
“Crucified Cow” Inside A Catholic Church

A crucified cow has been erected in the Catholic Church St John Baptist in Borgloon, Belgium. It will be exposed until early December.

Last Sunday the Katholiek Forum prayed outside the church against the “satanic image”. Dozens of Catholics asked Hasselt bishop Patrick Hoogmartens to intervene.

Dries Goethals, the president of Katholiek Forum, thinks however that the bishop has “done nothing” against the blasphemy because he is “terrified by the media”.


GJA Taylor
If you are afraid of the media little bishop - then resign forthwith you useless idiot.
It's UNSPEAKABLE, UNFATHOMABLE blasphemy Dr. Reiss!!!!
Yes, I've signed it to...from LS News I do believe.
When people speak out in large numbers, bishops discover the courage to be bishops. Here is a petition to have the disgusting, blasphemous thing removed. Please sign it, share it.
this is going to far .offending God so much ,people have lost The fear and respect of our Creator
The Satanists are extreme in their hatred of the Christ and the bishop should be condemning them in the severest of terms. However, the term bishop has taken on the same meaning as timid. It won't go well for you at your particular judgement, dear bishop.
De Profundis
In once-Catholic Belgium. (If it seems Satanic, it probably is.)
@Dr Stuart Reiss, how do you feel about petitions like the one linked when it comes to blasphemy like this? There are some occasions that have surprised me where the outcry of every-day people has brought a quick change.