Boff: " Bergolio Permitted a Homosexual Couple to Adopt a Child"

You have reason to believe that Bergoglio is more liberal? Boff: Yes. For example, a few months ago he explicitly permitted a homosexual couple to adopt a child. He kept in touch with priests who were …More
You have reason to believe that Bergoglio is more liberal?
Boff: Yes. For example, a few months ago he explicitly permitted a homosexual couple to adopt a child. He kept in touch with priests who were expelled from the official church because they had gotten married. And no one could ever persuade him to change his position, which was: we have to be on the side of the poor, even if it means opposing the powerful.
What advice would you give to Pope Francis? What should he do first?
Boff: There are a lot of things in the Catholic Church that need to be fixed; she is in deplorable condition. Benedict XVI was primarily concerned with consolidating Vatican power; he governed with fundamentalist rigor, [he was] an angel of death in the church. The nearly eight years of his pontificate were even worse than my expectations, which were pretty bad already. The new Pope should work through the scandals, should encourage open, democratic discussion, without any taboos - about celibacy, contraception …More
Leonardo Boff is the famous former Franciscan priest who is one of the main names of the ideological movement known as “Liberation Theology.” He was the mentor of the closest friend, greatest electoral supporter and most influential Cardinal in the new pontificate, the Brazilian Claudio Hummes, also a Franciscan. His most influential book, “Church: Charism and Power”, was the object of a specific …More
Leonardo Boff is the famous former Franciscan priest who is one of the main names of the ideological movement known as “Liberation Theology.” He was the mentor of the closest friend, greatest electoral supporter and most influential Cardinal in the new pontificate, the Brazilian Claudio Hummes, also a Franciscan. His most influential book, “Church: Charism and Power”, was the object of a specific 1985 notification of the Congregation for the Doctrine for the Faith, which “was obliged to declare that the options of L. Boff analyzed here endanger the sound doctrine of the faith”.Excerpts provided in Spanish by Periodista Digital and published today:

“Pope Francis is more liberal than what is supposed”

The Brazilian former priest Leonardo Boff, one of the most preeminent representatives of the so-called Liberation Theology, believes that Pope Francis will surprise many by heading a radical move in the church.

“He now is the pope and he can do whatever he wants. Many will be surprised with what Francis will do. In order to do this, a rupture with traditions will be needed, to leave behind the corrupt Vatican curia to give way to a universal church,” Boff said in an interview published by German magazine Der Spiegel in its edition for the upcoming week.

Boff also says that, even though in many aspects – as those referring to contraceptives, celibacy, and homosexuality – Bergoglio followed a conservative line, as a cardinal, that was due solely to pressure from the Vatican, and maintains that there are elements that indicate that the new pope is much more liberal than that.

“A couple of months ago, for instance, he expressly approved that a homosexual couple adopt a child. He is in touch with priests who have been repudiated by the official church because they got married. And, most importantly, he did not let himself be separated from his conviction that we must be on the side of the poor, even if it means opposing the powerful. the former priest says.…/liberation-theo…