
“This Is a Calumny” – Neo Cardinal Disclaims

Cardinal elect, Bishop Toribio Ticona Porco, has emphatically denied having a wife and children.

In a letter published on the webpage of the Archdiocese of Cochabamba, Ticona explained that these rumours appeared already in 2011,

“If these accusations persist, I will not have any problem in starting a judicial complaint for slander against those who promote or propagate them.”

As it has become common in such cases, Ticona interprets the accusations as directed not against him but against the person of Pope Francis.

He adds that they come from sources “known for their hostility” against Francis [which sounds a bit like a red herring].

Picture: Toribio Ticona Porco, #newsZvipyuiewo
It is a child abuse of an entirely different kind if this bishop has fathered two children and outright denies their existence. It is a clerical abuse of a whole other type if this retired bishop is being elevated as a sign of promoting the poor and humble if he is denying the full reality of his circumstances. Pope Francis, it seems, made a mistake seeking to promote him before successfully shoving …More
It is a child abuse of an entirely different kind if this bishop has fathered two children and outright denies their existence. It is a clerical abuse of a whole other type if this retired bishop is being elevated as a sign of promoting the poor and humble if he is denying the full reality of his circumstances. Pope Francis, it seems, made a mistake seeking to promote him before successfully shoving down our throats married clergy.
DNA test, enough said...
Mgsr Bugnini, creator of the pretended 'New Mass' spluttered that very word when his already Masonic allegiance was fully recounted by Michael Davies. Jorge used that same word when speaking of his sodomite appointment Juan Barros. Probably means the claim is true.
Would Bishop Toribio Ticona Porco be willing to take a DNA test (together with his "offspring"), then the matter is quickly solved.