International N Y Times article, Dec. 8, 2017 " A Devil's Bargain"

It began with Donald Trump’s taunting of prisoners of war: “I like people who weren’t captured.” Then came his mocking of a disabled reporter; his suggestion that Judge Gonzalo Curiel wasn’t qualified to do his job on account of his being “Mexican”; his attacks on a Muslim Gold Star family; his flirtation with David Duke. By election night, the catalog of Mr. Trump’s insults was thick.
That first jab at P.O.W.s persuaded me, a staunch social conservative, that Mr. Trump wasn’t qualified for the office he sought. A loudmouth who denigrates war heroes, I knew, doesn’t belong in the White House.
Yet I watched with dismay as many evangelicals and social conservatives — people I consider allies — embraced him. How could they back a candidate who obviously didn’t care a whit for basic decency, let alone religious tradition?…/roy-moore-chris…