Socci, il sospetto terrificante: complotto contro Cav e Ratzinger

Robert Spaemann e Josef Seifert, due filosofi cattolici, amici e collaboratori di Giovanni Paolo II e di Benedetto XVI, demoliscono l' Amoris laetitia (e il pensiero) di Bergoglio. Il cardinale Mueller definisce «eretica»
l' affermazione di «uno dei più stretti consiglieri» di Bergoglio.

Mentre il catto-conservatore americano George Weigel, che sta con Bergoglio, se la prende con Benedetto XVI perché è ancora «papa emerito», mentre - secondo lui - doveva tornare semplicemente vescovo.
Sono fatti di questi giorni.

Nella Chiesa è in corso un terremoto. Ma per capirlo bisogna partire dagli antefatti.
Non era mai accaduto, in 2000 anni, che un papa iniziasse il suo pontificato dicendo: «Pregate per me perché io non fugga per paura davanti ai lupi».
Per un curioso caso proprio quel papa, senza alcun grosso motivo dichiarato, poi «rinuncia» al ministero (il diritto canonico lo ammette, ma per gravissimi motivi).
Tuttavia decide - primo nella storia - di essere «papa emerito», dicendo nel suo ultimo discorso: «La mia decisione di rinunciare all'esercizio attivo del ministero, non revoca questo».

Fu vera rinuncia? Nel febbraio del 2014 pubblicai su Libero un' inchiesta su questa domanda e sulle cause di quella vicenda misteriosa, anche perché era evidente che Ratzinger non aveva problemi di salute.
Un vaticanista andò a disturbarlo. E alla domanda sul perché era rimasto papa emerito (invece di tornare vescovo), si sentì rispondere: «Il mantenimento dell' abito bianco e del nome Benedetto è una cosa semplicemente pratica. Nel momento della rinuncia non c' erano a disposizione altri vestiti».

La veste misteriosa - Una raffinata e ironica elusione della domanda: come si poteva credere che, invece di tornare vescovo (come di prassi), Benedetto fosse rimasto papa per motivi sartoriali? In tutto il Vaticano non c' era una tonaca nera? Una tale risposta faceva capire che, in quel momento, il papa non poteva ancora parlare e c' era un mistero. Solo ora, dopo tre anni, i veli finalmente si stanno squarciando.

Il 21 maggio scorso infatti mons. Georg Gaenswein, segretario di Ratzinger, ha tenuto un' esplosiva conferenza dove ha ribaltato la «tesi sartoriale», rivelando che dal 2013 c' è un «ministero (petrino) allargato. Per questo Benedetto XVI non ha rinunciato né al suo nome, né alla talare bianca. Per questo l' appellativo corretto con il quale rivolgerglisi ancora oggi è "Santità". Egli non ha abbandonato l' ufficio di Pietro, egli ha invece rinnovato quest' ufficio». Inoltre siamo in «una sorta di stato d' eccezione» e quello di Benedetto è un «pontificato d' eccezione».

Il fulmine di quel giorno su San Pietro? «Di rado il cosmo ha accompagnato in modo più drammatico una svolta storica». Gaenswein ha pure spiegato che Benedetto non si è dimesso per la vicenda Vatileaks: «Quello scandalo era troppo piccolo per una cosa del genere e tanto piú grande il ben ponderato passo di millenaria portata storica che Benedetto XVI ha compiuto». Dunque tutt' altro che un banale andare in pensione con la veste bianca perché era nell' armadio. Oggi si scopre che si tratta di un «passo di millenaria portata storica» in cui Benedetto «non ha affatto abbandonato questo ministero».
Il terremoto in corso nella Chiesa ruota attorno a questi eventi. Ma va letto all' interno di un complicato scontro geopolitico e ideologico planetario.
In esso c' è anche la chiave per capire i fatti politici degli ultimi anni: l' egemonia tedesca della Ue che ha terremotato la nostra economia; la defenestrazione di Berlusconi del 2011 e l' arrivo di Monti e Renzi; la criminalizzazione e l' isolamento di Putin; il tumulto per la Brexit (forse pure il crollo del prezzo del petrolio).

L'alleanza proibita - I contorni di questa guerra non convenzionale emergono ora grazie al tramonto di Obama, all' irrompere dei cosiddetti «populismi» che in Europa sono nati per reazione alla Ue tecnocratica (tedesca) e grazie al terremoto rappresentato dal successo di Trump, un corpo estraneo per la Casta americana, fatta di Democratici, di Wall Street e (alcuni) Repubblicani.

In sintesi l' obiettivo strategico della Casta americana - rappresentata da Obama e dalla Clinton - è impedire che si saldi la storica alleanza fra Europa e Russia che farebbe la fortuna di entrambe: la prima ha un' enorme potenza tecnologica e industriale, la seconda è un immenso scrigno di risorse naturali.
Una tale alleanza euro-asiatica, di 800 milioni di persone unite da una storia che affonda le sue radici nel cristianesimo (fortemente riscoperto nella Russia di Putin), diventerebbe inevitabilmente interlocutrice della Cina (il più grande mercato del pianeta) e produrrebbe di fatto un mondo multipolare.
Gli Usa hanno cercato di far saltare questa prospettiva anzitutto destabilizzando alcuni paesi ex sovietici, in particolare l' Ucraina, sostenendo lì regimi antirussi. Poi costringendo l' Europa a imporre sanzioni economiche alla Russia per isolare Putin (sanzioni che all' Italia costano tantissimo). Infine cercando addirittura di allargare la Nato fino ai Paesi baltici, con strategie aggressive e provocatorie (come le esercitazioni militari Anaconda 2016 di questi giorni). Lo scopo è creare un corridoio che dall' Europa occidentale arriva fino all' Asia (l' Ucraina è fondamentale).
Questa strategia americana presuppone però un' Europa unificata sotto la Germania, come tecnocrazia, e sotto un' ideologia «liberal» (ovvero laicista), per isolare Putin. Per conseguire tale obiettivo dovevano essere spazzati via i soggetti estranei a questo progetto. Per esempio - in Italia - quel Berlusconi che prendeva le distanze dalla tecnocrazia Ue e propagandava l' amicizia e l' alleanza con Putin. Silurato.

Ieri il «populista» Nigel Farage ha fatto la «vera storia d' Europa» di questi anni in una mirabolante intervista al Corriere della Sera dove spiega come siamo diventati «una colonia tedesca».
Ma uno degli intoppi per questo progetto era rappresentato anche dalla Chiesa di Benedetto XVI. Paradossalmente il papa tedesco era un ostacolo per una Ue a guida tedesca, sotto l' egemonia «liberal» obamiana.
Fu prospettato a Benedetto XVI di accettare una «riunificazione ecumenica» con i protestanti del Nord Europa e del Nord America per dar vita a una sorta di «religione comune dell' Occidente».
Per la Chiesa Cattolica significava sciogliersi nel minestrone del pensiero unico «politically correct». Diventando un irrilevante museo folk in un' Europa «multiculturale». A questa «dittatura del relativismo» Benedetto XVI disse no. Rispose: finché ci sono io non accadrà. Il «caso» volle che dopo un po' sentì venir meno il vigore e fu costretto a rinunciare all'«esercizio attivo» del ministero petrino (rinuncia a metà?).
Dentro la Chiesa - ha spiegato Gaenswein - era in corso un «drammatico scontro» fra la fazione progressista e quanti seguivano Ratzinger nella sua lotta contro «la dittatura del relativismo». I progressisti persero al Conclave del 2005, ma, dopo la rinuncia, vinsero nel 2013.

Religione imperiale - Ora papa Bergoglio ha fatto sua l' Agenda Obama. Il 18 maggio, a Washington, al Catholic-Evangelical Leadership Summit, Obama ha affermato che le chiese devono lasciar perdere i «temi divisivi» come aborto e matrimoni gay e dedicarsi al problema della povertà.
L' Impero vuole una Chiesa «assistente sociale» che consola i perdenti nell' ospedale da campo dei poteri forti, ma non disturba i manovratori.
La candidata Hillary Clinton un anno fa, a un convegno di femministe abortiste, ha addirittura affermato: «I codici culturali profondamente radicati, le credenze religiose e i pregiudizi strutturali devono essere modificati».
Le chiese dunque devono arrendersi al laicismo «liberal» dell' Impero. Di fatto Bergoglio ha abbandonato i «principi non negoziabili». E ora lui, da sempre in ottimi rapporti con i protestanti americani, si prepara al viaggio del 31 ottobre in Svezia per celebrare Lutero e «ricucire» a 500 anni esatti dallo scisma. Prove di nuova religione imperiale?
Antonio Socci…/antonio-socci-c…
Francesco I e un altro utente si collegano a questo post
Gloria Dio Padre
E' gia' dagli anni 70 che hanno iniziato a trasfomare la Sacra Scrittura. Ecco perche' ho preso LA SACRA BIBBIA DI RICCIOTTI, ristampata in italiano 1740, quando ho fatto confronti con la mia di Gerusalemme forse di almeno 10 anni fa', mi sono sentita male, altro che cambiare uno jota, hanno trasformato tutto, tolto pezzi ed aggiunti, sinceramente non mi meraviglierei visto che non esiste il PUDORE …Altro
E' gia' dagli anni 70 che hanno iniziato a trasfomare la Sacra Scrittura. Ecco perche' ho preso LA SACRA BIBBIA DI RICCIOTTI, ristampata in italiano 1740, quando ho fatto confronti con la mia di Gerusalemme forse di almeno 10 anni fa', mi sono sentita male, altro che cambiare uno jota, hanno trasformato tutto, tolto pezzi ed aggiunti, sinceramente non mi meraviglierei visto che non esiste il PUDORE che forse toglieranno da wilkipedia (sempre che ci sia), che letteralmente la cambiassero per fare la volonta' satanica massonica ecumenica. Quindi un consilglio? Scorte di Bibbie meglio pre-conciliari, Catechismo di S. Pio X ed evitare letture anche Cattoliche-filosofiche intortanti, che sono studiate per plagiare la gente e portarla a dannazione, il piano satanico e' molto molto chiaro, oramai non si vergognano piu' e nascondono e omissis ha pure coperto la statua della Madonna per non offendere i fratelli protestanti eretici luterani. Abolite Messe da due anni dell'Assunta in Vaticano, e chi conosce il Monfort comprende al volo gli ultimi tempi. Penso che dobbiamo tenere come ORO la Sacra Scrittura Integrale, perche' le famose Messe nelle Catacombe le fanno gia' me l'ha detto da poco un Sacerdote Tradizionalista nord Milano, le fanno di nascosto nelle case.
Rino Loi
C'è solo da augurarsi l'unione di tutti i veri cristiani del mondo, europei, russi ed altri, per sconfiggere le grandi manipolazioni umane.
concordo con Socci! e prego!
Lionel L. Andrades
Pope Benedict changed 'the rule of faith' : lex credendi of the Traditional Latin Mass was suppressed
From the blog Musings of a Pertinacious Papist :
"Guest editorial: Fiat continuity and the case of Papa Ratzinger"
JM said...
David Young: The heretical ideas of Ratzinger are not one liners, but entire approaches.See James Larson. His diagnoses are awfully hard to protest.
Pope Benedict changed 'the rule of faith' : lex credendi of the Traditional Latin Mass was suppressed

From the blog Musings of a Pertinacious Papist :
"Guest editorial: Fiat continuity and the case of Papa Ratzinger"

JM said...

David Young: The heretical ideas of Ratzinger are not one liners, but entire approaches.See James Larson. His diagnoses are awfully hard to protest.


A Sobering Assessment - James Larson
If we think deeply about it, we must see that the prayer for the conversion of the Jews embodies many elements which are at the heart of what the Mass is all about. Its suppression would be entirely in keeping with Pope Benedict's statement in the Motu Proprio that the two forms of the Mass will enrich one another. This alteration in the Traditional Mass would be in accord with the rule of faith now governing the Church, but would amount to a suppression of the lex credendi of which the Traditional Mass is the expression...
The rule of faith has been changed. Since Pope Benedict replaced the traditional theology of Feeneyism ( there are no known exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus) with Cushingism ( there are known exceptions to the dogma.The baptism of desire is not hypothetical but an objective exception).So the lex credendi had been changed by him.

We must realize, above all else, that Pope Benedict XVI believes in the reforms of Vatican II...

the irreconcilable differences in the rules of faith and prayer. The fact is that unless Benedict XVI is fully converted to the traditional approach to the Catholic faith, we can reasonably expect the Mass to be altered and "essentialized."


Yes the Traditional Mass has been altered with a new rule of faith, a new lex credendi.This was done with Cushingism.Cushingism is based on an irrational premise. With the irrational premise a new theology was created.This is really modernism has James Larson rightly observes.Pope Benedict rejects the Syllabus of Errors.


If this is to happen, it might very likely start with the prayer for the conversion of the Jews. Such a prayer is in severe contradiction with sector #3 mentioned in the Pope's address to the Curia. In part, it states:

"In particular, [standing] before the recent crimes of the Nazi regime and, in general, with a retrospective look at a long and difficult history, it was necessary to evaluate and define in a new way the relationship between the Church and the faith of Israel."

Pope Benedict has made it abundantly clear that, according to his rule of faith, such a relationship does not involve conversion.


The Pope has made it clear that Jews do not need to convert in the present times. This contradicts the Bible.Pope Benedict has also made it clear that Jews do not need to convert formally into the Church since he has replaced the new old theology with irrational Cushingism.This is heresy.


In my exchange with Michael Davies in the pages of Christian Order, I made the following statement: "Would it not be the final irony if Satan was able to draw the 'elect' into a denial of the Catholic Faith through their attachment of the Mass?"


Today the FSSP offers the Traditional Mass with the new ecclesiology based on Cushingism.The SSPX also offers the Traditional Mass with confusion. They affirm the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus but theologically they also accept the baptism of desire etc as an exception to the dogma.

The Franciscans of the Immaculate cannot offer the Traditional Latin Mass since they affirm the old ecclesiology, like the SSPX, but they too, consider hypothetical cases as being exceptions to the dogma EENS.This is the stuff of the new theology.This is also Pope Benedict's understanding of faith.

So we have the denial of the Catholic Faith by the FSSP, the SSPX and the F.I and Pope Benedict.


Interestingly enough, some of those very people who just a short time ago were calling Cardinal Ratzinger a liar and deceiver over his "revelation" and interpretation of the Third Secret of Fatima, or were accusing him of promoting the heresy of indifferentism in his ecumenical statements concerning the Jewish "Covenant", are now "down in adoration" over Summorum Pontificum. And yet, we are still dealing with the same man who apparently possesses the same lex credendi – as seen to be operative in the Pope's Christmas, 2005 address to the curia, or as evidenced by images of a Pope praying in a Mosque in Turkey. And it is this same Pope who has laid down the principle that the Mass must conform to this rule of faith.


Correct! Both Pope Benedict and Pope Francis are liberal, they are Cushingites, they support the Rahner-Ratzinger New Theology.For Pope Francis too the Traditional Mass is 'ideological' if it accompanies the old ecclesiogy( Feeneyite).So the Traditional Latin Mass is now flourishing in the dioceses of liberal bishops, since it is accompanied with the new Cushingite theology. The Traditional Latin Mass now conforms to this new 'rule of faith'.Lex credendi has been changed though the liturgy is the same.



Triumph or Chaos - - James Larson

"Nonetheless, it is still true that the great legacy of the Council, which opened a new road, is a 'magna carta' of the Church's path, very essential and fundamental."

The first thing we should understand, consequently, is that this Pope is absolutely committed to Vatican II, and that he does not intend Summorum Pontificum as some sort of major historical turning point back towards tradition. Benedict XVI considers Vatican II to be the "great charter" for the Church's path into the future.


Pope Benedict did not realize that the second part of the Letter of the Holy Office 1949 made an objective error and this objective error is repeated in Vatican Council II. This objective error is the basis of the new theology, which he Rahner, Congar, Dupuis, Kung, Kasper and others supported at Vatican Council II.

There are superfluous passages in Vatican Council II which comes from the factual mistake made in 1949.It was an error to refer to the baptism of desire and being saved in invincible ignorance (LG 14, AG 7) since they were irrelevant to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus. They are also not exceptions to the Syllabus of Errors.Someone made a mistake at Vatican Council II !!

Similarly when UR 3 refers to those saved in imperfect communion with the Church this is a hypothetical case. There is no such known case.UR 3 cannot be considered an exception or relevant to the dogma EENS or the Syllabus of Errors. It should not have been mentioned in Vatican Council II. Someone made a mistake!

The mistake in principle, in Vatican Council II, is it indicates that hypothetical cases are not just hypothetical but that they are explicit. It then permits the inference of these explicit cases being exceptions to the dogma EENS.The Syllabus of Errors also becomes obsolete.


Secondly, the Pope offers us a solution for understanding and properly living out these "difficulties" which we have encountered on this "new road:"

"Along this road, we must grow with patience and we must now, in a new way, learn what it means to renounce triumphalism."


He has rejected the dogma EENs.In the Catechism of the Catholic Church,the liberal Cardinal Ratzinger who accepts Cushingism as a theology, calls EENS 'an aphorism'(CCC 846).


Triumphalism? It was a word that was fairly common when I converted 27 years ago, but I haven't heard it used for years. Why now? And what does the Pope mean when he says that we must learn "in a new way" what it means to renounce it?

We will start with a good definition of triumphalism. Fr. Hardon gives us one in his Modern Catholic Dictionary:

"Triumphalism: A term of reproach leveled at the Catholic Church for the claim that she has the fullness of divine revelation and the right to pass judgment on the personal and social obligations of humankind."

I would consider this a very good definition. What is more, it very much characterizes Catholic teaching and belief up to Vatican II.


'Catholic teaching and belief up to Vatican II', this was when Feeneyism as a general theology was still common in the Catholic Church.With Vatican Council II the error in the Letter of the Holy Office 1949 was made official and popular.


So now there are two triumphalisms that must be renounced: the triumphalism of the past, and any triumphalism of the future. This means that any hope which conservative Catholics might entertain for a "springtime of the Church," in which the Church would once again appear "triumphant" is doomed to failure. Remembering our definition of triumphalism to be the belief that the Catholic Church has the fullness of divine revelation and the right therefore to pass judgment on the personal and social obligations of humankind, this renunciation of all triumphalism in effect denies the Gospel itself.

It is into the eye of this holocaust of his own making that Benedict XVI has now inserted the Traditional Latin Mass. We may choose to be optimistic by believing that, according to the alleged principle lex orandi, lex credendi (condemned by Pope Pius XII), the Mass will work as some sort of miraculous leaven to change the rule of faith now dominant in the Church. Or, we may believe that Pope Benedict will apply his "rule of faith" (which is integrally tied to "essentialization"), and the Mass will be changed.


His rule of faith, which is based on Cushingism has been applied to the Mass in all rites.If we are aware of it we can neutralize the error.Use Feeneyism as a theology.The Novus Ordo Mass and the Traditional Latin Mass would then have the old ecclesiology, the 'triumphalistic ecclesiology'.


The Traditional Mass is the supreme act of Catholic Triumphalism. I am convinced that Satan, having failed to eliminate it, will now seek to corrupt it from within. This is the strategy which he has used so successfully against the Church, and it makes perfect sense that this is now his stratagem for that which is the source and summit of all that is holy within the Church and in the world.


Cushingism has been imposed upong the Church. It is supported by the Left within and outside the Church.Cardinal Ratzinger as Prefect of the Congregation of the Faith did not point out that Cushingism is based on a philosophical irrationality. He also did not tell Archbishop Lefebvre that he could accept Vatican Council II with the theology of Feeneyism.Then the Council would not be a break with the old ecclesiology, the triumphalistic ecclesiology. Instead the Vatican approved the excommunication of Archbishop Lefebvre who offered the Latin Mass with the old ecclesiology, the ideological ecclesiology.

-Lionel Andrades
Lionel L. Andrades
With these factual and objective mistakes in Vatican Council II any Catholic could be tempted to reject it and revert to the Council of Trent
When Pope Benedict cites Vatican Council II authoritatively we could remind ourself that there are factual mistakes in the Council text.So we are not obliged to accept these mistakes of the Council Fathers.
1.It was a mistake to assume …
With these factual and objective mistakes in Vatican Council II any Catholic could be tempted to reject it and revert to the Council of Trent

When Pope Benedict cites Vatican Council II authoritatively we could remind ourself that there are factual mistakes in the Council text.So we are not obliged to accept these mistakes of the Council Fathers.

1.It was a mistake to assume that the baptism of desire (BOD) and being saved in invincible ignorance(I.I) were physically explicit. They are not.Vatican Council II infers this( AG 7, LG 14).
2.It was a mistake to assume hypothetical cases are not hypothetical.Vatican Council II makes this mistake.
These are some of the mistakes in the text of Vatican Council II.
It is a mistake in Vatican Council II to have omitted directly and specifically mentioning the dogmaextra ecclesiam nulla salus(EENS), the Feeneyite interpretation.Since it was wrongly assumed that BOD and I.I are explicit and so are exceptions.

3.Aside from the mistakes in the text of Vatican Council II there are mistakes also in the interpretation of Vatican Council II.
It is a mistake in the interpretation of Vatican Council II to assume that the Syllabus of Errors is wrong or obsolete.1
The mistake is there because of the theology of Cushingism. So there emerge exceptions to the dogma extra ecclesiam nulla salus (EENS) and the old ecclesiology. This then would contradict the Syllabus of Errors.The conclusion would be Vatican Council II contradicts the Syllabus when the fault is there only with the theology.If Feeneyite EENS is not contradicted, the Syllabus is not contradicted.If Feeneyism is the theology then the Syllabus of Errors is not contradicted.
4.A mistake emerges in the interpretation of Vatican Council II, when Pope Benedict, does not affirm the old ecclesiology, the 'triumphalistic ecclesiology'.Since he does not state that Vatican Council II (AG 7, LG 14) states all need faith and baptism for salvation and 'the Church is the new people of God'(NA 4), Catholics are the new Chosen People, they are the Elect.Vatican Council II (AG 7, LG 14, NA 4) is saying outside the Church there is no salvation.It is affirming the 'triumphalistic ecclesiology', the old ecclesiology.This is the Vatican Council II that Pope Benedict does not seem aware of.

So with these objective and factual mistakes in the text of Vatican Council II and in its interpretation any Catholic could be tempted to reject Vatican Council II and fall back on the trusted Council of Trent.

I do not reject Vatican Council II since I interpret it completely with Feeneyism. The superflous reference to BOD and I.I for me , are references to what is implicit and invisible.So they cannot contradict EENS.
UR 3, NA 2, LG 8, LG 16 etc also refer to hypothetical cases for me.So they do not contradict the old ecclesiology based on Feeneyite EENS.(Note there is a Feeneyite EENS and a Cushingite EENS.The Cushingite EENS interprets the original EENS with BOD being explicit and being an exception.).

If this is not clear,it could still be asked what are the factual mistakes, why do you call them factual?
Why do I call them factual?
It is a fact of life that we do not know any one in the present times saved with the baptism of desire or in invincible ignorance, with or without the baptism of water in the Catholic Church.There is no such case. There cannot be any such case for us human beings.So these persons do not and cannot exist for us in 2016 or in the past.It is a fact of life that they these persons are not objective.
So why are these irrelevant cases mentioned in Vatican Council II?

They are mentioned in Vatican Council II since the Council Fathers considered them objective, explicit, existing in real life.This is a factual mistake.It is a fact of life that these cases are not objective.If someone is saved with the baptism of desire and without the baptism of water he would be in Heaven and we would not know about it.It cannot be a person physically visible.Also if someone on earth is to be saved without the baptism of water, no human being could know about it.
So this is the objective mistake in the text of Vatican Council II.

When it is known, when Catholics are aware of the factual error in Vatican Council II the religious communities, for example, can re-interpret the Council.

The Society of St. Pius X (SSPX) could continue to reject a Vatican Council II with the factual mistake due to the Cushingite theology.They can re-interpret and accept the Council with the Feeneyite theology.
They could ask the Vatican and especially Pope Benedict to do the same.

Similarly the Franciscans of the Immaculate or any of the thousands of religious communities, could announce that they accept Vatican Council II.They interpret it with the Feeneyite theology and reject the Cushingite influence. So they endorse Vatican Council II in harmony with the Syllabus of Errors and extra ecclesiam nulla salus, according to the 16th century missionaries.

-Lionel Andrades
Article 1: The War Against Being: Science and The Philosophy of Deceit

Science and the Philosophy of Deceit -Jamses Larson


June 22, 2016

Pope Benedict changed 'the rule of faith' : lex credendi of the Traditional Latin Mass was suppressed…/pope-benedict-c…
Francesco I