were gay, instead of them reacting positively as she had hoped, the students began to shout out “‘gross’ and ‘disgusting’ and ‘these people are sick.’”
At this point Gunn said she realized she would have to come up with a more creative way to get her students to think differently. That’s when she and a few like-minded teachers held a meeting to determine how they could weave the promotion of homosexuality into the curriculum, beginning with math.
Pink Triangles
Gunn showcased at the workshop her math lesson on triangles. She designed it around the pink triangle which the Nazis used in WWII concentration camps to identify sexual offenders including rapists, paedophiles, zoophiles, as well as homosexuals.

Student-made poster of beauty queen contestant ‘Jenna’ Talackova. Pete Baklinski / LifeSiteNews
“The pink triangle was a badge of shame that the Nazis made gay men wear during the holocaust. So what we did is take a look at all the different badges of shame that people would have been wearing,” she told attendees.
“Now mathematically where we were is looking at different types of triangles. So, looking at angle-inside measurements to be able to tell is it isosceles, is it equilateral, is it scalene. So, that was the math aspect. But more importantly was the [pro-homosexual] thinking that went into it.”
Related: Teacher reveals how he convinced his Catholic school board to go pro-LGBTQ
Following the pink triangle math lesson, Gunn related how she had her students create “badges of pride” to turn the narrative on its head, “because that’s what the pink triangle has become, it’s become a symbol of pride.”
She related how one student made a badge with a pink heart, writing, “The pink heart shows that I am proud of who I love. I chose the color pink to make the badge, because of the badges of shame the Nazis made pink to make gays feel bad about being gay. So, I use it to show that you can love whoever you want.”
Gunn said she was pleased with the students’ headway.
“Already I’m feeling that the story is being disrupted. The original story of gay people being gross and disgusting, slowly we’re getting there.”
“So, I keep going,” she told attendees.
‘Pretty and Proud’
Her next classroom project consisted of having the students research famous LGBTQ Canadians and the contributions they’ve made.

Sticky note LGBTQ project Pete Baklinski / LifeSiteNews
One such person the class focused on was ‘Jenna’ Talackova, a biological male who in 2012 successfully campaigned to participate in the Miss Universe Canada contest. Talackova, who underwent “gender reassignment” surgery at the age of 19, was originally barred from the contest because of a rule requiring the contestant to be a “naturally born woman.”
A poster-board display created by the students titled “Pretty and Proud” showing photos and magazine clippings of Talackova falsely claims he “won the pagent [sic]” when in fact he was one of the final 12 contestants.
Gunn said the students learned from the lesson that “you really need to stand up when things are wrong. You need to have a voice.”
‘Does it matter if someone’s LGBTQ?’
Gunn related how on another occasion, she wrote on the board, “Does it matter if someone’s LGBTQ?” asking her students to write their answer on a sticky note, which, when collected, were sorted into ‘Yes’ and ‘No.’
She told workshop attendees that the children’s answers showed the fruit of her work. “You’ve got to remember, these are grade 4-5 students and some of them really get it,” she said.
One student wrote, “No, it should not matter who you love, what gender you are, your race or sex, or what you look like.”
Another wrote: “I think it doesn’t matter if someone is LGBTQ, because they are just like us.”
Related: Lesbian teacher: How I convince kids to accept gay ‘marriage’, starting at 4-years-old
“And that’s what we’re after,” Gunn said. “We are the same.”

Pride Dolls the students play with and used as a fundraiser to support Russian LGBTQ people. Pete Baklinski / LifeSiteNews
Gunn related how she then used math to examine the rates of discrimination against people who identify as gay or lesbian from a chart put out by the homosexual organization Egale.
“What I had students do in groups is take a look at one of the graphs, and tell the class the story that the graph tells. What’s happening in our schools right now that makes it still matter if someone is LGBTQ,” she told attendees.
One group of students went on to examine a graph of those “feeling upset by homophobic comments” compared to those who do not.
“My one group was really upset by people not being upset,” Gunn related. “They were saying, ‘The fact that only 5.6% of non-LGBT kids care when they hear these things, that upsets me.’ One of my boys put up his hand and said, ‘I’m one of those people, and I’m extremely upset.’”
Gunn related how after one pro-LGBT lesson she asked her students what they were going to do to make a difference. On top of deciding to be “kind” to LGBTQ people, the students decided to run a fundraiser selling Pride Dolls to raise money for Russia's LGBT community by supporting the Gay and Lesbian International Sport Association (GLISA). Gunn praised the dolls to attendees as an asset to the classroom, saying how students loved to play with them. “They’re nesting dolls. The kids love taking them apart and playing with them,” she said.
One conference attendee asked Gunn what to do about parents who do not support the LGBTQ movement, mentioning how parents once told her not to involve their child in the pro-homosexual ‘Day of Pink.’
Gunn mocked the parents for failing to realize just how extensive are pro-LGBTQ issues in the classroom and curriculum.
“And it’s not one day a year,” she said. “If you don’t want to send your kid to school on the Day of Pink, that’s OK. But they’re going to get it all the days before. They would have got it in September, and they’re going to get it after. So, one day? We’re not about one day.”
Gunn’s workshop partner Hiren Mistry, Instructional Coordinator for Equity & Inclusive Education in the Peel District School Board, put it this way: “Equity is not an add-on, it is the foundation of everything.”
One more comment from KTOZ JAK BOG
ROME, May 27, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) – As the battle for the very soul of the family and all its members intensifies around the world with the push for sexual anarchy veiled as “education,” the undermining of what is truly masculine and feminine in the name of “gender rights,” and the destruction of marriage masquerading as “equality,” a spiritual leader who has suffered under the terror of a …More
ROME, May 27, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) – As the battle for the very soul of the family and all its members intensifies around the world with the push for sexual anarchy veiled as “education,” the undermining of what is truly masculine and feminine in the name of “gender rights,” and the destruction of marriage masquerading as “equality,” a spiritual leader who has suffered under the terror of a communist regime has laid out a survival plan for Catholic parents who find themselves in a secular, relativistic, and hostile environment but who simply want to raise their children to become future citizens of heaven.
Bishop Athanasius Schneider of Kazakhstan told LifeSiteNews in an exclusive interview earlier this month that Catholic parents must take seriously their “first duty” of raising their children in the faith if their children are to overcome the negative and even hostile influences that are pressing in from all sides and seeking to destroy.
In a wide-ranging interview that covered his experience as a Catholic boy growing up under communism, his thoughts on what it means to be a Catholic family today, his thoughts on education, bad parishes and dioceses run by agenda-driven priests and bishops, as well as his views on how faithful laity should address concerns about Pope Francis, the bishop laid out twelve steps that he said Catholic parents must take to safeguard their families and their children.
Bishop Schneider said that to survive in a heretical wasteland, Catholic parents must:
See persecution as a grace from God for becoming purified and strengthened, not simply as something negative.
Become rooted yourself in the Catholic faith through study of the Catechism.
Protect your family’s integrity above all else.
Catechize your children as your first duty.
Pray with your children daily, such as litanies and the Rosary.
Turn your home into a domestic church.
In the absence of a priest and Sunday Mass, make spiritual communion.
Withdraw your family from a parish spreading error and attend a faithful parish, even if you have to travel far.
Withdraw your children from school if they are encountering immoral danger in sex-ed.
If you cannot withdraw your children, establish a coalition of parents to fight for that right.
Fight for parental rights using available democratic tools.
Be prepared for persecution in protecting your children (see first point).
The bishop said that being a Catholic “family” in the truest sense of the word is the key to survival.
“From my experience of the time of the persecution, the vital importance is the family, the integrity of the family, and that both parents are deeply rooted in the faith. This is then transmitted to the children. I would like to say that the children have to receive the faith with the milk of the mother. And then the first task of the parents is to transmit to the children the purity, the beauty, the integrity of the Catholic faith in a simple manner.”

He said that parents need to rise up to the responsibility of creating an environment within the home where children can flourish spiritually.
“I think this is today the main task for families: To establish a culture of domestic churches,” he said.
If children are being poisoned outside the home, such as in school, through hedonistic and nihilistic sex-education programs, then parents have the “obligation” to withdraw their children.
“You cannot expose your children to an immoral danger. It is impossible. Catholic parents, in defending their children from this immorality, have to be even ready to suffer, yes, to suffer consequences,” Bishop Schneider said. If a country’s laws make it impossible for withdrawal, he added, then parents should band together and fight for the right using whatever democratic means are available.
If children are being poisoned from the pulpit, the same logic applies and parents must find a faithful parish, he said, calling unfaithful priests and bishops “traitors of the faith.”
“When pastors or members of the hierarchy contradict the teaching of Christ, the teaching of the perpetual Magisterium of the Church, of the Catechism, you have to withdraw your children from these churches, and not to go to them, even if you have to travel 100 km [to a faithful church].”
Bishop Schneider recounted how his parents were overjoyed to move to a location in the Soviet Union where there was a Catholic Church within 100 kilometers.
“I think that in the Western world, in the United States, you will find a Church maybe closer than 100 kilometers where there may be a good priest. So, avoid these churches [where error is preached]. [Such places] are destroying the faith of the people. These churches are destroying. We have to avoid them. [Such people] are traitors of the faith, even when they have the title of priest or bishop,” he said.
The bishop went on to give advice regarding how faithful Catholics, who love the Pope and do not wish to harm the papacy, might express themselves in raising concerns about Pope Francis.

John-Henry Westen interviewing Bishop Schneider, Rome, May 2016.
The Church is not run like a “dictatorship” where no one can “contradict the dictator,” he said, adding that the Holy Father is “our father” and Catholics must not be afraid to voice their cares and concerns to him over his governance of the Church.
He ended the interview offering LifeSiteNews and its supporters his blessing. “God bless you and continue your holy and very precious work for family and marriage and for the Gospel and the Church,” he said.

Bishop Athanasius Schneider’s interview with LifeSiteNews
LifeSiteNews: Catholic families today are experiencing a type of persecution. How did your family deal with persecution while living under a communist regime?
Bishop Athanasius Schneider: I would say that I had the privilege to live in a time of persecution of the faith and of the Church, because such persecution gives you a foundation for all your life. It is a grace. And therefore, in some way, I would not characterize the time of persecution always negatively. God uses these circumstances of persecution in several degrees for our [good], to purify our faith, to strengthen our faith. So, in this way, I would see the persecution [coming] from the modern society — as you [mentioned], against the family — also as a chance to be purified, to be strengthened.
From my experience of the time of the persecution, the vital importance is the family, the integrity of the family, and that both parents are deeply rooted in the faith. This is then transmitted to the children. I would like to say that the children have to receive the faith with the milk of the mother. And then the first task of the parents is to transmit to the children the purity, the beauty, the integrity of the Catholic faith in a simple manner.
First, I think that it is important that the mother or father themselves give the children in the family, in the house, the first catechism; not in the school or in the parish, but in the family. This does not exclude that there is still — in an additional way — the catechism in the parish, of course. But, first in the family. Secondly, that parents have to pray in their family with their children, daily. This was my experience. We prayed daily together. In the morning, and in the evening, but not so much, but at least we prayed together.
LifeSiteNews: How old were you when this happened?
Bishop Athanasius Schneider: I was about 12. It is very fresh in my memory. For example, when on Sundays, when there were no priests — we had sometimes some years when there were no priests because the priests were in the prisons — they came to us very secretly. I remember these secret visits of the priests. It was such a feast. But we had to be very quiet because it was all controlled by secret services. Therefore our parents said to us, ‘Be quiet, don't laugh, don't cry, don't shout.’
It was a very reverent situation when the priest came. First he made confession available to the people, all [of them], even sometimes all [throughout] the night. And then there was the Holy Mass so reverently [said]. It was really unforgettable. I remember these moments.
We lived in a society where atheism, under the Communist regime, was spread in the public life, in the schools. But thanks to [the fact] that we were rooted in the family, in prayer and in the Faith, this did not infect us. We even had a lesson in the school, for example, with the title, ‘Scientific atheism.’ Our parents, as we were children, said it to us, ‘You hear these words in one ear and it should go out the other ear. Don't be attentive to this.’ And so, we obeyed our parents. Sometimes we had to be prudent not to make a provocation, to be prudent.
I think this is today the main task for families: To establish a culture of domestic churches.
The other aspect that my parents taught us children [is that outside the home, people] would know that we are Christians. [My parents would say,] ‘They know. And therefore, you have to behave yourself better than those who are unbelievers.’ Today we have to educate our children and the young people with this aspect.
LifeSiteNews: How did your family deal with not being able to attend Sunday mass?
Bishop Athanasius Schneider: On Sundays, we gathered in the room, we knelt down — parents and we four children — and we prayed simple prayers such as the Rosary, litanies, and we made spiritual communion. And I am sure Our Lord visited our souls with the graces of Holy Communion.
LifeSiteNews: You mentioned the role of parents in educating their children. This is an important issue for parents in the West due to the onslaught of sex education in schools which is imposed upon children, whether parents like it or not. How should parents respond?
Bishop Athanasius Schneider: Of course, [education] is the first duty of parents. When their children are taught in the school in an immoral way, they have to withdraw the children. This is their obligation. You cannot expose your children to an immoral danger. It is impossible. Catholic parents, in defending their children from this immorality, have to be even ready to suffer, yes, to suffer consequences.
LifeSiteNews: What should parents do in countries where it is illegal for them to withdraw their children from school?
Bishop Athanasius Schneider: This is a very delicate issue, but in this case the Catholic parents have to form a kind of league, an association — nationwide — [so that they can] be strong. [They must] have lawyers and defend themselves with the means of a democracy. I think it important to establish a coalition of parents in this specific aspect of sexual education to [secure] the right to withdraw their children.
LifeSiteNews: What should Catholic parents do when they encounter a priest in a parish, or even a bishop, with an agenda to advance teaching contrary to the faith?
Bishop Athanasius Schneider: The parents have to know very well their Catholic faith. They have to study very well the catechism, because the catechism is unchangeable – that is, the truths [found within the catechism]. [They have to] study the catechism of their parents and grandparents, which is very simple and clear. This is the voice of Christ and of the Church of all times. [They must do this] to be rooted very firmly in the Catholic faith. Then, when pastors or members of the hierarchy contradict the teaching of Christ, the teaching of the perpetual Magisterium of the Church, of the Catechism, you have to withdraw your children from these churches, and not to go to them, even if you have to travel 100 km [to a faithful church].
When we lived in the Soviet Union — thanks be to God in another place, in Estonia — there we had a Catholic Church and a priest 100 km [away]. And our parents said, ‘Oh, we are so lucky. It is so close to us. In 100 km, a church! We lived in [our town] many years without a priest and without mass. Now we have [to go only] 100 km. What a happiness.’
I think that in the Western world, in the United States, you will find a Church maybe closer than 100 km where there may be a good priest. So, avoid these churches [where error is preached]. [Such places] are destroying the faith of the people. These churches are destroying. We have to avoid them. [Such people] are traitors of the faith, even when they have the title of priest or bishop.
LifeSiteNews: Should faithful Catholics, who love the pope and do not wish to harm the papacy, express themselves regarding concerns over statements made by Pope Francis that do not seem to line up with Catholic teaching. Or, would it be better for them to remain silent?
Bishop Athanasius Schneider: In the Church, we are not living in a dictatorship. In a dictatorship, we do not have the courage to contradict the dictator. But when, in the Church, we arrive at a situation where faithful priests and bishops are fearful to say anything, like in a dictatorship, this is not Church. This is not the Church of dialogue, of collegiality, of family. No. In a family, there has to be the possibility of exchange your [views].
And sometimes, good parents even allow their children, when they are growing, express themselves. Why not? A good father will accept when his elder son says, ‘Father, this is not so correct.’ Sometimes it happens.
And so, the Holy Father is our father. And when he says to these groups, ‘You must not speak all the time about these [things]’ you can say with all reverence, ‘Holy Father, this is an unjust accusation to us. We are unjustly accused. It is not the case that we speak every time, and all the time, about this. We don't speak on this all the time. We speak on the Gospel, we speak about family life, we speak about prayer. So, your judgment, it is unjust to us. Your accusation is unjust. And permit us, in some way, to defend ourselves, and hear our voice.’